Sobrevolando la Biblia

Book Description

¿Conoce usted de la Biblia?Bienvenidos a esta serie, que hemos titulado Sobrevolando la Biblia, en vuelos de 30 minutos. El propósito de esta serie es precisamente para que se familiarice con la palabra de Dios. Como el nombre indica, vamos a tomar segmentos de más o menos de media hora para cubrir individualmente los 1189 capítulos de la Biblia, además de una introducción general a la Biblia como estamos haciendo ahorita e introducciones individuales a cada uno de los 66 libros, desde El libro de Génesis hasta el Apocalipsis. Acompáñanos a minar las profundidades de la palabra de Dios y usted también se llenará de gozo, al aprender más de la Biblia. En el Salmo 1 el Salmista dijo que en su ley el hombre prospero, en su ley medita de día y de noche y el resultado de pasar tanto tiempo en la palabra de Dios es, será como árbol plantado junto a corrientes de aguas que su hoja no cae y que da su fruto en su tiempo y que todo lo que hace prosperará. Muéstreme un creyente que lee, estudia, medita y aplica la Biblia a su vida y yo le mostraré un creyente que espiritualmente prospera. Y el Señor Jesucristo dijo en Juan 5:39 escudriñad las escrituras. Pablo le dijo a Timoteo en Segunda de Timoteo 3:15 desde la niñez has sabido las sagradas escrituras, los cuales te pueden hacer sabio para la salvación por la fe que es en Cristo Jesús. Cristo dijo en Juan 5:24 de cierto de cierto os digo el que oye mi palabra y cree al que me envió tienen vida eterna, no vendrá a continuación mas a pasado de muerte a vida. Esto es lo que distingue a la Biblia de todo otro libro, cuando uno lee la Biblia o cuando uno escucha la lectura de la Biblia uno está oyendo la voz del autor. El autor de la Biblia es Dios. . . . . . . Categorias: estudios bíblicos cristianos, estudio de la biblia, introducción a la biblia, comentarios bíblicos, enseñanzas de la sana doctrina cristiana, sobrevolando la biblia, versión Reina Valera.

Lo Que La Biblia Dice Acerca del Espíritu Santo

Book Description

'Yo espero que nada sobrenatural suceda hoy en nuestra Iglesia' fue la honesta pero simpática reacción de una anciana miembro de nuestra iglesia' cuando su pastor lanzo una serie de veinte sermones abarcando toda mención sobre el Espíritu Santo en la Biblia. Sus esperanzas fueron frustradas cuando su mismo pastor tuvo un totalmente inesperado encuentro con el Espíritu Santo, llevándole (en realidad, orando) en lenguas, por un diácono enfermo quien se había autodesignado 'líder de la oposición' El resultado fue un completa sanación y reconciliación, juntos con un 'bautismo en el Espíritu Santo' para él y su esposa. Aquí está la substancia de aquellos estudios, demostrando la mutua interdependencia del Espíritu y las escrituras. Sin en Espíritu las escrituras no podrían haber sido escritas, ni pueden ser propiamente leídas o comprendidas. Sin las escrituras, el trabajo del Espíritu no puede ser reconocido o distinguido de inspiraciones que se afirman ser de él, de aquellas que son humanas o incluso de origen satánico. Dicho de otra forma, los dones del Espíritu sin el fruto pueden ser peligrosos. El fruto del Espíritu sin los dones pueden ser inútiles. La Biblia pone el poder y la pureza juntos en un balance similar a Cristo, vital para una misión efectiva en un mundo que quiere uno y no al otro.

Does Prayer Change Things?

Book Description

When a Christian prays, does it make any difference? Does it change anything? Though our prayers do not change God's mind, He ordains prayer as a means to accomplish His will. We can be confident that prayer does change things--including our own hearts. In this booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul argues that prayer has a vital place in the life of the Christian and calls us to come before God's presence with joy and hope. Dr. Sproul shares practical wisdom and helps us understand the purpose, pattern, practice, prohibitions, and power of prayer. The Crucial Questions booklet series by Dr. R.C. Sproul offers succinct answers to important questions often asked by Christians and thoughtful inquirers.

Spanish Verbs Made Simple(r)

Book Description

It's time for a new approach to learning Spanish verbs. Unlike popular verb guides that require the rote memorization of hundreds of verb forms, this book clearly explains the rules that govern the conjugation of all classes of Spanish verbs—especially the irregular ones that give second-language learners the most trouble. These simple, easy-to-understand rules for conjugating Spanish verbs are effective learning tools for both beginning students and more advanced speakers who want to perfect their usage of Spanish verb forms. Spanish Verbs Made Simple(r) has many helpful features that you won't find in any other verb guide: Clear explanations of all verb tenses and forms. The simple rules that govern the conjugation of all verbs—including the 90% of irregular verbs whose irregularities are entirely predictable. A detailed discussion of how each verb form is used, with numerous examples. A full explanation of the distinction between ser and estar—the single most confusing element in the Spanish verbal system. An extended treatment of the subjunctive that will help you understand why it is used in some situations but not others. Conjugations for 35 model Spanish verbs and a comprehensive listing of 4,800 verbs that indicates which of the models each verb follows. Going well beyond any other guide in the clarity and detail of its explanations—as well as the innovative manner in which individual verbs are linked to model conjugations—Spanish Verbs Made Simple(r) is the only guide to Spanish verbs a learner needs.

21 Most Effective Prayers of the Bible

Book Description

The 21 Most Effective Prayers of the Bible speaks to believers of all ages, backgrounds, and maturity levels with an uplifting message: that the prayers of the Bible are prayers for us today. Not an exhaustive, scholarly study, this very readable volume investigates twenty-one heartfelt prayers that produced results. Author Dave Earley shares personal examples from years of ministry that illustrate how these deepest petitions worked not only for Biblical heroes, but for Christians of today. Hope and encouragement are the hallmarks of this collection, encouraging the reader to greater faith in the power of effective prayer.

The Marriage Book

Book Description

Full of practical advice, this bestselling book by Nicky and Sila Lee is easy to read and designed to prepare, build, and even mend marriages. The Marriage Book is essential reading for any married or engaged couple. This resource addresses questions like: How can we be happily married to one person for our entire life? How do we resolve conflict? How can we discover and rediscover sexual intimacy? The Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions, designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage. It serves as a bridge between the church and local community by recognizing the need to go beyond the social, as well as physical, walls of the church to help couples with their relationships. Marriage Course is easy to run; the talks are available on DVD (sold separately) and each guest and leader receives a manual. If you enjoy hosting people and have a passion for strengthening family life, you could run a course!

La Fe de Barack Obama

Book Description

Marxism and Literary Criticism

Book Description

"Far and away the best short introduction to Marxist criticism (both history and problems) which I have seen."--Fredric R. Jameson "Terry Eagleton is that rare bird among literary critics--a real writer."--Colin McCabe, The Guardian

Introducción a la Última Cena AETH

Book Description

Eliseo Pérez con gran creatividad va tejiendo su libro a partir del campo semántico de la última cena; y así como el menú es tan minucioso, así también el libro de Pérez está lleno de datos y estadísticas de todo tipo, interesantísimos. En torno a la comida, el autor hila el presente y el pasado geopolítico, económico, cultural y ecológico. Todo el menú está cargado de historias sagradas y profanas con sus respectivos datos socioculturales. With great creativity, Eliseo Pérez weaves through the semantic field of the Last Supper. The Last Supper is filled with details, full of fascinating data and statistics – this book is meticulous in covering all of them. Closely examining this meal, the author parallels the present with the ecological, cultural, economic, and geopolitical past, and offers a look at the meal’s histories, both sacred and worldly with its respective sociocultural data.


Book Description

"Substantially the book that devotees of the director have been waiting for: a full-length critical work about Ozu's life, career and working methods, buttressed with reproductions of pages from his notebooks and shooting scripts, numerous quotes from co-workers and Japanese critics, a great many stills and an unusually detailed filmography."—Sight and Sound Yasujiro Ozu, the man whom his kinsmen consider the most Japanese for all film directors, had but one major subject, the Japanese family, and but one major theme, its dissolution. The Japanese family in dissolution figures in every one of his fifty-three films. In his later pictures, the whole world exists in one family, the characters are family members rather than members of a society, and the ends of the earth seem no more distant than the outside of the house.