Slingers and Sling Bullets in the Roman Civil Wars of the Late Republic, 90-31 BC

Book Description

Slingers were an element in the Roman army over many centuries. Their activities are frequently reported in literary accounts of battles and sieges during the civil wars of the Late Republic. Sling bullets, in stone, clay and lead, have been found at many scenes of conflict. Lead bullets often bear brief inscriptions addressed to the recipients, naming military units, their commanders and centurions; others carry sexual insults. This is an ever-expanding body of ancient evidence. Yet some books on the Roman army scarcely mention slingers. This monograph seeks to redress the balance and draws attention to their role and effectiveness. It covers the period between the Social War of 90-89 BC and the close of the civil wars at the battle of Actium in 31 BC, encompassing the campaigns of Julius Caesar in Gaul between 58 and 50 BC, including his expeditions to Britain, the wars between Caesar and Pompey the Great (and his sons) in 49-45 BC, and between Caesar's heirs and successors in 44-31 BC, including Mark Antony and the future emperor Augustus.

Slingers and Sling Bullets in the Roman Civil Wars of the Late Republic, 90-31 BC

Book Description

Slingers were an element in the Roman army over many centuries, their activities frequently reported in literary accounts of the Late Republic. Despite an ever-expanding body of ancient evidence, some books on the Roman army scarcely mention slingers. This monograph seeks to redress the balance and draws attention to their role and effectiveness.

Alesia 52 BC

Book Description

52 BC is the key year of the Gallic Revolt, with the near-disastrous Roman defeat at Gergovia followed by the climactic victory over the Gallic chieftain Vercingetorix at Alesia. In 52, BC Caesar's continued strategy of annihilation had engendered a spirit of desperation, which detonated into a revolt of Gallic tribes under the leadership of the charismatic young Arvernian noble Vercingetorix. Major engagements were fought at Noviodunum, Avaricum, and Gergovia, with the last action being the most serious reverse that Caesar faced in the whole of the Gallic War. However, Vercingetorix soon realized that he was unable to match the Romans in pitched battle. Taking advantage of the tribesmen's superior knowledge of their home territory, Vercingetorix began a canny policy of small war and defensive manoeuvres, which gravely hampered Caesar's movements by cutting off his supplies. For Caesar it was to be a grim summertime – his whole Gallic enterprise faced disaster. In the event, by brilliant leadership, force of arms, and occasionally sheer luck, Caesar succeeded in stamping out the revolt in a long and brutal action culminating in the siege of Alesia. Vercingetorix finally surrendered and Alesia was to be the last significant resistance to the Roman will. Never again would a Gallic warlord independent of Rome hold sway over the Celts of Gaul.

The Roman Art of War

Book Description

The Roman army is recognised as one of the most effective fighting machines that the world has ever seen. However, the senior officer corps of the Roman army was essentially amateur, made up of aristocratic men pursuing political careers. What then was the secret of the Romans' success?Kate Gilliver provides the first comprehensive study of military theory - as well as practice - in the late Republic and early Empire. She draws not just on the ancient textbooks, but makes use of the other contemporary literary evidence and on the wealth of archaeological evidence for military activity.In five central chapters Dr Gilliver looks in detail at all aspects of the Roman army; at its organisation, the order of march, temporary encampments, pitched battles and siege warfare. These chapters reveal the army's very flexible organisation and skills, as well as it discipline.The book also contains a fine range of illustrations, an Appendix of all the key Roman military treatises and a full Glossary of key technical terms. The complete work will command a wide international readership, particularly among military historians, archaeologists and wargamers.

Pax and the Politics of Peace

Book Description

The concept of Roman peace (pax) did not just denote the absence of war but formed part of a much greater discourse on how Rome conceptualized herself. This volume explores its changing meaning from Republic to Principate, arguing that it is fundamental to understanding the shifting balance of power and the creation of the Roman Empire.

Of Arms and Men

Book Description

The appearance of the crossbow on the European battle field in A.D. 1100 as the weapon of choice for shooting down knights threatened the status quo of medieval chivalric fighting techniques. By 1139 the Church had intervened, outlawing the use of the crossbow among Christians. With this edict, arms control was born. As Robert L. O'Connell reveals in this vividly written history of weapons in Western culture, that first attempt at an arms control measure characterizes the complex and often paradoxical relationship between men and arms throughout the centuries. In a sweeping narrative that ranges from prehistoric times to the nuclear age, O'Connell demonstrates how social and economic conditions determine the types of weapons and the tactics used in warfare and how, in turn, innovations in weapons technology often undercut social values. He describes, for instance, how the invention of the gun required a redefinition of courage from aggressive ferocity to calmness under fire; and how the machine gun in World War I so overthrew traditional notions of combat that Lord Kitchener exclaimed, "This isn't war!" The technology unleashed during the Great War radically altered our perceptions of ourselves, as these new weapons made human qualities almost irrelevant in combat. With the invention of the atomic bomb, humanity itself became subservient to the weapons it had produced. Of Arms and Men brilliantly integrates the evolution of politics, weapons, strategy, and tactics into a coherent narrative, one spiced with striking portraits of men in combat and penetrating insights into why men go to war.

Carthaginian Warrior 264–146 BC

Book Description

The armies of Carthage were diverse, made up of men of various ethnic groups, military specializations, and even motivations. Whilst some were citizen soldiers fighting on behalf of their state, others were ruthless mercenaries who remained loyal only so long as they were paid. As the Punic Wars progressed and the merits of professional soldiers became appreciated, mercenaries became the backbone of Carthaginian armies. Backed up by detailed reference to historical sources, this book examines the life of a Carthaginian warrior, following his experiences from initial recruitment to final battle, and focusing on what he ate, the equipment he carried and the tactics he used on the battlefield. This in-depth analysis of warriors in daily life and battle is accompanied by archival photographs and vibrant illustrations from Steve Noon.

Cannae: The Experience of Battle in the Second Punic War

Book Description

On a hot and dusty summer's day in 216 BC, the forces of the Carthaginian general Hannibal faced the Roman army in a dramatic encounter at Cannae. Massively outnumbered, the Carthaginians nevertheless won an astonishing victory - one that left more than 50,000 men dead. Gregory Daly's enthralling study considers the reasons that led the two armies to the field of battle, and why each followed the course that they did when they got there. It explores in detail the composition of the armies, and the tactics and leadership methods of the opposing generals. Finally, by focusing on the experiences of those who fought, Daly gives an unparalleled portrait of the true horror and chaos of ancient warfare. This striking and vivid account is the fullest yet of the bloodiest battle in ancient history.

The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; Volume 7

Book Description

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