Sleep Paralysis

Book Description

Experienced by millions as supernatural assault, isolated sleep paralysis (ISP) feels like being awake and aware in bed as someone - or something - holds you down. These sensations are sometimes accompanied by frightening and realistic hallucinations. In this book these encounters with ghosts, vampires - and even succubi - are honored afresh from the perspective of contemporary dream science. Although terrifying, ISP visions can also be a reliable portal to other extraordinary states, including lucid dreaming, out-of-body experiences and otherworldly journeys.

Sleep Paralysis

Book Description

Sleep Paralysis: Historical, Psychological, and Medical Perspectives offers the first comprehensive examination of sleep paralysis from both clinical and cultural perspectives. Dr. Brian Sharpless and Dr. Karl Doghramji provide a thorough and easily readable resource on the phenomenon and present differential diagnosis suggestions, medication guidance, and a new treatment approach for mental health professionals.

Sleep Paralysis

Book Description

Sleep Paralysis explores a distinctive form of nocturnal fright: the "night-mare," or incubus. In its original meaning a night-mare was the nocturnal visit of an evil being that threatened to press the life out of its victim. Today, it is known as sleep paralysis-a state of consciousness between sleep and wakefulness, when you are unable to move or speak and may experience vivid and often frightening hallucinations. Culture, history, and biology intersect to produce this terrifying sleep phenomenon. Although a relatively common experience across cultures, it is rarely recognized or understood in the contemporary United States. Shelley R. Adler's fifteen years of field and archival research focus on the ways in which night-mare attacks have been experienced and interpreted throughout history and across cultures and how, in a unique example of the effect of nocebo (placebo's evil twin), the combination of meaning and biology may result in sudden nocturnal death.

Sleep Paralysis

Book Description

Sleep paralysis is a state during waking up or falling asleep in which a person is aware but unable to move or speak. When we sleep, we fade from our physical body and our astral body leaves. Our astral body is our second body or spirit body. The state of sleep paralysis occurs when the physical body wakes up before the astral body has returned back to the physical body. What causes you to wake up could be several factors but one of the factors this book focuses on is the presence of entities. This book will give you detailed descriptions of common negative entities/spirits that cause this phenomenon and also teach you how to defend yourself against them to prevent it from happening in the future. If you have ever experienced the scary, painful, and terrifying state of sleep paralysis and seeing figures during this phenomenon that either attack you or taunt you, you will find clarity in this book on why this happens and how to stop it from happening to yourself or a loved one.

The Oxford Handbook of Spontaneous Thought

Book Description

Where do spontaneous thoughts come from? It may be surprising that the seemingly straightforward answers "from the mind" or "from the brain" are in fact an incredibly recent understanding of the origins of spontaneous thought. For nearly all of human history, our thoughts - especially the most sudden, insightful, and important - were almost universally ascribed to divine or other external sources. Only in the past few centuries have we truly taken responsibility for their own mental content, and finally localized thought to the central nervous system - laying the foundations for a protoscience of spontaneous thought. But enormous questions still loom: what, exactly, is spontaneous thought? Why does our brain engage in spontaneous forms of thinking, and when is this most likely to occur? And perhaps the question most interesting and accessible from a scientific perspective: how does the brain generate and evaluate its own spontaneous creations? Spontaneous thought includes our daytime fantasies and mind-wandering; the flashes of insight and inspiration familiar to the artist, scientist, and inventor; and the nighttime visions we call dreams. This Handbook brings together views from neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, phenomenology, history, education, contemplative traditions, and clinical practice to begin to address the ubiquitous but poorly understood mental phenomena that we collectively call 'spontaneous thought.' In studying such an abstruse and seemingly impractical subject, we should remember that our capacity for spontaneity, originality, and creativity defines us as a species - and as individuals. Spontaneous forms of thought enable us to transcend not only the here and now of perceptual experience, but also the bonds of our deliberately-controlled and goal-directed cognition; they allow the space for us to be other than who we are, and for our minds to think beyond the limitations of our current viewpoints and beliefs.

Afraid to Sleep

Book Description

From the bestselling author of Cops' True Stories of the Paranormal. Up to 50% of the population has experienced sleep paralysis. They wake up in their beds to discover they can't move, not a muscle, sometimes not even their eyes. If they manage to open their mouths to scream, nothing comes out. And for many of them, the terror doesn't end there-some see something in their bedroom darkness...something moving. A human-shaped shadow-sometimes more than one-blacker than the darkest places in their bedrooms, creeps away from a corner, out of a closet, through a doorway into the bedroom... to watch them... to move closer to them... to touch them. Doctors and sleep specialists explain that sleep paralysis is natural, and our brain creates frightening sights when the body can't move. But there are three things they haven't explained to those of us who have experienced it. In fact, they ignore the questions. Why do so many of us see the same things-the so-called shadow man, shadow animals, and other shadow-like entities? Why do so many of us see these things when we wake up, but we aren't experiencing sleep paralysis? Why do some of us see these things when we are awake in other parts of our homes? In other structures? In the nighttime streets? In forests? In graveyards? Some people call their petrifying experiences Night Screams. Loren W. Christensen, author of 60 books, takes an impartial look at this phenomenon that many observers say is increasing worldwide. To do so, he interviewed "experiencers" from every walk of life to learn what they see, hear, feel, and smell. What he found was disturbing.

The Terror That Comes in the Night

Book Description

David Hufford's work exploring the experiential basis for belief in the supernatural, focusing here on the so-called Old Hag experience, a psychologically disturbing event in which a victim claims to have encountered some form of malign entity while dreaming (or awake). Sufferers report feeling suffocated, held down by some "force," paralyzed, and extremely afraid. The experience is surprisingly common: the author estimates that approximately 15 percent of people undergo this event at some point in their lives. Various cultures have their own name for the phenomenon and have constructed their own mythology around it; the supernatural tenor of many Old Hag stories is unavoidable. Hufford, as a folklorist, is well-placed to investigate this puzzling occurrence.

Dark Intrusions

Book Description

Since his late teens, Louis Proud has suffered from chronic sleep paralysis and has undergone hundreds of such episodes, many of them terrifying but ultimately transformational and eye-opening. These experiences, he believes, allow access to the "spirit realm" and could well hold the key to a whole host of paranormal phenomena, including poltergeist disturbances, out-of-body-experiences, mediumship, spirit possession, and succubi and incubi encounters. Drawing on the work of Colin Wilson, Joe Fisher, Stan Gooch, Whitley Strieber, Robert Monroe, Dion Fortune, and a number of other paranormal experts, Proud lucidly demonstrates that many sleep paralysis experiences involve genuine contact and communication with incorporeal entities, some of them parasitic and potentially dangerous. In this comprehensive, open-minded exploration of the sleep paralysis phenomenon, filled with fascinating descriptions of his own experiences, as well as those of others, no stone is left unturned as Proud attempts to get to the bottom of the mystery.

Sleep Paralysis

Book Description

Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which people, either upon falling asleep or awakening, temporarily experience the inability to move, and it is often associated with terrifying sensations. Sleep paralysis is known by many names across the world including "Old Hag Syndrome" in the west. Some claims it is caused by "Shadow People," "Hat Man," or various evil spiritual beings like demons. Some but not all cases of "alien abductions" or incubus and succubus attacks (spiritual rape) can be chalked up to a severe sleep paralysis episode. The author of this book claims to know how to do something that most sleep scientists say is impossible: to stop sleep paralysis for good. Chris White has helped thousands of people stop sleep paralysis through his nonprofit websites and videos, and has conducted one of the largest surveys ever done on the subject. This book is intended to be an overview of what sleep paralysis is, what causes it, and a detailed explanation of how to stop it. It also contains many personal accounts from people who have stopped sleep paralysis using the methods described by the author. "What you showed me worked." - Jonathan S. "The experiences have now ceased." - Douglas J. "You cured my sleep paralysis." Mike B. "It has not returned to this day! Thank You." Joseph S.

Fiona’s handbook on Sleep Paralysis

Book Description

Most people have probably heard of some sleep disorders, such as nightmares, sleep walking, and insomnia. However there are many other sleep conditions that are not well known or widely discussed. Sleep Paralysis is one of those and it can affect people’s everyday lives. There are no clear statistics showing the percentage of the population who have Sleep Paralysis and there is even less information out there that can tell us why some people have this frightening problem. This book describes the symptoms of Sleep Paralysis, current and possible actions to prevent or stop it. The strategies described by the author are designed to be of support and to suggest new ideas to anyone who suffers from Sleep Paralysis, or knows someone else who does.