Social justice and music ministry

Book Description

This paper proposes that a gap exists between the reality of injustice in the world and humanity's ability to comprehend that injustice and to envision what a world of justice might be. The goal, then, is to fill this gap through a dialogue of imagination between the Christian call to social justice and the Church's music ministry. The "dialogue" consists of examining justice and music in scripture; in the Patristic, Reformation and post-Reformation eras; and in the contemporary era, through Catholic teaching on justice and music, theological discussions on Beauty, and music's role in American consumer culture and movements for justice. From this dialogue, the author constructs a model connecting justice and music ministries within a parish community.

The Ministry of Music in the Black Church

Book Description

Mapson's objective is to help today's pastor take the leadership in improving the worship experience through the use of music that meets the biblical norm and serves theology as a legitimate response to God.

Music, Theology, and Justice

Book Description

Music does not make itself. It is made by people: professionals and amateurs, singers and instrumentalists, composers and publishers, performers and audiences, entrepreneurs and consumers. In turn, making music shapes those who make it—spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally, socially, politically, economically—for good or ill, harming and healing. This volume considers the social practice of music from a Christian point of view. Using a variety of methodological perspectives, the essays explore the ethical and doctrinal implications of music-making. The reflections are grouped according to the traditional threefold ministry of Christ: prophet, priest, and shepherd: the prophetic role of music, as a means of articulating protest against injustice, offering consolation, and embodying a harmonious order; the pastoral role of music: creating and sustaining community, building peace, fostering harmony with the whole of creation; and the priestly role of music: in service of reconciliation and restoration, for individuals and communities, offering prayers of praise and intercession to God. Using music in priestly, prophetic, and pastoral ways, Christians pray for and rehearse the coming of God’s kingdom—whether in formal worship, social protest, concert performance, interfaith sharing, or peacebuilding. Whereas temperance was of prime importance in relation to the ethics of music from antiquity to the early modern period, justice has become central to contemporary debates. This book seeks to contribute to those debates by means of Christian theological reflection on a wide range of musics: including monastic chant, death metal, protest songs, psalms and worship music, punk rock, musical drama, interfaith choral singing, Sting, and Daft Punk.

Let Justice Sing

Book Description

Paul Westermeyer, a professor of church music at Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota, explores the theme of justice in hymns over the decades. "Let Justice Sing" explores the content, context, and importance of justice within the "warp and woof" of hymnody.

Music for Others

Book Description

"Musical activity is one of the most ubiquitous and highly valued forms of social interaction in North America-from sporting events to political rallies, concerts to churches. Its use as an affective agent for political and religious programs suggests that it has ethical significance, but it is one of the most undertheorized aspects of both theological ethics and music scholarship. Music for Others: Care, Justice, and Relational Ethics in Christian Music fills part of this scholarly gap by focusing on the religious aspects of musical activity, particularly on the practices of Christian communities. It is based on ethnomusicological fieldwork at three Protestant churches and interviews with a group of seminary students, combined with theories of discourse, formation, response, and care ethics oriented toward restorative justice. The book argues that relationships are ontological for both human beings and musical activity. It further argues that musical meaning and emotion converge in human bodies such that music participates in personal and communal identity construction in affective ways-yet these constructions are not always just. Thus, Music for Others argues that music is ethical when it preserves people in and restores people to just relationships with each other, and thereby with God"--

Social Justice Ministry

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The Church and Social Justice

Book Description

Thou Shalt!

Book Description