Multinuclear Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Inorganic Materials

Book Description

Techniques of solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy are constantly being extended to a more diverse range of materials, pressing into service an ever-expanding range of nuclides including some previously considered too intractable to provide usable results. At the same time, new developments in both hardware and software are being introduced and refined. This book covers the most important of these new developments. With sections addressed to non-specialist researchers (providing accessible answers to the most common questions about the theory and practice of NMR asked by novices) as well as a more specialised and up-to-date treatment of the most important areas of inorganic materials research to which NMR has application, this book should be useful to NMR users whatever their level of expertise and whatever inorganic materials they wish to study.

Solid State Chemistry of Inorganic Materials: Volume 453

Book Description

The importance and scope of solid-state chemistry has grown in response to the continuing challenge to understand, control and predict the structures and properties of solids at the atomic level, and to synthesize new compounds with enhanced physical response. The many successes in the preparation of materials with unique electronic, optical, magnetic and catalytic properties are a clear testament to the vitality and importance of solid-state chemistry to materials research. This book provides an interdisciplinary forum for discussion and exchange of ideas on both the recent advances in solid-state chemistry and their impact on the development and application of inorganic materials. Topics include: chalcogenides; synthesis and reactivity; materials synthesis; theory; optical properties; electronic and magnetic properties; dielectrics and ferroelectrics; solid-state ionics and surfaces and interfaces.

Solid State Chemistry

Book Description

The subject matterofsolid state chemistry lies within the spheres ofboth physical and inorganic chemistry. In addition, there is a large overlap with solid state physics and materials engineering. However, solid state chemistry has still to be recognized by the general body ofchemists as a legitimate subfield ofchemistry. The discipline is not even well defined as to content and has many facets that make writing a textbook a formidable task. The early studies carried out in the United States by Roland Ward and his co workers emphasized the synthesisofnew materials and the determination oftheir structure. His work on doped alkaline earth sulfides formed the basis for the development of infrared phosphors and his pioneering studies on oxides were important in understanding the structural features of both the perovskite oxides as well as the magnetoplumbites. In 1945, A. F. Wells published the first edition of Structural Inorganic Chemistry. This work attempts to demonstrate that the synthesis, structure, and properties of solids form an important part of inorganic chemistry. Now, after almost 50 years during which many notable advances have been made in solid state chemistry, it is still evident that the synthesis, structure determination, and properties of solids receive little attention in most treatments of inorganic chemistry. The development of the field since the early studies of Roland Ward (early 1940s) has been rapid.