Social Warrior Justices

Book Description

Two muscular men. One despicable criminal. Lots of communists between them.Also big guns, nuclear tanks, fast planes, and at least one shower scene.

A Cautionary Tale For Social Justice Warriors

Book Description

The author created a magical world that couldn't be more relevant to the state of our country today. His use of satire to expose the "Woke" movement is absolute perfection. The issues in this book can not be ignored, and there is no better way to explore those issues than with mystical creatures. What an intelligent and sharp-witted tale this was. The fictionalization of the current mainstream culture is clear. The author uses absurdity to demonstrate the absurd extremes in society today. This is particularly true when social justice is used to benefit a minority group by subverting others rather than addressing the causes of inequity. This story is an excellent illustration of how social justice can be co-opted and wielded as a weapon against those that threaten a supposed egalitarian society's status quo. It is smart, witty, and an excellent cautionary tale for social justice warriors everywhere.

The Social Justice Warriors

Book Description

For seven years, Fag Fu was a member of "The Social Justice Warriors," an evil and vicious organization that ruthlessly fought for political correctness! He was an Elite Gestapo member, the secret police subgroup of "The Social Justice Warriors." Fag Fu absolutely despised White Cisgendered Christian Men and sought to exterminate them - or at least make them subservient to minorities. This is his story! These are his brutal actions!

The Social Justice Warrior Handbook

Book Description

Whether you're a militant feminist, social media activist, workplace warrior, privileged college student, or Hollywood actress desperate to be taken seriously, The Social Justice Warrior Handbook will help you navigate the complex, exciting world of activism with minimal effort.

Fighting for Social Justice

Book Description

David Burgess's commitment to social justice began in his youth and continued throughout his studies at Oberlin College. After college he helped coal miners to build homes and organized sharecroppers and migrant workers as part of the Southern Tenant Farmers Union. He was an active member of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) and headed up the CIO State Council in Georgia. He fought to improve the conditions of industrial and agricultural workers in India, served in the Foreign Service in India, with the Peace Corps in Indonesia, and in East Asia with UNICEF, and later fought for affirmative action and public housing as a Christian minister in Newark, New Jersey. Fighting for Social Justice is the memoir of a man committed to achieving social justice for the poor.

Social (In)Justice: The Left's Destruction of Personal Responsibility

Book Description

Politics is a funny thing. We chalk up personal experiences, anecdotes, and emotional attachments on issues to be the settled science on whatever today's headlines happen to be. Facts and statistics are boring, while noble fights for monumental social change against evil boogeymen are exhilarating. In the modern soundbite society we live in, The Radical Left takes advantage of our short attention span to create a faux existence of mass racism, sexism, xenophobia, fascism, homophobia, and whatever catchy stand-in for oppression is currently trending on social media to divide the people for personal gain. In the most equal time in world history, the 'progressive' lies are wearing thin. Americans are waking up. Falsehoods of the Social Justice movement result in nothing more than a regressive society, creating widespread Social Injustice.From the halls of high school to the rolling hills or university, and now even the real world, the Social Justice Warrior movement is not just a comical joke we can ignore. Over the last four years, even before the age of Trump, SJW's have been slowly taking root in all parts of America. They built their ideology on two branches; the first being an intersectional hierarchy of victimhood. Here they lump people together not by character or personal merit but by race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, anything they can use to claim oppression. The second is the creation of a victimhood mentality. Here they tell these groups that they cannot succeed for others hold them down. To compensate, The Left offers handout, free stuff courtesy of the government and the taxpayer. They purposely foster a dependence on government within the groups they claim to advocate for.In this book, I explain how each separate branch of the widespread SJW movement relates to these core principles of division and community destruction.

Check Your Privilege, Or They Will Do it for You

Book Description

This paper explores the use of the term social justice warrior (SJW) as an intentionally derogatory label to describe passionate online users who express liberal views and a desire to spread awareness about the needs of less privileged marginalized groups. This research seeks to define the term extensively, find out how and when it is used, and to provide a deeper understanding of how the online environment facilitates the pejorative use of the term SJW. A social media content analysis of 400 Twitter posts was conducted to determine the sentiment surrounding the SJW conversation and whether there has been any attempt to reverse the negative perception of SJW culture. The SJW conversation was found to be a niche topic lacking widespread recognition amongst Internet users with many of the posts low in terms of retweets and likes, but the research confirmed that most Twitter users familiar with the term used it in a mostly negative way. SJWs were most referred to as being hostile, overly sensitive, easily offended, and lacking the capacity for logical thinking. The most common themes related to SJWs were conversations about identity politics involving topics about race and ethnicity and women and feminism. Despite the largely negative sentiment surrounding the term, the research shows a noticeable amount of people questioning the use of the term and mocking those who use it as an insult. The results shed some light on how language and the Internet environment drive diverse political and social discussions.