Softstone: Approaches to the study of chlorite and calcite vessels in the Middle East and Central Asia from prehistory to the present

Book Description

Stone containers have been made and used in the Middle East for over eleven millennia where they pre-dated the invention of pottery. This is the first attempt to bring together different approaches to the study of softstone vessels, particularly those carved from varieties of chlorite, and covering all periods from prehistory to the present.

Sasanian Archaeology: Settlements, Environment and Material Culture

Book Description

This collection of essays offers an examination of the Sasanian empire based almost entirely on archaeological and scientific research, much presented here for the first time. The book is divided into three parts examining Sasanian sites, settlements and landscapes; their complex agricultural resources; and their crafts and industries.

Settlement and Urbanization in Early Islamic Palestine, 7th-11th Centuries

Book Description

This volume follows the changes that occurred in central Palestine during the longue duree between the 7th to the 11th centuries. That region offers a unique micro-history of the Islamicate world, providing the opportunity for intensive archaeological research and rich primary sources. Through a careful comparison between the archaeological records and the textual evidence, a new history of Palestine and the Islamicate world emerges – one that is different than that woven from Arabic geographies and chronicles alone. The book highlights the importance of using a variety of sources when possible and examining each type of source in its own context. The volume spans ancient technologies and daily life, ancient agriculture, and the perception of place by ancient authors. It also explores the shift of settlements and harbors in central Palestine, as well as the gradual development of a new metropolis, al-Ramla. Settlement and Urbanization in Early Islamic Palestine will be of particular interest to students and scholars of the history of Islam or the history of Palestine, or anyone working more generally in the methodology of historical research and integrating texts and archaeology.


Book Description

This book presents the final report of the excavations at Yotvata, the largest oasis in the Arabah Valley, conducted by the Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University in 1974–1980 under the direction of Dr. Zeʾev Meshel. The report covers two central sites: a fortified Iron I site and an Early Islamic settlement. The Iron I remains consist of an irregular casemate wall surrounding a courtyard. The location of this site suggests that the settlement was established in order to protect the water sources and to overlook and supervise the nearby crossroads. Based on the relative proximity of the site to Timna, it may be concluded that the oasis formed the main source of water and wood for the population involved in copper production in that region. The rich finds uncovered at the Early Islamic settlement—including a large courtyard building and a nearby bathhouse, among other structures—point to habitation from the end of the seventh to the early ninth century CE. The proximity of the settlement to a sophisticated irrigation system (qanat) and the administrative/economic ostraca discovered at the site suggest that it served as the center of an agricultural estate owned by an elite Muslim family. Among the unique finds is a large assemblage of locally produced, handmade pottery, which is thoroughly studied here. The findings from the excavations at the Yotvata oasis have made a major contribution to the study of Early Islamic settlement and material culture in the greater Arabah region and beyond.

Dariali: The 'Caspian Gates' in the Caucasus from Antiquity to the Age of the Huns and the Middle Ages

Book Description

The Huns, invading through Dariali Gorge on the modern-day border between Russia and Georgia in AD 395 and 515, spread terror across the late antique world. Was this the prelude to the apocalypse? Prophecies foresaw a future Hunnic onslaught, via the same mountain pass, bringing about the end of the world. Humanity’s fate depended on a gated barrier deep in Europe’s highest and most forbidding mountain chain. Centuries before the emergence of such apocalyptic beliefs, the gorge had reached world fame. It was the target of a planned military expedition by the Emperor Nero. Chained to the dramatic sheer cliffs, framing the narrow passage, the mythical fire-thief Prometheus suffered severe punishment, his liver devoured by an eagle. It was known under multiple names, most commonly the Caspian or Alan Gates. Featuring in the works of literary giants, no other mountain pass in the ancient and medieval world matches Dariali’s fame. Yet little was known about the materiality of this mythical place. A team of archaeologists has now shed much new light on the major gorge-blocking fort and a barrier wall on a steep rocky ridge further north. The walls still standing today were built around the time of the first major Hunnic invasion in the late fourth century – when the Caucasus defenses feature increasingly prominently in negotiations between the Great Powers of Persia and Rome. In its endeavor to strongly fortify the strategic mountain pass through the Central Caucasus, the workforce erased most traces of earlier occupation. The Persian-built bastion saw heavy occupation for 600 years. Its multi-faith medieval garrison controlled Trans-Caucasian traffic. Everyday objects and human remains reveal harsh living conditions and close connections to the Muslim South, as well as the steppe world of the north. The Caspian Gates explains how a highly strategic rock has played a pivotal role in world history from Classical Antiquity into the twentieth century.

Barāqish/Yathill (Yemen) 1986-2007

Book Description

This richly illustrated volume presents the remarkable results of the Italian Archaeological Mission's investigations at the site of the walled town of Barāqish in interior Yemen, ancient Yathill of the Sabaeans and Minaeans, between 1986 and 2007.

Tales of Three Worlds - Archaeology and Beyond: Asia, Italy, Africa

Book Description

This book presents a series of papers in honour of Sandro Salvatori divided into three main sections reflecting his long years of work in Middle Asia, his time in Italy as an officer of the Archaeological Superintendency (Ministry of Cultural Heritage), and finally his studies on the prehistory of north-eastern Africa.

Advances in UAE Archaeology

Book Description

New excavations conducted across the United Arab Emirates over the last few years are presented here, revealing a wealth of new data on all periods of UAE archaeology from the Palaeolithic to the recent past. Some of these discoveries fill important gaps in our knowledge, while others have fundamentally revised what we thought we knew already.

All Things Arabia

Book Description

By employing the innovative lenses of ‘thing theory’ and material culture studies, this collection brings together essays focused on the role played by Arabia’s things - from cultural objects to commodities to historical and ethnographic artifacts to imaginary things - in creating an Arabian identity over time. The Arabian identity that we convey here comprises both a fabulous Arabia that has haunted the European imagination for the past three hundred years and a real Arabia that has had its unique history, culture, and traditions outside the Orientalized narratives of the West. All Things Arabia aims to dispel existing stereotypes and to stimulate new thinking about an area whose patterns of trade and cosmopolitanism have pollinated the world with lasting myths, knowledge, and things of beauty. Contributors include: Ileana Baird, Marie-Claire Bakker, Joseph Donica, Holly Edwards, Yannis Hadjinicolaou, Victoria Hightower, Jennie MacDonald, Kara McKeown, Rana Al-Ogayyel, Ceyda Oskay, Chrysavgi Papagianni, James Redman, Eran Segal, Hülya Yağcıoğlu, and William Gerard Zimmerle.

Final Report of Excavations on The Hill of The Ophel by R.A.S. Macalister and J. Garrow Duncan 1923–1925

Book Description

Final Report of Excavations on the Hill of the Ophel by R.A.S. Macalister and J. Garrow Duncan 1923–1925 contains the publication of the finds from this excavation a century ago that have been curated and stored in the archives of the Palestine Exploration Fund in London. This volume includes a history of the excavation and detailed descriptions and illustrations of finds ranging from the Chalcolithic through to the Ottoman periods. These include pottery, metal, bone and glass objects, seal impressions, figurines, clay tobacco pipes and other items, many of which have never been published before. Among the more significant finds from the excavation, both the subject of special studies, are an incised pottery sherd with images of two deity figurines interpreted as representing Yahweh and Asherah, and two incense burners that contribute to our understanding of the trade in incense in the Near East in the second and first millennia BCE. This volume will be of interest to students and researchers of ancient near eastern archaeology, and particularly those engaged in research in the southern Levant. The report complements the publications of the many subsequent excavations in the same area of Jerusalem, a location that is still today the focus of much attention for historical, religious and political, not to mention archaeological, reasons.