John's Gospel

Book Description

The Gospel written by the Beloved Disciple St. Augustine once said about the Gospel of John, that, "It is shallow enough for a child not to drown, yet deep enough for an elephant to swim in it." John contains the Bible's favorite verse - John 3:16. John's themes are essential to our understanding of Jesus as Son of God and Messiah. Here we learn about the Holy Spirit, the Counselor who lives within us to guide and empower us. We learn about the Father's love and eternal life. Some of the most beloved stories of Jesus' ministry are found only in the Fourth Gospel -- changing the water into wine, the woman at the well, the woman taken in adultery, raising Lazarus, washing the disciples' feet, and many more. In John's Gospel you find Jesus as the Bread of Life; the Light of the World; the Good Shepherd; the Way, the Truth, and the Life. John's Gospel is lengthy - 21 chapters, but rich and deep. Each chapter concludes with a summary of lessons for disciples to ponder. This study's helpful thought and discussion questions make it useful for personal enrichment and by small groups and classes. Extensive research contained in the footnotes makes it a goldmine for teachers and a boon to preachers involved in sermon preparation.

Languages Bases--discourse Bases

Book Description

When child language began to be studied in the sixties, what interested researchers most was what could be considered language per se. Holophrases were excluded as seemingly having no syntax and research work was carried out as of the two-word stage. Language development was studied up to around age seven, the age at which natural acquisition processes were considered to be contaminated by formal schooling in language.In opposition to such an attitude, this volume has ignored this heavily studied area of language development preferring to present research being carried out at the two ends of the development process that had been rejected: that of prelinguistic speech skills, at the one end, and the development of discourse at the other. This book thus begins with the physical properties in human development necessary for language to occur. It also offers studies on a child's initial equipment, i.e. intra-uterine skills and skills acquired before first words. At the other end are studies on the development of discourse, i.e. the child's acquisition of the ability not only to juxtapose ideas, but to link them into cohesive, coherent texts and to use argumentation, skills that are not fully acquired until the child is well into adolescence and nearing adulthood.

Metaphor in Legal Discourse

Book Description

This book explores different aspects of metaphoricity in legal discourse, from court proceedings and written institutionalised texts to judges’ argumentation and in spoken records, among others. It brings together linguists and law professionals from six different countries to investigate metaphor as a conceptual phenomenon accessible through language and, more specifically, through actual linguistic contexts of use.

Tense, Aspect and Discourse Structure

Book Description

Tense and aspect are crucial devices of sentence meaning. They interact with Aktionsart, but also with verb types and adverbs when indicating temporal relations and building temporal discourse structure. On the discourse level, they are co-determined by narrative functions, enhancing the complexity of their description. The volume depicts this vast field. It unites twelve contributions which elaborate on three thematic cores: 1) the context-sensitivity of tense and aspect and their relationships with neighbouring categories, 2) their interaction with adverbs, 3) their functioning in discourse. The volume advances our knowledge of the matters at hand in different respects. It discusses the onomasiological status of categories such temporality and aspectuality critically. It addresses the functioning of tense in discourse from various angles. A further focus is placed on the imperfective past tense-aspect form, its uses and meaning potentials. Its analysis ranges from marking evidentiality to indicating perspectives. The volume combines papers with various theoretical approaches and methodologies, notably, formally oriented linguistics and data-driven accounts. The multiplicity of subjects and methods may resonate beyond the field of Romance linguistics.

Children's Discourse

Book Description

This comparative study explores two central questions in the study of first language acquisition: What is the relative impact of structural and functional determinants? What is universal versus language-specific during development? Maya Hickmann addresses these questions in three domains of child language: reference to entities, the representation of space, and uses of temporal-aspectual markings. She provides a thorough review of different theoretical approaches to language acquisition and a wide range of developmental research, as well as examining all three domains in English, French, German and Chinese narratives. Hickmann's findings concern the rhythm of acquisition, the interplay among different factors (syntactic, semantic, pragmatic) determining children's uses, and universal versus variable aspects of acquisition. Her conclusions stress the importance of relating sentence and discourse determinants of acquisition in a crosslinguistic perspective. Children's Discourse will be welcomed by those working in psychology and language-related disciplines interested in first language acquisition.

Young L2 learners' narrative discourse

Book Description

Wie entwickeln sich Text-/Diskursfähigkeiten bei Zweitsprachenlernenden? Dieser bisher weitgehend unbeantworteten Frage geht die vorliegende Monographie in Bezug auf frühen Fremdsprachenerwerb nach. Untersucht werden narrative Texte von Grundschülerinnen und Grundschülern, die an einem englischsprachigen Immersionsprogramm in Deutschland teilnehmen, einer intensiven Form von CLIL bzw. bilingualem Unterricht. Ausgehend von einem psycholinguistischen Modell der Diskursproduktion betrachtet der vorliegende Band einerseits, auf der Makroebene der Textualität, die Entwicklung der Kohärenz der Erzählungen und andererseits, auf der Mikroebene, die Entwicklung der Kohäsion. Die gewählten Analysemodelle basieren auf Geschichtengrammatik und kohäsiven Mittel nach Halliday und Hasan (1976). Der Band ist eine der ersten Studien zu Kohärenz und Kohäsion im Zweitsprachenerwerb und die bisher einzige solche Studie im Kontext frühen Fremdsprachenunterrichts. Hauptzielgruppen sind Linguistinnen und Linguisten, die an Spracherwerb, frühkindlichen Erzählungen, Text-/Diskurslinguistik interessiert sind, sowie Fachdidaktikerinnen und Fachdidaktiker, die an frühem Fremdsprachenunterricht und bilingualem Unterricht interessiert sind.

Discourse and Syntax

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Pragmatics of Discourse

Book Description

Discourse is language as it occurs, in any form or context, beyond the speech act. It may be written or spoken, monological or dialogical, but there is always a communicative aim or purpose. The present volume provides systematic orientation in the vast field of studying discourse from a pragmatic perspective. It first gives an overview of a range of approaches developed for the analysis of discourse, including, among others, conversation analysis, systemic-functional analysis, genre analysis, critical discourse analysis, corpus-driven approaches and multimodal analysis. The focus is furthermore on functional units in discourse, such as discourse markers, moves, speech act sequences, discourse phases and silence. The final section of the volume examines discourse types and domains, providing a taxonomy of discourse types and focusing on a range of discourse domains, e.g. classroom discourse, medical discourse, legal discourse, electronic discourse. Each article surveys the current state of the art of the respective topic area while also presenting new research findings.

Advice in Discourse

Book Description

This multi-faceted collection of research papers on Advice in Discourse focuses on advisory practices in different contexts. Data is drawn from academic, educational and training settings, health-related practices, and computer-mediated communication. The languages involved are Cantonese, English, Finnish, Japanese, Spanish and Russian. The chapters treat professional and institutional practices, practices that contain peer interaction within an institutional framework, and non-institutional peer interaction, as well as solicited and non-solicited advice in written and spoken form. The work reported on clearly demonstrates the complexity of the advisory activity, which needs to be studied in its cultural framework and interactional context. The richness and diversity of this practice is studied from different methodological angles, covering qualitative and quantitative as well as theoretical and empirical analyses. The volume provides a comprehensive introduction to the research field, thought-provoking theoretical discussions and extensive references for future research. It is essential for linguists, advice-practitioners and for those who want to learn more about the discourse of advice.