Structure Analysis by Small-Angle X-Ray and Neutron Scattering

Book Description

Small-angle scattering of X rays and neutrons is a widely used diffraction method for studying the structure of matter. This method of elastic scattering is used in various branches of science and technology, includ ing condensed matter physics, molecular biology and biophysics, polymer science, and metallurgy. Many small-angle scattering studies are of value for pure science and practical applications. It is well known that the most general and informative method for investigating the spatial structure of matter is based on wave-diffraction phenomena. In diffraction experiments a primary beam of radiation influences a studied object, and the scattering pattern is analyzed. In principle, this analysis allows one to obtain information on the structure of a substance with a spatial resolution determined by the wavelength of the radiation. Diffraction methods are used for studying matter on all scales, from elementary particles to macro-objects. The use of X rays, neutrons, and electron beams, with wavelengths of about 1 A, permits the study of the condensed state of matter, solids and liquids, down to atomic resolution. Determination of the atomic structure of crystals, i.e., the arrangement of atoms in a unit cell, is an important example of this line of investigation.

Small-Angle Scattering (Neutrons, X-Rays, Light) from Complex Systems

Book Description

This book addresses the basic physical phenomenon of small-angle scattering (SAS) of neutrons, x-rays or light from complex hierarchical nano- and micro-structures. The emphasis is on developing theoretical models for the material structure containing self-similar or fractal clusters. Within the suggested framework, key approaches for extracting structural information from experimental scattering data are investigated and presented in detail. The range of parameters which can be obtained pave the road towards a better understanding of the correlations between geometrical and various physical properties (electrical, magnetic, mechanical, optical, dynamical, transport etc.) in fractal nano- and micro-materials.

Soft-Matter Characterization

Book Description

This 2-volume set includes extensive discussions of scattering techniques (light, neutron and X-ray) and related fluctuation and grating techniques that are at the forefront of this field. Most of the scattering techniques are Fourier space techniques. Recent advances have seen the development of powerful direct imaging methods such as atomic force microscopy and scanning probe microscopy. In addition, techniques that can be used to manipulate soft matter on the nanometer scale are also in rapid development. These include the scanning probe microscopy technique mentioned above as well as optical and magnetic tweezers.

Small Angle X-Ray and Neutron Scattering from Solutions of Biological Macromolecules

Book Description

This book describes all aspects of the technique of small-angle scattering of X-rays and neutrons, including instrumentation, sample requirements, data interpretation and modelling methods, in a comprehensive way and gives examples of applications in various fields of biophysics and biochemistry.

X-Ray and Neutron Reflectivity: Principles and Applications

Book Description

The reflection of and neutrons from surfaces has existed as an x-rays exp- imental for almost it is in the last technique fifty Nevertheless, only years. decade that these methods have become as of enormously popular probes This the surfaces and interfaces. to be due to of several appears convergence of intense different circumstances. These include the more n- availability be measured orders tron and sources that can over (so reflectivity x-ray many of and the much weaker surface diffuse can now also be magnitude scattering of thin films and studied in some the detail); growing importance multil- basic the realization of the ers in both and technology research; important which in the of surfaces and and role roughness plays properties interfaces; the of statistical models to characterize the of finally development topology its and its characterization from on roughness, dependence growth processes The of and to surface scattering experiments. ability x-rays neutro4s study four five orders of in scale of surfaces over to magnitude length regardless their and also their to ability probe environment, temperature, pressure, etc. , makes these the choice for buried interfaces often probes preferred obtaining information about the microstructure of often in statistical a global surfaces, the local This is manner to complementary imaging microscopy techniques, of such studies in the literature witnessed the veritable by explosion published the last few Thus these lectures will useful for over a resource years.

Modern Aspects of Small-Angle Scattering

Book Description

Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Como, Italy, May 12--22, 1993

Magnetic Small-Angle Neutron Scattering

Book Description

Magnetic Small-Angle Neutron Scattering provides the first extensive treatment of magnetic small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). The theoretical background required to compute magnetic SANS cross sections and correlation functions related to long-wavelength magnetization structures is laidout. The concepts are scrutinized based on the discussion of experimental neutron data. Regarding prior background knowledge, some familiarity with the basic magnetic interactions and phenomena as well as scattering theory is desired.Besides exposing the different origins of magnetic SANS, and furnishing the basics of the magnetic SANS technique in early chapters, a large part of the book is devoted to a comprehensive treatment of the continuum theory of micromagnetics, as it is relevant for the study of the elastic magneticSANS cross section. Analytical expressions for the magnetization Fourier components allow to highlight the essential features of magnetic SANS and to analyze experimental data both in reciprocal, as well as in real space. Later chapters provide an overview on the magnetic SANS of nanoparticles andso-called complex systems (e.g., ferrofluids, magnetic steels, spin glasses and amorphous magnets). It is this subfield where major progress is expected to be made in the coming years, mainly via the increased usage of numerical micromagnetic simulations (Chapter 7), which is a very promisingapproach for the understanding of the magnetic SANS from systems exhibiting nanoscale spin inhomogeneity.