Small-scale Freshwater Toxicity Investigations

Book Description

This broad review is the first to gather comprehensive information on the complete contemporary range of toxicity testing procedures and hazard assessment procedures, which is normally scattered and difficult to find. The two-volume set provides a consistent, template-based approach, linking relevant information on background, theory and practice to each bioassay. Volume 1 covers small-scale toxicity test methods. Includes extensive glossary.

Small-scale Freshwater Toxicity Investigations

Book Description

This broad review is the first to gather comprehensive information on the complete contemporary range of toxicity testing procedures and hazard assessment procedures, which is normally scattered and difficult to find. The two-volume set provides a consistent, template-based approach, linking relevant information on background, theory and practice to each bioassay. Volume 2 examines hazard assessment schemes. Includes extensive glossary.

Small-scale Freshwater Toxicity Investigations: Toxicity test methods

Book Description

While toxicity testing procedures and hazard assessment approaches have been published in past decades, many are wanting in detail for users to fully understand or reproduce successfully. Small-scale Freshwater Toxicity Investigations (Volumes 1 and 2) responds to this need by providing comprehensive information on biological testing which is normally scattered and difficult to find. In Volume 2, 11 chapters on hazard assessment schemes are described in great detail by way of a homogeneous structure that all contributors had to follow. These comprehensive texts allow readers to know the different approaches/strategies, based on applying batteries of bioassays, that are being used internationally to assess the toxic potential of complex environmental media (e.g., effluents, sediments) impacted by chemical contamination stemming from human activities. Academia (students, professors), government (environmental managers, scientists, regulators) and consulting professionals (biologists, chemists, engineers) should find this volume of interest. For example, Volume 2 contents offer relevant knowledge on how to deal with (non)point source pollution issues exemplified by case studies taken from "real world situations", thereby enabling the right decisions to be taken to ensure protection of aquatic environments. Both Volumes 1 and 2 feature a broad review on toxicity testing applications, as well as a complete glossary of scientific/technical terms employed by editors/contributors in their respective chapters. In short, all groups directly or indirectly involved with the protection and conservation of freshwater environments will find Volume 2 appealing, as will those who simply wish to become familiar with the field of aquatic hazard assessment based on the use of bioassays.

Small-scale Freshwater Toxicity Investigations

Book Description

While toxicity testing procedures and hazard assessment approaches have been published in past decades, many are wanting in detail for users to fully understand or reproduce successfully. Small-scale Freshwater Toxicity Investigations (Volumes 1 and 2) responds to this need by providing comprehensive information on biological testing which is normally scattered and difficult to find. In Volume 1, 15 chapters on toxicity tests are described in great detail by way of a homogeneous structure that all contributors had to follow. These comprehensive texts allow readers to be informed of relevant information (background, theory, practice) linked to each bioassay. Hence, book contents can be used both for technology transfer purposes (e.g., classroom or workshop courses) and to undertake practical toxicity testing (e.g., in a private, public or university laboratory). In Volume 2, 11 chapters on hazard assessment schemes are described in great detail by way of a homogeneous structure that all contributors had to follow. These comprehensive texts allow readers to know the different approaches/strategies, based on applying batteries of bioassays, that are being used internationally to assess the toxic potential of complex environmental media (e.g., effluents, sediments) impacted by chemical contamination stemming from human activities.

Small-scale Freshwater Toxicity Investigations

Book Description

This broad review is the first to gather comprehensive information on the complete contemporary range of toxicity testing procedures and hazard assessment procedures, which is normally scattered and difficult to find. The two-volume set provides a consistent, template-based approach, linking relevant information on background, theory and practice to each bioassay. Volume 2 examines hazard assessment schemes. Includes extensive glossary.

Small-scale Freshwater Toxicity Investigations

Book Description

This broad review is the first to gather comprehensive information on the complete contemporary range of toxicity testing procedures and hazard assessment procedures, which is normally scattered and difficult to find. The two-volume set provides a consistent, template-based approach, linking relevant information on background, theory and practice to each bioassay. Volume 1 covers small-scale toxicity test methods. Includes extensive glossary.

Small-scale Freshwater Toxicity Investigations: Hazard assessment schemes

Book Description

While toxicity testing procedures and hazard assessment approaches have been published in past decades, many are wanting in detail for users to fully understand or reproduce successfully. Small-scale Freshwater Toxicity Investigations (Volumes 1 and 2) responds to this need by providing comprehensive information on biological testing which is normally scattered and difficult to find. In Volume 2, 11 chapters on hazard assessment schemes are described in great detail by way of a homogeneous structure that all contributors had to follow. These comprehensive texts allow readers to know the different approaches/strategies, based on applying batteries of bioassays, that are being used internationally to assess the toxic potential of complex environmental media (e.g., effluents, sediments) impacted by chemical contamination stemming from human activities. Academia (students, professors), government (environmental managers, scientists, regulators) and consulting professionals (biologists, chemists, engineers) should find this volume of interest. For example, Volume 2 contents offer relevant knowledge on how to deal with (non)point source pollution issues exemplified by case studies taken from "real world situations", thereby enabling the right decisions to be taken to ensure protection of aquatic environments. Both Volumes 1 and 2 feature a broad review on toxicity testing applications, as well as a complete glossary of scientific/technical terms employed by editors/contributors in their respective chapters. In short, all groups directly or indirectly involved with the protection and conservation of freshwater environments will find Volume 2 appealing, as will those who simply wish to become familiar with the field of aquatic hazard assessment based on the use of bioassays.

New Microbiotests for Routine Toxicity Screening and Biomonitoring

Book Description

The determination of the hazards resulting from the accidental or deli berate contamination of terrestrial and aquatic environments is in most countries still lirnited to the detection and quantification of the suspected pollutants by chemical analyses. Such an approach is unfortunately hampered by the following constraints : the costs as weil as the technical difficulties of analyzing every individual chemical which may be present in the sampies, and the difficulty of assessing the hazards and risks of environmental contaminations from a set of chemical data. During the last decades the scientific and regulatory community has gradually realized that biological methodologies have to be taken into consideration for an ecologically meaningful assessment of the toxicological hazards of contaminants. Effect evaluations obtained with biological techniques indeed integrate the impact of all the contaminants to which living biota are exposed. Bioassays with selected test species representative for the biological commumtles of the environments under consideration, are now applied more or less regularly to determine toxic and genotoxic effects. Taking into account the species specific and chemical specific character of toxicity to biota, the necessity of a «battery of tests» approach with species of different trophic levels is currently also generally accepted and implemented. It is dear that a balanced partnership between chemical, biological, toxicological and microbiological analyses is always the best strategy for generating the broadest information base on environmental hazards.