Social Welfare and Religion in the Middle East

Book Description

The original analysis in this book presents a new and comprehensive narrative of social welfare in the Middle East through an examination of the role of religious welfare.

Social Welfare and Religion in the Middle East

Book Description

The original analysis in this book presents a new and comprehensive narrative of social welfare in the Middle East through an examination of the role of religious welfare.

Interpreting Welfare and Relief in the Middle East

Book Description

Based on different problematic and methodological perspectives and new sources, this book’s contributions lie in the close study of welfare beyond the religious divides, codifications and indoctrinations. The time span – from 1850 to the present day - represents moments of colonisations, occupations, wars and conflicts which resulted in un-met needs and broken down institutions. What are the stories behind health care, schools, orphanages and vocational schools, maternity homes and hostels? The collection of chapters examine different involvements in welfare activities not only as contextualised in stable communities and nations, but also as they emerge in vulnerable states and disintegrating societies. Furthermore, this volume brings forth the historical and contemporary voices of those who provide relief and the beneficiaries of such efforts. At the core of this book are themes concerned with humanitarianism in relation to people’s unique experiences, state and non-governmental organisations, gender and modernity.

Gender, Religion and Change in the Middle East

Book Description

The complicated link between women and religion in the Middle East has been a source of debate for centuries, and has special resonance today. Whether religion reinforces female oppression or provides opportunities for women - or a combination of both - depends on time, place and circumstance. This book seeks to contextualize women's roles within their religious traditions rather than through the lens of a dominant culture. Gender, Religion and Change in the Middle East crosses boundaries and borders, and will appeal to a global audience.This book provides a comprehensive survey of women in Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities in the Middle East during the last two centuries. The authors consider women's defined roles within these religious communities, as well as exploring how women themselves develop and apply their own strategies within religious societies. The wide-ranging accounts draw on case studies from Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Palestine and Lebanon since 1800. Throughout, the authors challenge our understanding of patriarchy to offer a more nuanced account.Taking a balanced look at the issues of religion, gender and change in the Middle East, this unique interdisciplinary study gives new insight to the theme of women and religion in the Middle East.

Religion, Education and Governance in the Middle East

Book Description

The Middle East is a key geopolitical strategic region in the international system but its distinctive cultural and political divisions present a mosaic of states that do not lend themselves to simplistic interpretations. A thoughtful analysis of the Middle East requires an understanding of the synergism between tradition and modernity in the region as it adapts to a globalizing world. Religious education and activism continue to remain a significant factor in the modernization process and the development of modern governance in the states of the Middle East. This interdisciplinary book explores the historical and contemporary role of religious tradition and education on political elites and governing agencies in several major states as well as generally in the region. The relationship between democracy and authority is examined to provide a better understanding of the complexity underlying the emergence of new power configurations. As the region continues to respond to the forces of change in the international system it remains an important and intriguing area for analysts.

Religious Minorities in the Middle East

Book Description

Focusing on the situation of both Muslim and non-Muslim religious minorities in the Middle East, this volume offers an analysis of various strategies of resilience and accommodation from a historical as well a contemporary perspective.

The Future of Religious Minorities in the Middle East

Book Description

The Future of Religious Minorities in the Middle East addresses the domestic and international politics that have created conditions for contemporary religious cleansing in the Middle East. It provides a platform for a host of distinguished scholars, journalists, human rights activists, and political practitioners. The contributors come from diverse political, cultural, and religious backgrounds; each one drawing on a deep wellspring of scholarship, experience, sobriety, and passion. Collectively, they make a major contribution to understanding the dynamics of the mortal threat to the social pluralism upon which the survival of religious minorities depends.

Islamist Politics in the Middle East

Book Description

For over three decades, Islamist politics, or political Islam, has been one of the most dynamic and contentious political forces in the Middle East. Although there is broad consensus on the importance of political Islam, there is far less agreement on its character, the reasons for Islamist's success, the role of Islamist movements in domestic and international affairs, or what these movements portend for the future. This volume addresses a number of central questions in the study of Islamist politics in the Middle East through detailed case studies of some of the region's most important Islamist movements. Chapters by leading scholars in the field examine the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hizbullah, Morocco's Justice and Benevolence, the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood, the Sunni Insurgency in Iraq and Islamist politics in Turkey and Iran. The topics addressed within this volume include social networks and social welfare provision, Islamist groups as opposition actors, Islamist electoral participation, the intersection of Islam and national liberation struggles, the role of religion in Islamist politics, and Islam and state politics in Iran, among other topics. All of the contributing authors are specialists with deep knowledge of the subject matter who are committed to empirically based research. These scholars take Islamists seriously as modern, sophisticated, and strategic political players. Together, their work captures much of the diversity of Islamist politics in the region and will contribute to the scholarship on a topic that continues to be important for the Middle East and the world.

The Oxford Handbook of Politics in Muslim Societies

Book Description

Politics in Muslim societies : what's religion got to do with it? / Melani Cammett and Pauline Jones -- Islam and political structure in historical perspective / Eric Chaney -- State-formation, statist Islam, and regime instability : evidence from Turkey / Kristin E. Fabbe -- States, religion, and democracy in Southeast Asia : comparative religious regime formation / Kikue Hamayotsu -- Repression of Islamists and authoritarian survival in the Arab world : a case study of Egypt / Jean Lachapelle -- Regime types, regime transitions, and religion in Pakistan / Matthew J. Nelson -- Regime change under the Party of Justice and Development (AKP) in Turkey / Feryaz Ocaklı -- Islam, nationalism, and democracy in Asia : nations under gods or gods under nations? / Maya Tudor -- Military politics in Muslim societies / Nicholas J. Lotito -- Voting for Islamists : mapping the role of religion / Ellen Lust, Kristen Kao, and Gibran Okar -- Party systems in Muslim societies / Elizabeth R. Nugent -- Ideologies, brands, and demographics in Muslim Southeast Asia : "voting for Islam" / Thomas Pepinsky -- Religion and party politics in India and Pakistan / Steven I. Wilkinson -- Religion and electoral competition in Senegal / Dominika Koter -- Clientelism, constituency services, and elections in Muslim societies / Daniel Corstange and Erin York -- Religiosity and political attitudes in Turkey during the AKP era / S. Erdem Aytaç -- Religious practice and political attitudes among Shiites in Iran and Iraq / Fotini Christia, Elizabeth Dekeyser, and Dean Knox -- Repressive religious regulation and political mobilization in Central Asia : why Muslims (don't) rebel / Dustin Gamza and Pauline Jones -- How extraordinary was the Arab Spring? Examining "protest potential" in the Muslim world / Avital Livny -- Illicit economies and political violence in Central Asia / Lawrence P. Markowitz, and Mariya Y. Omelicheva -- Piety, devotion, and support for Shari'a : examining the link between religiosity and political attitudes in Pakistan / Niloufer A. Siddiqui -- Mapping and explaining Arab attitudes toward the Islamic State : findings from an Arab barometer survey and embedded experiment / Mark Tessler, Michael Robbins, and Amaney Jamal -- Social movements, parties, and political cleavages in Morocco : a religious divide? / Adria Lawrence -- The rise and impact of Muslim women preaching online / Richard A. Nielsen -- Religion and mobilization in the Syrian uprising and war / Wendy Pearlman -- Christian-Muslim relations in the shadow of conflict : insights from Kaduna, Nigeria / Alexandra Scacco and Shana S. Warren -- New media and Islamist mobilization in Egypt / Alexandra A. Siegel -- Islamically framed mobilization in Tunisia : Ansar al-Sharia in the aftermath of the Arab uprisings / Frédéric Volpi -- Islamist mobilization during the Arab uprisings / Chantal Berman -- Religious legitimacy and long run economic growth in the Middle East / Jared Rubin -- Islam and economic development : the case of non-Muslim minorities in the Middle East and North Africa / Mohamed Saleh -- State institutions and economic performance in 19th century Egypt / Lisa Blaydes and Safinaz El Tarouty -- Colonial legacies and welfare provision in the Middle East and North Africa / Melani Cammett, Allison Spencer Hartnett, and Gabriel Koehler-Derrick -- Islam and the politics of development : shrines and literacy in Pakistan / Adeel Malik and Rinchan Mirza -- Islam and economic development in sub-Saharan Africa / Melina R. Platas -- Islamic finance and development in Malaysia / Fulya Apaydin -- Welfare states in the Middle East / Ferdinand Eibl -- Islamist organizations and the provision of social services / Steven Thomas Brooke -- Exploring the role of Islam in Mali : service provision, citizenship, and governance / Jaimie Bleck and Alex Thurston -- Islamist parties and women's representation in Morocco : taking one for the team / Lindsay J. Benstead -- The Islamic State as a revolutionary rebel group : IS' governance and violence in historical context / Megan A. Stewart.