The Passion for the Beautiful Game, Soccer

Book Description

Gene Ventriglia was a very poor fourteen-year-old immigrant when he arrived in New York harbor in early July 1958. Coming from the tiny village of Alife (Italy), he had grown up in a farm village of about three hundred inhabitants. The village, as well as his parents' house, had been leveled by bombs in the final days of World War II. In 1958, the memories were still very much alive as postwar reconstruction was far from completion. These were the surroundings where Gene Ventriglia grew up. Gene had only known his small village and was unaware that common items, such as telephones and TV sets, even existed. One can only imagine his reaction upon seeing the New York skyscrapers and the size and number of cars when he first walked on the New York streets. He had no idea how his life would change in the very near future. How would he react? He wondered if he would make friends. After all, how would he communicate? He did not know a word of English. Gene soon realized that getting a good education was the key to success. However, he also realized that it would take great efforts and motivation on his part. Was he willing to put in the necessary effort? He needed to learn a new language in a community where he only heard Italian. His search to find that American Dream lasted more than sixty years. During this time, Gene was faced with one challenge after another in his search for that dream. In each case, Gene used his passion for the game of soccer to fuel his inner motivation and determination not to give up every time he arrived at a dead end. Gene's path to finding that dream was full of surprises. In all cases, he was very determined and he demonstrated outstanding motivation to achieve his goal.

Coded Messages

Book Description

Government is reading your mail, and the Intelligence services are reading the Government's mail. Who is in charge?. The National Security Agency was formed under such secrecy that it evades even Congressional scrutiny. A former NSA scientist raises an alarm over this abuse of America's founding principles. Along the way, he gives a technical briefing on how messages were encrypted and deciphered until the Internet age, demonstrates that the paranoiac secrecy over encryption is now obsolete, and explains why. All this is enlivened with entertaining behind-the-scenes anecdotes from the author's life at home in West Virginia, in the Army, and in the intelligence services during the Cold War.

RoboCup 2011: Robot Soccer World Cup XV

Book Description

This book includes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 15th Annual RoboCup International Symposium, held in Istanbul, Turkey, in July 2011. The 12 revised papers and 32 poster presentation presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 97 submissions. The papers are orginazed on topical sections on robot hardware and software, perception and action, robotic cognition and learning, multi-robot systems, human-robot interaction, education and edutainment and applications.


Book Description

In its 114th year, Billboard remains the world's premier weekly music publication and a diverse digital, events, brand, content and data licensing platform. Billboard publishes the most trusted charts and offers unrivaled reporting about the latest music, video, gaming, media, digital and mobile entertainment issues and trends.

Do You Know for Sure God the Father Has Your Back?

Book Description

In today's complicated world, it is really important to identify the truth, especially when facing challenges. As God's children, it's our responsibility to steer our loved ones toward what truly matters, guided by biblical wisdom. Imagine a world where everyone understands that following God's teachings leads to a fulfilling life. Emulating Jesus by adhering to the Holy Spirit and God's principles brings joy. Since Jesus came into my life, I discovered the key to joy. True joy goes beyond happiness; it stays with us even during tough times. Happiness depends on external things and is temporary, but joy lasts because it comes from having God in our hearts. When we seek God every day, we find contentment. Seeing God's impact during uncertain times and understanding the future He has for us brings us joy. My book, Do You Know for Sure if God the Father Has Your Back?, shares my life-changing encounter with Christ and how it can impact others. It explores faith, kindness, love, and discovering purpose through believing in Christ. It serves as a testament, highlighting the greatness of our God and affirming His faithfulness during tough times. It highlights that God is with us, showing us the way and leading us into His light through His Word, love, and grace. This is true for anyone who is seeking Him. Often, society tells us that pursuing wealth and fame is paramount. However, life's path determines our destination. Psalm 1 reminds us that following Christ's way is vital to avoid going astray. Jesus's words in Matthew 7:24-25 emphasize the importance of building our foundation on solid ground. What we allow into our lives shapes our output. This book extends an invitation to embrace God's love and discover purpose and tranquility through faith. God the Father Has Your Back is more than a book; it's a heartfelt message for those seeking a meaningful life.

Princeton Alumni Weekly

Book Description

Uncle John's Supremely Satisfying Bathroom Reader

Book Description

One of Uncle John’s all-time bestselling editions, Supremely Satisfying is everything a Bathroom Reader should be: informative, funny, surprising, thought-provoking, weird, and a little bit gross. Supreme satisfaction awaits you in Uncle John’s 14th all-new edition, which covers a whole host of topics—from the silly (a branding iron for hot dogs) to the bizarre (an exploding whale) to the profound (the rise of the Democratic and Republican parties). Where else could you learn how soap works, why people started tipping, and the history of chocolate? Uncle John rules the world of information and humor, so get ready to be thoroughly entertained. Read all about… Dumb 9-1-1 calls 22 things that fell from the sky How Star Trek went from failed series to cult phenomenon The origins of football, photography, soap operas, and paperclips Quack medicines from yesterday and today The “uplifting” history of the bra And much more!

Athletes Wanted

Book Description

"'Athletes Wanted' unlocks the secrets to successfully navigating the recruting process through a proven strategy that author Chris Krause has used to help more than 20,000 collegiately. Students-athletes who have completed his system receive an average of more than $15,000 in scholarship and aid per year"--Page 2 of cover.

Ginger Sport

Book Description

Soccer coaching games for children aged 2-10

Live互動英語 2019 年 10 月號 No.222【有聲版】

Book Description

〔適用對象:國高中生~成人,一般生活英語會話、全民英檢中級程度〕 Live互動英語雜誌:教材貼近生活、流行,內容實用充滿趣味,附真人情境式主題會話,體驗如在國外環境學英語的驚人效果,讓你輕鬆開口說英語! ►購買完整紙本書請上: Live Interactive English Live互動英語 NO. 222 October 2019年10月號 4 專題報導 9 焦點話題 10 旅遊好去處 Off to Oxbridge 漫遊英倫大學城——牛劍 英格蘭南部有兩個著名且歷史悠久的大學城:牛津和劍橋。漫步在一棟棟宏偉的建築間,沉浸在充滿學術氣息的氛圍中,還可以到康河畔體驗撐篙,從水上欣賞岸邊的絕美建築,度過悠閒的下午時光。 14 健康知識 Health Beliefs about Your Head 頭部健康知識 我們常聽到許多保持健康的訊息,你是否曾想過這些到底是真是假?現在我們就一起來探究關於頭部健康的常見看法。 18 日常好用句 Hold your horses! 不要急;等一下! 19 主題式會話 Dealing with Phone Problems 處理手機問題 22 動物趣聞 Nature’s Thief: The Adorable Raccoon 別被浣熊的萌樣給騙了! 戴著眼罩的浣熊外表Q萌,牠們聰明、容易適應環境,又常偷翻垃圾桶讓人相當頭疼,因此被稱為「垃圾貓熊」。關於這些愛玩的動物,你還知道多少呢? 26 唱歌學英語 Studying English with Songs: I Don’t Care 紅髮艾德&小賈斯汀:〈我不在乎〉 27 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習 30 環保永續 Petal It Forward 花卉再利用,創造新生命 花卉在婚禮、慶生等活動上扮演重要的角色,增添了不少色彩與歡樂。然而,活動結束後,這些花就會被丟棄。幸好,有兩個組織將花卉再利用,賦予這些花全新的用途。 34 焦點人物 Elle Fanning: A Young Actress with Big Talent 艾兒.芬妮:閃亮的明日之星 童星出身的艾兒.芬妮年僅二十一歲就成為坎城影展最年輕的評審,至今已演出六十個不同的角色,在演出《黑魔女:沉睡魔咒》之後,即成為好萊塢炙手可熱的閃亮之星,本月也即將在《黑魔女2》看見艾兒飾演奧蘿拉女王。 38 生活情境對話 Renting a YouBike 租借YouBike • 英語聽力測驗 42 藝術生活 Rebuilding Hope: The Heidelberg Project 海德堡計畫:底特律的重建希望 泰瑞.蓋頓(Tyree Guyton)退伍後回到底特律的老家海德堡社區後,發現這裡已淪為廢墟。蓋頓是如何透過愛和努力將這片荒蕪創造成一個更美好的地方的呢? 46 克漏字 K—You’re Out! 為何K代表出局? 有「棒球之父」之稱的亨利.查德威克率先用數字和字母在紙上記錄棒球比賽,以幫助更多人了解這項比賽,而他究竟為何選用K來表示「三振出局」呢? 48 食物趣聞 Pumpkins: A Healthy and Fun Food 南瓜:好吃好玩又健康 南瓜常出現在各式各樣的菜餚中,其果實對我們的健康好處多多,在歐美也常被作成萬聖節的裝飾品——南瓜燈,但製作時有什麼訣竅呢?一起來看看! 53 閱讀策略 The Masque of the Red Death 〈紅死病的面具〉 在全國各地蔓延的「紅死病」會讓染上這種瘟疫的人經歷劇烈疼痛、毛孔出血,而且在三十分鐘內死亡。不知人間疾苦的普羅斯佩羅親王把自己和貴族關在城堡內避難,還舉辦了盛大的化妝舞會,然而…… 58 寰宇探奇 Point Nemo: The Loneliest Place on Earth 尼莫點:地球上最孤寂的地方 尼莫點位於南太平洋,是地球表面距離陸地最偏遠以致於離太空比較近的地點。尼莫點的名稱從何而來?來揭開此地的神祕面紗。 62 電影快報 64 Movie Trailer English 看預告片學英文 65 General English Proficiency Test 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題 71 GEPT Answer Key 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題解答 73 Chinese Translation 中文翻譯 Health Beliefs about Your Head There’s so much advice on how to stay healthy that it can make your head hurt just thinking about it! To help, let’s examine some of the common beliefs that are out there about one of our most important body parts. Hair dye causes cancer Although hair dye made before 1980 contained chemicals that cause cancer in animals, today’s dyes are much safer. However, modern hair dyes still contain thousands of chemicals, so experts remain unsure whether they cause cancer or not. That being said, it’s better not to dye your hair too often. Eating black sesame seeds can turn gray hair black Many people believe black sesame seeds slow down the signs of aging, including gray hairs. That’s because they’re filled with important vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, while no scientific studies have proven that black sesame seeds help keep your hair looking young, they are still very healthy. As for the best way to avoid gray hairs, stay away from stress, smoking, and poor diet, as these have all been shown to cause gray hair. 頭部健康知識 如何維持健康的忠告非常多,以致於只是想到就可能讓你頭痛不已!為提供協助,讓我們來仔細研究一些關於我們身體最重要部位之一的普遍看法。 染髮劑會致癌 雖然一九八○年以前製造的染髮劑含有導致動物罹癌的化學物質,但現今的染劑安全許多。然而,現代的染髮劑仍含有無數的化學物質,所以專家們依然不確定它們是否會致癌。話說回來,最好還是不要太常染髮。 吃黑芝麻籽可以讓白髮變黑 許多人認為黑芝麻籽能減緩老化的跡象,包括白頭髮。那是因為它們富含重要的維生素和營養素。因此,儘管沒有科學研究證明黑芝麻籽能幫助你的頭髮看起來年輕,但它們仍然有益健康。至於避免白頭髮最好的方式是要遠離壓力、吸煙和不良飲食,因為這些全都被證明會導致白頭髮。 There’s more to your head than the hair on it. Let’s take a look at some other beliefs that you may have heard before. Eating very cold foods will give you a headache Also called “brain freeze,” this can happen when you quickly eat something very cold, like ice cream. This is because when the cold food touches the top of your mouth or throat, it increases blood flow to certain areas of your head, which causes a temporary headache. So to enjoy headache-free ice cream, stick to licking it! Cutting a baby’s eyelashes can make them grow longer Long, thick eyelashes on a baby are so cute that some parents may risk hurting their children by cutting their baby’s eyelashes to help them grow longer. However, this claim has no scientific basis. The factors that influence eyelash growth are nutrition and genetics. But what can mothers do to help their babies grow long, beautiful lashes? It’s simple—just make sure the baby is receiving proper nutrition. Now you know the truth behind these common head health claims. Don’t let this knowledge go to your head! 你的頭部可不只有上面的頭髮而已。我們來看看其他一些你以前可能聽過的看法。 吃冰冷的食物會使你頭痛 這也稱為「大腦凍結」,可能在你快速吃下非常冰的東西如冰淇淋時發生。這是因為冰的食物碰觸到你的嘴巴或喉嚨上方時,會增加頭部特定部位的血液流量,造成短暫性的頭痛。所以要享用不會引起頭痛的冰淇淋,就用舔的吧! 修剪嬰兒的睫毛會讓睫毛長得更長 嬰兒又長又密的睫毛非常可愛,以致於有些父母可能冒著讓小孩受傷的危險來修剪寶寶的睫毛幫助它們長得更長。然而,此一說法並沒有科學根據。影響睫毛生長的因素是營養和遺傳。但是媽媽們可以怎麼做來幫助寶寶長出又長又美的睫毛呢?很簡單——只要確保寶寶有獲得適當的營養。 現在你知道這些常見的頭部健康的說法背後的真相了。別讓這個知識沖昏了你的頭!