Solos do silêncio

Book Description

A Poesia nos Poentes do Silêncio

Book Description

Como disse o poeta Manoel de Barros em um de seus poemas, “é difícil fotografar o silêncio”. Entretanto, cada verso constitui um repto ao silêncio. Mas o silêncio, que tudo expressa sem nada dizer, é por isso sempre mais eloquente do que qualquer discurso ou poema. No entanto, quando as palavras se irmanam num poema bem-elaborado, a faísca do lirismo esplende, fazendo com que a luz menor transcenda ao escuro maior. A poesia nos poentes do silêncio é uma coletânea em que o poeta revela completo devotamento à criação de seus versos, imprimindo neles o refinamento de uma sinfonia executada harmoniosamente. Revivescências, reflexões sobre o lirismo, o amor, homenagens a Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Fernando Pessoa e Franz Kafka, os versos podem ser saboreados todos num só dia. Não enjoam nem engordam.

Teacher Evaluation in Music

Book Description

Teacher Evaluation in Music: A Guide for Music Teachers in the U. S. aims to help music teachers navigate the controversial terrain of teacher evaluation. Rather than entering the debate on policy divorced from practice, this book is intended as a pragmatic approach to help music teachers to thrive within teacher evaluation systems and as a way to improve practice. Using Shulman's concept of content knowledge, general pedagogical knowledge, and pedagogical content knowledge, this book strives to help music teachers find a balance between advocating for themselves and their programs and for using teacher evaluation to improve their teaching. The book covers history of policy and law of teacher evaluation and the competing uses of teacher evaluation to rate teachers or as a professional development tool. The descriptions of policies, laws, and competing uses are approached in a way to help music teachers use teacher evaluation for their benefit to grow as professionals. This book has chapters devoted to giving detailed and specific strategies in key areas that research has suggested music teachers struggle to implement: questioning, literacy, differentiated instruction, and assessment. Complimenting these key areas are sample lesson plans which apply the strategies of questioning, differentiation, literacy, and assessment discussed in each chapter. These lessons serve as a resource and guide for teachers to develop their own lessons and improve their practice. The final chapter gives guidance on how music teachers may talk to administrators and evaluators to make teacher evaluation productive. Through these detailed descriptions of understanding teacher evaluation, talking to evaluators, and improving practice, music teachers may not just survive but thrive in these systems of accountability.


Book Description

Just Because I Am / Solo porque soy yo

Book Description

Help little ones build self-esteem and self-confidence in both English and Spanish. This English-Spanish bilingual book of sweet, simple affirmations for children helps them respect their bodies, acknowledge their needs, name their feelings, and build their self-esteem. Just Because I Am/Solo porque soy yo invites little ones to love, accept, and feel good about themselves exactly as they are. A section for adults includes activities and discussion questions in both languages.

Solo a los bebés les gusta que les cambien

Book Description

En un entorno en el que lo único constante es el permanente cambio, las organizaciones se enfrentan a la necesidad de afrontar procesos de transformación que les permitan sobrevivir, especialmente en una situación de profunda crisis económica. Frente a las teorías que se centran en la modificación de estrategias, en la implantación de sistemas de base tecnológica, en la transformación organizativa, en nuevos sistemas de calidad, control o producción, este libro defiende que no se producirá el cambio en una organización si no se logra que las personas que la componen varíen su conducta cotidiana. José Manuel Gil proporciona ideas, métodos y herramientas para abordar la complejidad del cambio implantándolo con éxito en organizaciones empresariales, públicas y sociales, a partir de un detallado análisis de la taxonomía del cambio, realizado tras una investigación en la que han participado 83 empresas de diferentes tamaños y sectores.

Play Solo Flamenco Guitar with Juan Martin Vol. 1

Book Description

Designed as a comprehensive multimedia teaching set, this book with online audio/video present 42 solos, progressively graded in 6 levels from absolute beginners to more advanced, to suit players of all levels. It contains examples of eighteen different palos (rhythmic forms) of flamenco, with a wealth of melodic falsetas and rhythms. The music for all these is accurately written in notation and flamenco tab (cifra) in the book, and is also recorded on the online audio. The online video contains over 57 minutes of solo music, and also includes introduction by Juan Martín and brief scenes of Andalucia today, which help to place this profoundly exciting and deeply felt music in the landscape of its origins. Juan Martín has succeeded here in showing how even music which is simple and very easy to start with can express the essential sound and emotion of flamenco, to build step by step the skills necessary for the performance of concert solos. Written in English and Spanish. Includes access to online audio and video.

La Linfa Del Pacto

Book Description

La linfa del pacto narra una historia que se desarrolla en una tierra denominada "Perenial" la cuál fue fundada por un gran y poderoso rey. Esta tierra está dividida en dos grandes reinos: el reino "Tarambana" y el reino de "la Gloria" los cuales están divididos por un profundo y creciente abismo llamado del Yerro. En esta tierra habitan principalmente tres especies de seres: los angelicales, los humanos y los loa. Trata acerca de la confusión existencial de un joven soñador humano llamado Pecas y su constante búsqueda por descubrir su identidad, la cual le lleva a vivir innumerables aventuras y a conocer a muchos personajes que en su momento marcaron su vida.

The Dream of Zaragoza Murphy

Book Description

An internal journey of thoughts, visions and the stimulus of every day. Enter the mind and soul of one person, from their dreams to the daily grind and the mental process of modern city life.

New Mexican Folk-songs

Book Description