Solar Drying of Tropical Hardwoods

Book Description

The lumber solar dryer is a wood-framed structure covered with thin transparent materials that permit transmission of shortwave solar energy. Baffled fans provide air circulation. Air exchange is regulated using adjustable vents and mist sprayers permit some additional control of relative humidity. At Rio Piedras-San Juan, temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiation are fairly uniform throughout the year, being slightly more favorable for rapid lumber drying during february-march. Solar and air drying time of seven charges of Honduras mahogany of varying thicknesses and one mixed charge of 11 hardwood species has been determined. From an initial green moisture content of 50 percent, l-inch mahogany can be solar dried to a final moisture content of 12 percent in 18 days, 1-1/4-inch requires 25 days, and 2-inch stock about 41 days. The mixed hardwoods (1-1/4-inch), ranging in basic specific gravity from 0.48 to 0.82 required 43 days to solar-dry from an average green moisture content of 60 percent to a final average moisture content of 12 percent. At the end of the runs, moisture content of sample boards usually ranged +- 2 percent from this mean. A 48-hour mist spray conditioning treatment is adequate to remove severe casehardening. A moisture content of 15 percent can be reached in the solar dryer in one-half to one-fourth the time required for air drying. Nevertheless, warping and checking in the solar-dried lumber are no more severe than in matched air-dried material.

List of Publications on Drying of Wood

Book Description

This list includes publications that present the results of research by the Forest Products Laboratory in this particular field of wood products research.

Improvements in Solar Dry Kiln Design

Book Description

Interest in solar drying of lumber has increased in recent years because previous results had indicated that: Drying times are shorter and final moisture contents are lower in solar drying than in air drying; much less lumber degrade occurs in solar drying when compared to air drying; and the cost of energy is less in solar drying than in kiln drying. Work in the field of solar drying has reached the point at which dryer designs are being modified or need to be modified to provide more efficient dryers. In order that these modifications can be made intelligently, it is necessary to identify the weak areas (such as excessive solar reflectance from the walls) in the present dryer designs. The objective of this study was to identify the major energy losses in the solar dryer at Colorado State University, and then to suggest various design changes, based on theoretical considerations, to reduce these losses to leave more energy for the primary task of drying wood.

Drying Hardwood Lumber

Book Description

Drying Hardwood Lumber focuses on common methods for drying lumber of different thickness, with minimal drying defects, for high quality applications. This manual also includes predrying treatments that, when part of an overall quality-oriented drying system, reduce defects and improve drying quality, especially of oak lumber. Special attention is given to drying white wood, such as hard maple and ash, without sticker shadow or other discoloration. Several special drying methods, such as solar drying, are described, and proper techniques for storing dried lumber are discussed. Suggestions are provided for ways to economize on drying costs by reducing drying time and energy demands when feasible. Each chapter is accompanied by a list of references. Some references are cited in the chapter; others are listed as additional sources of information.

FPL Design for Lumber Dry Kiln Using Solar/wood Energy in Tropical Latitudes

Book Description

Developing countries with a timber resource that can be manufactured into finished products either for local use or export often lack the capital to build high-cost dry kilns. Many of these countries are in the tropics where solar radiation and ambient temperatures are high. The low-cost solar/wood energy lumber dry kiln described in this report was designed and tested by the Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) for such countries where solar dry kilns can be built and operated at low cost. The FPL design is for a 6,000-fbm capacity kiln having an insulated drying compartment, an external horizontal solar collector, and a furnace room containing a wood burner. Capacities larger or smaller than 6,000 fbm are also possible. This design allows collector and wood burner sizing to match the energy demands of the dryer. The design also incorporates low-cost controls that allow unattended drying when operated as a solar-only dryer. Manual firing is necessary when the wood-burning system is supplying the energy. This kiln design is the final, commercial-size version established after years of testing several 1,000-fbm capacity prototypes. In December 1984 a kiln of this design was built in Sri Lanka at a factory that manufactures furniture and laminated beams from rubber and coconut wood.