Social Protection Floor for a Fair and Inclusive Globalization

Book Description

In many ways the power of the social protection floor lies in its simplicity. The floor is based on the idea that everyone should enjoy at least basic income security sufficient to live, guaranteed through transfers in cash or in kind, such as pensions for the elderly and persons with disabilities, child benefits, income support benefits and/or employment guarantees and services for the unemployed and working poor. Together, in cash and in kind transfers should ensure that everyone has access to essential goods and services, including essential health services, primary education, housing, water and sanitation. This report, prepared under the guidance of Ms Michelle Bachelet and members of the Advisory Group, shows that the extension of social protection, drawing on social protection floors, can play a pivotal role in relieving people of poverty and deprivation. It can in addition help people adapt their skills to overcome the constraints that block their full participation in a changing economic and social environment, contributing to improved human capital development and stimulating greater productive activity. The report also shows how social protection has helped to stabilize aggregate demand in times of crisis and to increase resilience against economic shocks, contributing to accelerate recovery towards more inclusive and sustainable development paths.

Recommendation on Social Protection Floors

Book Description

Despite the international community’s recognition of social protection as a human right, the vast majority of the world’s population still has no access to social protection. In a major effort to address this situation, the International Labour Conference unanimously adopted the Social Protection Floors Recommendation 202 of 2012. However, because of the wide variety of possible schemes (and techniques that can be employed to administer them), there is a genuine risk that important values relating to social protection will be overlooked in implementing the Recommendation. This collection of expert essays contains an in-depth clarification and analysis of the Recommendation and sets forth a clear and practicable set of principles that can be used both as a policy tool and as an assessment framework for the creation, maintenance, and supervision of a national social protection floor. This book pays detailed attention to each of the Recommendation’s key principles, including the following: – state responsibility; – universality of protection; – entitlement based in law; – adequacy and predictability of benefits; – non-discrimination; – financial solidarity; – good governance; – coherence of policies; and – social participation. A special feature of the book is its inclusion of case studies that display innovative social protection schemes focusing on children and families, persons of working age (particularly informal sector workers), and elderly persons. A concluding section offers useful insights on measures that can be taken and lessons learned. As a deeply informed and practical guide to ways in which states can (and do) establish and maintain a social protection floor as a fundamental element of their national social protection systems, this book has no peers. It will be warmly welcomed by jurists concerned with social protection throughout the world, by pertinent government agencies at all levels, by non-governmental organizations, and by academics in the field.

Handbook on Social Protection Systems

Book Description

This exciting and innovative Handbook provides readers with a comprehensive and globally relevant overview of the instruments, actors and design features of social protection systems, as well as their application and impacts in practice. It is the first book that centres around system building globally, a theme that has gained political importance yet has received relatively little attention in academia.

Civil Society and the Social Protection Floor

Book Description

Civil society wholeheartedly supports the concept of social protection floors and, in particular, the adoption of the ILO Recommendation concerning national floors of social protection, 2012 (No. 202). The implementation of social protection floors will be a great step forward towards the reduction of poverty and inequality as well as to the empowerment of people worldwide. The civil society movement is convinced that the rights-based approach is the most effective way to design and implement empowering and sustainable social protection floors. With regard to the human rights-based implementation of the social protection guarantees, it has four specific attention points: i) respect for the rights and dignity of people holding rights to social security; ii) full participation of civil society; iii) universal coverage at the local, national and international level; iv) and concern for vulnerable groups. Following the 101st International Labour Conference in 2012, 59 civil society organizations set up the “Coalition for a Social Protection Floor”, whose two main tasks are: to monitor and contribute to the universal implementation of social protection floors at local and national levels; and to promote the social protection floor concept in global policy-making, such as in the discussions on the post-2015 development agenda.

Social Protection Goals in East Asia

Book Description

The book examines the conceptual, economic, and fiscal impact(s) of the Social Protection Floor (SPF) initiative of the International Labor Organisation (ILO) and other policy influencers by first critically examining the methodologies used by the international agencies to estimate the fiscal costs of designated minimum package(s) of social protection programs. The book also briefly reviews the methodologies used and usefulness of the Social Protection Index (SPI) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Second, the book analyses strategies and specific initiatives used by the selected East Asian countries (China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam), designed to progress towards the social protection goals underlying the Social Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in September 2015, and endorsed by the countries covered in this book. Finally, the book provides a framework for generating fiscal space to fund the social protection programs and initiatives. The country chapters utilise this framework in the context of each specific country to suggest generating fiscal space.

Social Protection Floors

Book Description

This volume presents innovative approaches to expand social protection coverage such as schemes for migrants in China, Bolsa Verde in Brazil, employment injury insurance in Bangladesh and Malaysia, the rural employment guarantee in India, schemes to address climate change in China and Philippines, child benefits in El Salvador and South Africa and a monotax in Uruguay to promote formalization and protection of workers. The volumes in this ILO series present best country experiences, useful for South-South learning, for practitioners, and to provide the basis for better informed policy-making.

Extending Social Security to All

Book Description

Social security represents an investment in a country's human infrastructure, which is no less important than its physical infrastructure. This book outlines basic concepts such as the social protection floor and the social security staircase, analyses the affordability of various approaches, and examines the results of practices around the world, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Its second part weighs the pros and cons of conditional cash transfers and, based on a wealth of statistics, argues that effective social transfer programmes not only alleviate poverty, but also improve labour market participation, productivity, nutrition, health care, education, consumption and social inclusion. The overall message is that such investment can benefit poorer countries as well as richer ones, and that even in times of tightened budgets and global economic crisis , the dividends are well worth the expenditure.

Social Security for All

Book Description

Provides comments on the ILO Recommendation concerning national floors of social protection (Social Protection Floors Recommendation), 2012 (No. 202).