Socinianism and Arminianism

Book Description

This volume studies Socinianism in its relationship to “liberal” currents in reformed Protestantism, namely Dutch Remonstrants, English Latitudinarians and parts of the French Huguenots. What effects did its transition from Poland to the "modernized" intellectual milieus in the Netherlands and England have?

Socinianism And Arminianism

Book Description

This volume studies Socinianism in its relationship to "liberal" currents in reformed Protestantism, namely Dutch Remonstrants, English Latitudinarians and parts of the French Huguenots. What effects did its transition from Poland to the "modernized" intellectual milieus in the Netherlands and England have?

Arminius, Arminianism, and Europe

Book Description

19 October 2009 marked the 400th anniversary of the death of Jacobus Arminius in Leiden. He was esteemed for the way in which he sought a via media between strict Calvinism and a more humanistic variant of Christian belief. However, because of his deviation from mainstream Calvinism, he has also been violently attacked. Was he a pioneer, who enriched the Reformed tradition by opening it towards new horizons, or a heretic, who founded a new tradition, as an alternative to Reformed theology? The day of the death of this remarkable theologian was commemorated with a conference at Leiden University on Arminius, Aminianism, and Europe (9 and 10 October 2009). The main contributions to that conference are collected in this book. The first part contains some essays on the thinking of Arminius himself: the structure of his theology, his relation to Augustine, and to Rome. The second part deals with Arminianism. Was it influenced by Socinianism, as its opponents often claimed? How was it received in Europe: in Germany, Switzerland (Geneva), England, and Ireland? How far did Arminianism prepare the way for the ideals of the Enlightenment, which made its entry later on in the seventeenth century? An extensive iconography of Jacobus Arminius and an annotated bibliography of all his known writings complete, in the third part, this volume.

Man's Faith and Freedom

Book Description

Jacobus Arminius, a Dutch minister-teacher-reformer born in 1560, called for religious tolerance, human liberty, and Òfor a free church founded only upon the Holy Scriptures. Opposing certain doctrinal and ecclesiastical developments of Calvinism and the Reformed Church, Arminius advocated the universal atonement of Christ and the freedom of man to accept or reject this salvation. The five papers and sermon contained here were delivered at the Arminius Symposium in Holland in 1960. They trace the events of Aruminius's life, the essence of his theology, and his influence in Europe, England, and America.