Soil Erosion in Europe

Book Description

Provides a unique and comprehensive assessment of soil erosion throughout Europe, an important aspect to control and manage if landscapes are to be sustained for the future. Written in two parts, Soil Erosion in Europe primarily focuses on current issues, area specific soil erosion rates, on and off-site impacts, government responses, soil conservation measures, and soil erosion risk maps. The first part overviews the erosion processes and the problems encountered within each European country, whilst the second section takes a cross-cutting theme approach. Based on an EU-funded project that has been running for four years with erosion scientists from 19 countries Reviews contemporary erosion processes and rates on arable and rangeland in Europe Looks at current issues, such as socio-economic drivers, controlling factors specific to the country and changes in land use

Climate and Land Degradation

Book Description

Based on an International Workshop held in Arusha, Tanzania, this book presents state-of-the-art papers, real world applications, and innovative techniques for combating land degradation. It offers recommendations for effectively using weather and climate information for sustainable land management practices.

Global Degradation of Soil and Water Resources

Book Description

This book focuses on soil and water conservation at global scale. It is a serious environmental problem that will threaten the socio-economic well-being of the majority of global population in future. The book examines the current situation of land degradation in multiple regions of the world and offers alternative approaches to solve the problems through sharing advanced technologies and lessons learned. It provides comprehensive assessment on characteristics, level and effect of degradation in different regions. It’s a highly informative reference both for researchers and graduate students.

Predicting Rainfall Erosion Losses

Book Description

The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) enables planners to predict the average rate of soil erosion for each feasible alternative combination of crop system and management practices in association with a specified soil type, rainfall pattern, and topography. When these predicted losses are compared with given soil loss tolerances, they provide specific guidelines for effecting erosion control within specified limits. The equation groups the numerous interrelated physical and management parameters that influence erosion rate under six major factors whose site-specific values can be expressed numerically. A half century of erosion research in many States has supplied information from which at least approximate values of the USLE factors can be obtained for specified farm fields or other small erosion prone areas throughout the United States. Tables and charts presented in this handbook make this information readily available for field use. Significant limitations in the available data are identified.

Scientific Basis for Soil Protection in the European Community

Book Description

PH. BOURDEAU Directorate-General Science. Research and Development. Commission of the European Communities. Brussels. Belgium We are living on a unique planet, the only one in the solar system where life exists. The very existence of life has modified the physical and chemical environment of the earth, its atmosphere and oceans, in a way that makes life sustainable. This system with its complex cybernetic mechanisms has been named GAIA by Lovelock. Man has always interfered with it on a more or less limited scale. This interference is now reaching global proportions such as climate modifications resulting from CO and trace gas 2 accumulation in the atmosphere or the destruction of stratospheric ozone, not to speak of global radioactive contamination. GAIA will probably prevail as a living system but it probably does not give much importance to man's survival as such, and it is man that has to take care of his own survival. In the ecosystem of Planet Earth, soils are the thin interface between lithosphere and atmosphere which constitutes the essential substrate for the terrestrial biosphere, the productivity of which far exceeds that of the oceans, even though the latter cover a much larger area than the continents. Soils themselves are complex systems. They develop through weathering of minerals, are colonised by living organisms which in turn modify their substrate making it suitable for other organisms. This induces a primary ecological succession which eventually reaches a climax, in equilibrium between climate, soil and the biological communities.

Soil Erosion Protection Measures in Europe

Book Description

Agricultural wind erosion control measures in the Netherlands; Design of In-field systems for wind erosion control; How to succeed in planting 900 km of shelterbells per year in a small country like denmark; The use of farming systems for the control of runoff and erosion (example from a given country with thalweg erosion); Conditions for gully formation in the Belgian Loam Belt and some ways to control them; Measures for runoff and erosion control on clayey soils: A review of trials carried out in the apennines hilly area; Drainage as a soil conservation and soil stabilizing paractice on hilly slopes; Erosion control in maize fields in schleswig-holstein; Erosional systems and perspectives for erosion control in european loess areas; Runoff, erosion and sugarbeet yelds in conventional and mulched cultivation results of the 1988 experiment; The effectiveness of strubble mulching in soil erosion control; Soil tillage, soil structure and soil erosion in denmark; The use of organic waste materials and plant cover for soil surface protection and crop production; Soil conservation under minimum tillage techniques in mediterranean dry farming; Erosion control in vineyards of the mosel-region FRC; The benefit of permanent grass mulching for limiting runoff and erosion in vineyards. Experimentations using rainfall-simulations in the beaujolais; The land consolidation project of freinhausen, Bavaria; Revision of land management systems in Italian Hilly area; Land evaluation and erosion control practices on mined soils ...

Soil erosion: the greatest challenge for sustainable soil management

Book Description

Despite almost a century of research and extension efforts, soil erosion by water, wind and tillage continues to be the greatest threat to soil health and soil ecosystem services in many regions of the world. Our understanding of the physical processes of erosion and the controls on those processes has been firmly established. Nevertheless, some elements remain controversial. It is often these controversial questions that hamper efforts to implement sound erosion control measures in many areas of the world. This book, released in the framework of the Global Symposium on Soil Erosion (15-17 May 2019) reviews the state-of-the-art information related to all topics related to soil erosion.