Sobolev Inequalities, Heat Kernels under Ricci Flow, and the Poincare Conjecture

Book Description

Focusing on Sobolev inequalities and their applications to analysis on manifolds and Ricci flow, Sobolev Inequalities, Heat Kernels under Ricci Flow, and the Poincare Conjecture introduces the field of analysis on Riemann manifolds and uses the tools of Sobolev imbedding and heat kernel estimates to study Ricci flows, especially with surgeries. The

Ricci Solitons in Low Dimensions

Book Description

Ricci flow is an exciting subject of mathematics with diverse applications in geometry, topology, and other fields. It employs a heat-type equation to smooth an initial Riemannian metric on a manifold. The formation of singularities in the manifold's topology and geometry is a desirable outcome. Upon closer examination, these singularities often reveal intriguing structures known as Ricci solitons. This introductory book focuses on Ricci solitons, shedding light on their role in understanding singularity formation in Ricci flow and formulating surgery-based Ricci flow, which holds potential applications in topology. Notably successful in dimension 3, the book narrows its scope to low dimensions: 2 and 3, where the theory of Ricci solitons is well established. A comprehensive discussion of this theory is provided, while also establishing the groundwork for exploring Ricci solitons in higher dimensions. A particularly exciting area of study involves the potential applications of Ricci flow in comprehending the topology of 4-dimensional smooth manifolds. Geared towards graduate students who have completed a one-semester course on Riemannian geometry, this book serves as an ideal resource for related courses or seminars centered on Ricci solitons.

Function Spaces and Partial Differential Equations

Book Description

This is a book written primarily for graduate students and early researchers in the fields of Analysis and Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). Coverage of the material is essentially self-contained, extensive and novel with great attention to details and rigour. The strength of the book primarily lies in its clear and detailed explanations, scope and coverage, highlighting and presenting deep and profound inter-connections between different related and seemingly unrelated disciplines within classical and modern mathematics and above all the extensive collection of examples, worked-out and hinted exercises. There are well over 700 exercises of varying level leading the reader from the basics to the most advanced levels and frontiers of research. The book can be used either for independent study or for a year-long graduate level course. In fact it has its origin in a year-long graduate course taught by the author in Oxford in 2004-5 and various parts of it in other institutions later on. A good number of distinguished researchers and faculty in mathematics worldwide have started their research career from the course that formed the basis for this book.

Harmonic Analysis

Book Description

A Comprehensive Course in Analysis by Poincaré Prize winner Barry Simon is a five-volume set that can serve as a graduate-level analysis textbook with a lot of additional bonus information, including hundreds of problems and numerous notes that extend the text and provide important historical background. Depth and breadth of exposition make this set a valuable reference source for almost all areas of classical analysis. Part 3 returns to the themes of Part 1 by discussing pointwise limits (going beyond the usual focus on the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function by including ergodic theorems and martingale convergence), harmonic functions and potential theory, frames and wavelets, spaces (including bounded mean oscillation (BMO)) and, in the final chapter, lots of inequalities, including Sobolev spaces, Calderon-Zygmund estimates, and hypercontractive semigroups.

Poincare's Legacies, Part II

Book Description

Focuses on geometry, topology, and partial differential equations. This book discusses a variety of topics, including expository articles on topics such as gauge theory, the Kakeya needle problem, and the Black-Scholes equation. It is suitable for graduate students and research mathematicians interested in broad exposure to mathematical topics.

Ricci Flow and the Poincare Conjecture

Book Description

For over 100 years the Poincare Conjecture, which proposes a topological characterization of the 3-sphere, has been the central question in topology. Since its formulation, it has been repeatedly attacked, without success, using various topological methods. Its importance and difficulty were highlighted when it was chosen as one of the Clay Mathematics Institute's seven Millennium Prize Problems. in 2002 and 2003 Grigory Perelman posted three preprints showing how to use geometric arguments, in particular the Ricci flow as introduced and studied by Hamilton, to establish the Poincare Conjecture in the affirmative. This book provides full details of a complete proof of the Poincare Conjecture following Perelman's three preprints. After a lengthy introduction that outlines the entire argument, the book is divided into four parts. The first part reviews necessary results from Riemannian geometry and Ricci flow, including much of Hamilton's work. The second part starts with Perelman's length function, which is used to establish crucial non-collapsing theorems. Then it discusses the classification of non-collapsed, ancient solutions to the Ricci flow equation. The third part concerns the existence of Ricci flow with surgery for all positive time and an analysis of the topological and geometric changes introduced by surgery. The last part follows Perelman's third preprint to prove that when the initial Riemannian 3-manifold has finite fundamental group, Ricci flow with surgery becomes extinct after finite time. The proofs of the Poincare Conjecture and the closely related 3-dimensional spherical space-form conjectu The existence of Ricci flow with surgery has application to 3-manifolds far beyond the Poincare Conjecture. It forms the heart of the proof via Ricci flow of Thurston's Geometrization Conjecture. Thurston's Geometrization Conjecture, which classifies all compact 3-manifolds, will be the subject of a follow-up article. The organization of the material in this book differs from that given by Perelman. From the beginning the authors present all analytic and geometric arguments in the context of Ricci flow with surgery. in addition, the fourth part is a much-expanded version of Perelman's third preprint; it gives the first complete and detailed proof of the finite-time extinction theorem. With the large amount of background material that is presented and the detailed versions of the central arguments, this book is suitable for all mathematicians from advanced graduate students to specialists in geometry and topology. Clay Mathematics Institute Monograph Series The Clay Mathematics Institute Monograph Series publishes selected expositions of recent developments, both in emerging areas and in older subjects transformed by new insights or unifying ideas. Information for our distributors: Titles in this series are co-published with the Clay Mathematics Institute (Cambridge, MA).

Heat Kernel and Analysis on Manifolds

Book Description

The heat kernel has long been an essential tool in both classical and modern mathematics but has become especially important in geometric analysis as a result of major innovations beginning in the 1970s. The methods based on heat kernels have been used in areas as diverse as analysis, geometry, and probability, as well as in physics. This book is a comprehensive introduction to heat kernel techniques in the setting of Riemannian manifolds, which inevitably involves analysis of the Laplace-Beltrami operator and the associated heat equation. The first ten chapters cover the foundations of the subject, while later chapters deal with more advanced results involving the heat kernel in a variety of settings. The exposition starts with an elementary introduction to Riemannian geometry, proceeds with a thorough study of the spectral-theoretic, Markovian, and smoothness properties of the Laplace and heat equations on Riemannian manifolds, and concludes with Gaussian estimates of heat kernels. Grigor'yan has written this book with the student in mind, in particular by including over 400 exercises. The text will serve as a bridge between basic results and current research.Titles in this series are co-published with International Press, Cambridge, MA, USA.

Hamilton’s Ricci Flow

Book Description

Ricci flow is a powerful analytic method for studying the geometry and topology of manifolds. This book is an introduction to Ricci flow for graduate students and mathematicians interested in working in the subject. To this end, the first chapter is a review of the relevant basics of Riemannian geometry. For the benefit of the student, the text includes a number of exercises of varying difficulty. The book also provides brief introductions to some general methods of geometric analysis and other geometric flows. Comparisons are made between the Ricci flow and the linear heat equation, mean curvature flow, and other geometric evolution equations whenever possible. Several topics of Hamilton's program are covered, such as short time existence, Harnack inequalities, Ricci solitons, Perelman's no local collapsing theorem, singularity analysis, and ancient solutions. A major direction in Ricci flow, via Hamilton's and Perelman's works, is the use of Ricci flow as an approach to solving the Poincaré conjecture and Thurston's geometrization conjecture.

Lectures on the Ricci Flow

Book Description

An introduction to Ricci flow suitable for graduate students and research mathematicians.

An Introduction to the Kähler-Ricci Flow

Book Description

This volume collects lecture notes from courses offered at several conferences and workshops, and provides the first exposition in book form of the basic theory of the Kähler-Ricci flow and its current state-of-the-art. While several excellent books on Kähler-Einstein geometry are available, there have been no such works on the Kähler-Ricci flow. The book will serve as a valuable resource for graduate students and researchers in complex differential geometry, complex algebraic geometry and Riemannian geometry, and will hopefully foster further developments in this fascinating area of research. The Ricci flow was first introduced by R. Hamilton in the early 1980s, and is central in G. Perelman’s celebrated proof of the Poincaré conjecture. When specialized for Kähler manifolds, it becomes the Kähler-Ricci flow, and reduces to a scalar PDE (parabolic complex Monge-Ampère equation). As a spin-off of his breakthrough, G. Perelman proved the convergence of the Kähler-Ricci flow on Kähler-Einstein manifolds of positive scalar curvature (Fano manifolds). Shortly after, G. Tian and J. Song discovered a complex analogue of Perelman’s ideas: the Kähler-Ricci flow is a metric embodiment of the Minimal Model Program of the underlying manifold, and flips and divisorial contractions assume the role of Perelman’s surgeries.