Book Description

The collective monograph is devoted to the study of trends in the development of modern Ukrainian society. The research uses an interdisciplinary approach, which allows analyzing various aspects of the development ofsocial processes in Ukraine and obtaining socially significant scientific results. The subject of Kostyantyn Levchuk's scientific interests is the study of the activities of public organizations of Ukraine in the first half of the 90s of the 20th century. The economic crisis contributed to the strengthening of the social vector in the activities of public organizations. Legislated social guarantees were not fully implemented, which prompted public organizations to use various forms and methods aimed at protecting vulnerable social strata in the context of the crisis. The practical and law-making activities of the most significant public organizations are analyzed: the Red Cross Society of Ukraine, organizations for the protection of the rights of veterans and victims of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Svitlana Bogatchuk's scientific research covers the period of Soviet collectivization of the Ukrainian countryside in 1932-1933, which became one of the most terrible pages of our history. Many scientific works are devoted to the study of this problem. It was analyzed that the greatest losses during the Holodomor period of 1932-1933 were observed among the peasants of Ukraine, although there were also deaths among the urban population. Huge child mortality is a direct consequence of Stalin's policy of collectivization. The Bolshevik authorities hushed up and denied the fact of famine in Ukraine. Ihor Belkin's scientific research is focused on the study of the process of marketing planning of entrepreneurial activity. The modern global practice of managing campaigns that have achieved significant economic success shows numerous examples of the application of planning one's own economic processes. On the other hand, as the analysis shows, when companies do not apply planning, they mostly face bankruptcy problems. With the development of market relations, the planning of economic processes at enterprises requires more and more attention. In our country, the first business plans appeared at the beginning of the 90s of the last century, however, with the development of the market economy and the spread of international cooperation, the need to develop a plan is becoming more urgent. Nowadays, planning is becoming a mandatory process, which is necessary to improve the methods of calculating the economic efficiency of management decisions and the feasibility of investment investments. In the work of Zorislav Makarov, the methodological legitimation of randomness in scientific knowledge is proposed by explicating the possibilities of the activity approach to its study. In particular, as a result of the analysis of the relationship between rationality and randomness in the structure of general scientific methods, cognitive and sociological sources of randomness in the pragmatic scientific method, stochastic parameters in the post-nonclassical dynamics of scientific knowledge, as well as subjective and objective prerequisites for the post-nonclassical emancipation of rationality and determinism were revealed. At the end of the study, the status of humanities and natural sciences in the perspective of post-non-classical integration is outlined. The content of the collective monograph corresponds to the research direction of the Department of History of Ukraine and Philosophy of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. The monograph is the result of the initiative topic "Research of trends in socio-economic development and consolidation of Ukrainian society in the modern history of Ukraine". State registration number 0122U001425. Head of subject, Doctor of Science, Professor K. I. Levchuk). The monograph uses: socio-philosophical approach, historical-genetic method, statistical analysis, sociological and economic research methods.

Socio-humanitarian development of Ukrainian society in the epoch of modernity and current postmodern transformations

Book Description

The collective monograph is devoted to the study of current problems of socioeconomic development of modern Ukrainian society. The study uses an interdisciplinary approach that allows you to analyze different aspects of society, which increases its importance. Historical research begins with the study of socio-economic transformations in the second half of the nineteenth century. In particular, an analysis of the socioeconomic development of Ukrainian lands after the agrarian reform of 1861, considered the social situation of the peasantry after the abolition of serfdom, analyzed the development of the railway industry and its impact on economic reforms. Resistance to Russian aggression and the issue of post-war reconstruction are relevant for Ukraine today. The study of the historical experience of Ukraine's participation in World War II requires further work of researchers. It is with Ukraine, and even more broadly, that the decisive events on the entire Soviet-German front are connected with the entire southern direction as its geographical extension. The fate of the whole war was decided on the Ukrainian and in general the southern part of the Soviet-German front. The phenomenon of the volunteer movement, which today allows us to solve a number of pressing problems of Ukrainian society, originated in Soviet times under the influence of Gorbachev's policy of "perestroika". The monograph pays considerable attention to such a large-scale social phenomenon as the emergence and development of amateur informal organizations outside the state influence in 1987-1989. Researchers conclude that the democratization of Ukrainian society marked the beginning of the struggle for Ukraine's independence. Studies of socio-humanitarian problems remain relevant for the modern socioeconomic development of Ukraine. Today, in conditions of fierce competition, which requires constant updating of technologies, accelerated development of innovations, rapid adaptation to the demands and requirements of consumers of socio-cultural services, the question of increasing the competitiveness of managers is acute. Training of future managers of marketing communications consists in development of effective models of management, approbation of new projects of activity of the organization. Therefore, the most effective method of learning is a business game. In almost any business game, a real professional situation is simulated, which requires a managerial decision. In addition, business games have such components that fundamentally distinguish them from all other technologies, primarily in that they have an operational scenario or block structure, which is embedded algorithm "correct" and "incorrect" decision, ie the participant in the game sees the result of his decisions on future events. The text of the collective monograph focuses on such a topical phenomenon as the philosophical view of nature in retrospect of the current environmental crisis. The current international level of measures to harmonize economic expansion into nature and the principles of ecological balance reveals the need for an appropriate worldview scale of rethinking the relationship between man and nature, beginning with the recognition of their mutual influence and ending with reformulation of fundamental definitions. From this point of view, they appear to be relatively long-lasting and reproducible connections over a certain historical period, in which objective reality is a prerequisite for the existence and spiritual development of mankind not only as an external environment but also as a potential for internal possibilities. Today in most countries of the world the issue of observance and protection of human and civil rights is very acute. The institute of human rights protection began to develop especially actively at the beginning of the XXI century, when most countries set a course for democratization and development of civil society. In this regard, there are many regulations at the international level that enshrine human rights and the protection of human rights. Of particular importance in the context of the protection of human rights is the constitutional right to protection. The realization of a person's right to protection can be carried out through various political and legal mechanisms. The content of the monograph corresponds to the direction of research work of the Department of History of Ukraine and Philosophy of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University "Study of trends in socio-economic development and consolidation of Ukrainian society in modern history of Ukraine." The methods of historical research, statistical analysis, sociological and pedagogical approaches were used in the work.


Book Description

The collective monograph is devoted to the study of trends in the development of modern Ukrainian society. The research uses an interdisciplinary approach, which allows analyzing various aspects of the development of social processes in Ukraine and obtaining socially significant scientific results. The subject of Yuri Boyko's scientific interests are various manifestations of life activities of the population of Forest-Steppe Ukraine in the 19th century. - demographic, social, economic, cultural. In the proposed research, the author's attention is focused on the structure of the social organism, the dynamics of changes, regional features of the social organization of the population, for the first time in domestic historiography, the issues of social topology, the construction of the social landscapes of the Right-Bank and Left-Bank components of the Forest-Steppe Ukraine, the place of Ukrainian provinces in the social space of the European part of the Russian Empire are specifically considered 1850s - 1860s. Svitlana Bogatchuk pays attention to the study of the life path of the founder of Ukrainian ethnographic science, the Ukrainian Pavlo Chubynskyi. It should be noted that in 1869-1872, under his leadership, ethnographic expeditions were conducted on the territory of Dnieper Ukraine, based on the materials of which seven volumes of the "Proceedings of the Ethnographic and Statistical Expedition" were published, which became a significant phenomenon in the cultural life of the Ukrainian people, convincingly showing the world their originality Ukrainian national spiritual culture. In 1872, the South-Western Branch of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society was opened in Kyiv, in the formation of which Pavlo Chubynsky played a decisive role. The main task of the society was to collect, process and distribute geographical, ethnographic and statistical information. Kostyantyn Levchuk's research is aimed at studying the process of activity of non-governmental organizations of commodity producers of Ukraine in the context of reforming economic relations. Trade union organizations, as the most representative public organizations of workers, had to prove to the power structures their position, their vision regarding the ways out of the crisis and further social development. Public organizations operating in the spheres of economy include associations of entrepreneurs, farmers, tenants, employers and private owners. They are the result of self-organization of commodity producers, which contributes to increased structuring and self-regulation of the economy. Unlike trade unions, public associations of entrepreneurs faced other tasks, which consisted in the formation of corporate interests and awareness of the need to develop their own consistent and comprehensive economic policy. Ihor Belkin's chapter is devoted to trends in the development of educational services under today's conditions. The author pays attention to the dynamics of changes in the educational process under the influence of market relations. Attention is drawn to the key positions of each of the participants in the educational process. The legislative framework of education is analyzed. The content of the final result of the educational process is revealed. Comparative characteristics of the leading higher education institutions of Ukraine and their competitiveness are given. The key trends in the development of the provision of educational services abroad are characterized. In the context of the education market, the position of the main participants in this space is revealed in detail. At the end of his chapter, the author offers a set of analytical conclusions and proposals. Volodymyr Manhora's scientific research is aimed at forming knowledge about the state when teaching the history of Ukraine. The historical-methodological aspect of the research has been developed, which shows the dynamics of changes in the content of knowledge about the state and the methods of their assimilation in the learning process. According to the author, this is related to the appropriate conditions for the existence of historical and legal education in a specific historical period of the development of society, the development of methodical science, and the accumulation of teaching experience. Only on the basis of the analysis of the historical and methodological aspect of this problem, modern achievements of methodical science and teaching practice, it is possible to scientifically justify and experimentally verify the effective method of forming knowledge about the state. Investigating the problem of the formation of the institution of inheritance in Ukraine and the peculiarities of the implementation of inheritance cases in the conditions of martial law, Tamilа Manhorа examines the controversial aspects of the legal regulation of the relevant legal relations. The introduction of martial law in Ukraine undoubtedly affected all spheres of social relations, including inheritance. In this period, questions that previously had only theoretical importance become urgent. In particular, the war and the temporary occupation of certain territories of Ukraine by the enemy significantly affect the exercise of rights by individuals in the field of inheritance law. It is, first of all, about significant obstacles in the realization of the right to receive inheritance. Because of this, the state must effectively and timely respond to such challenges in order to protect the rights and interests of subjects, as well as ensure the stability of property turnover. There is no doubt that war is a significant destabilizing factor in the dynamics of property relations. Therefore, the task of legal doctrine in this extremely difficult period for the state is to develop effective mechanisms for subjects to exercise their inheritance rights for their further regulatory implementation. Olga Durach's chapter examines the history of military courts in Ukraine. The main reasons that contributed to the liquidation of military courts have been revealed. The basic principles of the organization of the work of military courts in Ukraine have been determined. Peculiarities and problematic issues of the administration of justice during the period of martial law have been studied, and the reasons for the need to resume the work of military courts have been determined. Ways to resolve controversial issues regarding the resumption of military courts in Ukraine are proposed. Zorislav Makarov explores traditional forms of philosophical determinism in his creative work. Significant attention is paid to the reception and transformation of such ancient and medieval philosophical concepts in the synthetic context of Renaissance determinism, such as the physics of Aristotle, the history of Titus Livius, the mystical pantheism of the Neoplatonists and Nicholas of Cusa, the magic and astrology of Hermeticism, the theological ontology of Aurelius Augustine and Thomas Aquinas. The sequence of overcoming medieval dualism in nomology is established from the humanistic mastering of the potential of transcendent powers in legislation by the Renaissance man due to its limitation by the requirements of social and political expediency to the new substantialization of nature in the form of rational principles of its movement and transformations of natural things. The content of the collective monograph corresponds to the direction of scientific work of the Department of History of Ukraine and Philosophy of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. The monograph is the result of the initiative topic "Research of trends in socio-economic development and consolidation of Ukrainian society in the modern history of Ukraine". State registration number 0122U001425. The head of the subject is Professor K. I. Levchuk). The monograph uses: historicalgenetic method, statistical analysis, sociological, economic, legal and pedagogical methods.

Mapping Difference

Book Description

Drawn from various disciplines and a broad spectrum of research interests, these essays reflect on the challenging issues confronting women in Ukraine today. The contributors are an interdisciplinary, transnational group of scholars from gender studies, feminist theory, history, anthropology, sociology, women’s studies, and literature. Among the issues they address are: the impact of migration, education, early socialization of gender roles, the role of the media in perpetuating and shaping negative stereotypes, the gendered nature of language, women and the media, literature by women, and local appropriation of gender and feminist theory. Each author offers a fresh and unique perspective on the current process of survival strategies and postcommunist identity reconstruction among Ukrainian women in their current climate of patriarchalism.

From “the Ukraine” to Ukraine

Book Description

The contributors to this collection explore the multidimensional transformation of independent Ukraine and deal with her politics, society, private sector, identity, arts, religions, media, and democracy. Each chapter reflects the up-to-date research in its sub-discipline, is styled for use in seminars, and includes a bibliography as well as a recommended reading list. These studies illustrate the deep changes, yet, at the same time, staggering continuity in Ukraine’s post-Soviet development as well as various counter-reactions to it. All nine chapters are jointly written by two co-authors, one Ukrainian and one Western, who respond here to recent needs in international higher education. The volume’s contributors include, apart from the editors: Margarita M. Balmaceda (Seton Hall University), Oksana Barshynova (Ukrainian National Arts Museum), Tymofii Brik (Kyiv School of Economics), José Casanova (Georgetown University), Diana Dutsyk (Kyiv-Mohyla Academy), Marta Dyczok (University of Western Ontario), Hennadii Korzhov (Kyiv Polytechnic Institute), Serhiy Kudelia (Baylor University), Pavlo Kutuev (Kyiv Polytechnic Institute), Olena Martynyuk (Columbia University), Oksana Mikheieva (Ukrainian Catholic University), Tymofii Mylovanov (University of Pittsburgh), Andrian Prokip (Ukrainian Institute for the Future), Oxana Shevel (Tufts University), Ilona Sologoub (Kyiv School of Economics), Maksym Yenin (Kyiv Polytechnic Institute), and Yuliya Yurchenko (University of Greenwich).

Ukrainian Migration to the European Union

Book Description

This book brings together research findings from a variety of disciplines in this integrated study of the migration of Ukrainian nationals to the EU. It contextualizes and historicizes this migration against the background of the series of crises experienced by Ukraine and the wider region over the last thirty or so years, from the dissolution of the USSR, through EU border changes, to the failed economic reforms of independent Ukraine. The book reviews major publications in a variety of disciplines and in several languages, including Russian, Ukrainian and English. It provides a critical analysis of these authoritative sources, linking historical and contemporary texts to establish a longitudinal perspective on migration trends and practices. The spatial, temporal, gender and geopolitical aspects of migration are examined, with expert analysis of the implications for economics, immigration policies, and migration studies. The contributors also draw on national and international academic research and country-specific data to describe the experience of Ukrainian migration in six European countries: Poland, the Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. These detailed portraits identify the principal trends and will help researchers, policy makers, and students to a better understanding of the dynamics of migration flow in the region as a whole. “A timely volume covering many cases and many facets of Ukrainian mobility in the EU. A must have for all libraries.” Anna Triandafyllidou, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) "Is Ukraine the Mexico of Europe, I once asked. It is one of the most eminent migration cases to study. This book fills an acute knowledge gap and is a rich and important contribution." Franck Düvell, University of Oxford “This collection offers a comprehensive historical and geographical analysis of various migratory patterns from Ukraine to different European countries. It is a must read for migration scholars and for anyone interested in this highly topical phenomenon.” Lena Näre, University of Helsinki

The Great Transformation

Book Description

'One of the most powerful books in the social sciences ever written. ... A must-read' Thomas Piketty 'The twentieth century's most prophetic critic of capitalism' Prospect Karl Polanyi's landmark 1944 work is one of the earliest and most powerful critiques of unregulated markets. Tracing the history of capitalism from the great transformation of the industrial revolution onwards, he shows that there has been nothing 'natural' about the market state. Instead of reducing human relations and our environment to mere commodities, the economy must always be embedded in civil society. Describing the 'avalanche of social dislocation' of his time, Polanyi's hugely influential work is a passionate call to protect our common humanity. 'Polanyi's vision for an alternative economy re-embedded in politics and social relations offers a refreshing alternative' Guardian 'Polanyi exposes the myth of the free market' Joseph Stiglitz With a new introduction by Gareth Dale

Global Trends 2040

Book Description

"The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic marks the most significant, singular global disruption since World War II, with health, economic, political, and security implications that will ripple for years to come." -Global Trends 2040 (2021) Global Trends 2040-A More Contested World (2021), released by the US National Intelligence Council, is the latest report in its series of reports starting in 1997 about megatrends and the world's future. This report, strongly influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, paints a bleak picture of the future and describes a contested, fragmented and turbulent world. It specifically discusses the four main trends that will shape tomorrow's world: - Demographics-by 2040, 1.4 billion people will be added mostly in Africa and South Asia. - Economics-increased government debt and concentrated economic power will escalate problems for the poor and middleclass. - Climate-a hotter world will increase water, food, and health insecurity. - Technology-the emergence of new technologies could both solve and cause problems for human life. Students of trends, policymakers, entrepreneurs, academics, journalists and anyone eager for a glimpse into the next decades, will find this report, with colored graphs, essential reading.

Balancing Act

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Beyond the Euromaidan

Book Description

Beyond the Euromaidan examines the prospects for advancing reform in Ukraine in the wake of the February 2014 Euromaidan revolution and Russian invasion. It examines six crucial areas where reform is needed: deep internal identity divisions, corruption, the constitution, the judiciary, plutocratic "oligarchs," and the economy. On each of these topics, the book provides one chapter that focuses on Ukraine's own experience and one chapter that examines the issue in the broader context of international practice. Placing Ukraine in comparative perspective shows that many of the country's problems are not unique and that other countries have been able to address many of the issues currently confronting Ukraine. As with the constitution, there are no easy answers, but careful analysis shows that some solutions are better than others. Ultimately, the authors propose a series of reforms that can help Ukraine make the best of a bad situation. The book stresses the need to focus on reforms that might not have immediate effect, but that comparative experience shows can solve fundamental contextual challenges. Finally, the book shows that pressures from outside Ukraine can have a strong positive influence on reform efforts inside the country.