Skirpsi Bahasa Inggris: Teaching Countable Noun and Uncountable Noun

Book Description

This research entitled “Teaching countable noun and uncountable noun to the first year students of MTsS Terpadu Langsa.” It is aimed to know how the teaching process in teaching countable noun and uncountable noun in that school. The writer used two research methods in getting data to the research. They are library research and field research.

Countable/Uncountable Nouns

Book Description

Kata benda adalah suatu kata yang menunjukkan nama orang, nama tempat, atau nama suatu benda atau segala sesuatu yang dibendakan. Kata benda dalam bahasa Inggris disebut noun. Dalam buku ini dijelaskan bahwa terdapat beberapa jenis kata benda, yaitu benda hidup, benda mati, benda tampak, benda tidak tampak, benda yang dapat dihitung, dan benda yang tidak dapat dihitung. Tetapi sesuai dengan judulnya, “Countable – Uncountable Noun”, maka buku ini akan lebih fokus untuk membahas tentang benda yang dapat dihitung (countable noun) dan benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (uncountable noun).(Balai Pustaka)

Nouns In the English Language

Book Description

This Book Covers The Following Topics: (I). What are Nouns (II). Types of Nouns -- A. Proper Noun B. Common Noun C. Collective Noun D. Material Noun E. Abstract Noun F. Concrete Noun G. Compound Noun H-1. Countable Noun -- Singular Noun H-2. Countable Noun -- Plural Noun I. Uncountable or Mass Noun J. Possessive Noun (III-A). Countable & Uncountable Nouns - Categorization 1. always countable (both singular & plural) no uncountable 2. always uncountable no countable 3A. uncountable + countable (both singular & plural) 3B. uncountable + singular 4A. always singular no plural 4B. always plural no singular 5A. (a). uncountable (b). countable (both singular & plural) 5B. (a). countable (singular and plural) (b). singular 5C. (a). countable (singular and plural) (b). plural 5D. (a). countable (singular and plural) (b). singular (c) plural 5E. (a). always uncountable (b). always singular 5F. (a). always uncountable (b). always plural 6. (a). uncountable and countable (singular as well as plural) (b). countable (singular as well as plural) 7. (a). uncountable (b). uncountable + countable (singular as well as plural) 8A. (a). uncountable (b). countable (singular as well as plural) (c). uncountable + countable (singular as well as plural) 8B. (a). uncountable (b). countable (both singular and plural) (c). singular 8C. (a). uncountable (b). countable (both singular and plural) (c). plural 9A-1. countable: usually singular 9A-2. uncountable + usually singular 9A-3. (a). uncountable (b). usually singular 9A-4. (a). uncountable (b). usually plural 9A-5. (a). usually singular (b). countable (both singular and plural) 9B-1. countable: usually plural 9B-2. (a). usually plural (b). countable (both singular and plural) 9C. (a). always singular (b). always plural 9D. (a). 'usually singular' (b). 'usually plural' 9E. Miscellaneous Patterns 10. Additional Countable and Uncountable Nouns (III-B). Nouns with Singular/Plural Verbs -- 1. uncountable noun + singular/plural verb 2. singular noun + singular/plural verb 3. countable noun (in singular form) + singular/plural verb (III-C1). Formation of Plural Nouns -- (1). REGULAR PLURAL NOUNS (2). IRREGULAR PLURAL NOUNS- (A). "-y" is changed into "-ies" (B). "-f" and "-fe" is changed into "-ves" (C). "-is" is changed into "-es" (D). "-um" is changed into "-a" (E). "-us" is changed into "-i" (F). "-on/-ian" is changed into "-a" (G). "-ax" / "-ex" is changed into "-ices" (H1). Compound words without dashes (H2). Compound words with dashes (H3). Compound words with a verb (H4). Double Plural (I). "-a" is sometimes changed into "-ae" (J). Change of vowel(s) (J1). "-an" is changed into "-en" (J2). "-oo" is changed into "-ee" (J3). "-o" is changed into "-i" (J4). "-u" is changed into "-ux" (K). Irregular Nouns That Do Not Change When Made Plural (L). Irregular Nouns That Change Substantially (M). Other Irregular Plural Nouns (III-C2). Formation of Nouns from Other Parts of Speech C2-a. Formation of Nouns from Other Nouns C2-b. Formation of Nouns from Adjectives C2-c. Formation of Nouns from Verbs (IV). Nouns and Genders

Second Language Teaching & Learning

Book Description

Second Language Teaching and Learning is the first professional title to offer a practical introduction and the theoretical foundations of task-based language teaching.-- Provides comprehensive coverage of the topics typically addressed in methodology courses: (i) language, (ii) the learner, (iii) the learning process, and (iv) classroom teaching-- Includes illustrative scenarios and topics for discussion and writing-- Provides the pedagogical overview that ESL/EFL teachers need to teach successfully with Atlas, Go for it!, Listen In, and Speak Out.

Learners, Learning and Educational Activity

Book Description

Offers a new and creative approach to the psychology of learning. The central idea in the book is that learning in schools and other educational settings is best understood by paying attention to both individual learners and the educational contexts in which learning takes place.

English Grammar

Book Description

A thorough and precise account of all the major areas of English grammar.

Language Teaching Analysis

Book Description