Social Problems and Policy During the Puritan Revolution

Book Description

Originally published in 1930 and reprinted in 1966 this book focusses on the social and economic developments of the Puritan revolution – aspects which are often overlooked in favour of the political. Using archival resources, this study shows that the period 1640-1660 was one of change and experiment in the social as well as political sphere. Particular focus is given to the depression in industry and agriculture and the resultant increase in poverty and unemployment. The extent to which the traditional authority of church and state was weakened, is also discussed.

Discord in Zion

Book Description

With the decline of the Whig interpretation of history, historians in the past few decades have re-examined the origins and the nature of the English Revolution from various perspectives. The constitutional conflict 1 between the crown and parliament has been analyzed. The Puritan mind 2 has been explored. Social change in England during the century prior 3 to the outbreak of the Civil War has been anatomized. The composition 4 of the Long Parliament has been dissected. Every student of the English Revolution is now well aware that the crisis in seventeenth-century Eng land, like all other major events in history, was a complex phenomenon in which men as well as ideas, religious convictions as well as economic interests all came into play. For all students of this period, the works of Samuel R. Gardiner, am plified by Sir Charles H. Firth, remain the chief source of knowledge and 1 It should be noted that while former historians from Hallam and Macaulay to G. M. Trevelyan and J R. Tanner all interpreted the English Revolution in terms of the constitution, recent historical scholarship in this respect is more concerned with the evolution and functioning of the constitution rather than the constitutional rights and wrongs of either party in the conflict. See Wallace Notestein, The Winning of the Initiative by the House of Commons (London, 1924); Margaret A.