Principles of Insect Morphology

Book Description

This classic text, first published in 1935, is once again available. Still the standard reference in the English language, Principles of Insect Morphology is considered the author's masterpiece. A talented artist as well as one of the leading entomologists of his day, Robert E. Snodgrass produced a wealth of publications that display an accuracy and precision still unsurpassed. The 19 chapters in this volume cover each group of insect organs and their associated structures, at the same time providing a coherent morphological view of their fundamental nature and apparent evolution. To accomplish this aim, Snodgrass compares insect organs with those of other arthropods. Each chapter concludes with a glossary of terms. The 319 multipart illustrations are an invaluable source of information and have never been duplicated. This edition includes a new foreword by George Eickwort, Professor of Entomology at Cornell University, which relates the book to today's courses in insect morphology. Republication of this textbook will provide another generation of students with an essential foundation for their studies in entomology.

IMMS’ General Textbook of Entomology

Book Description

seem as appropriate now as the original balance was when Dr A. D. Imms' textbook was first published over fifty years ago. There are 35 new figures, all based on published illustrations, the sources of which are acknowledged in the captions. We are grateful to the authors concerned and also to Miss K. Priest of Messrs Chapman & Hall, who saved us from many errors and omissions, and to Mrs R. G. Davies for substantial help in preparing the bibliographies and checking references. London O.W.R. May 1976 R.G.D. Part I ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Chapter I INTRODUCTION Definition of the Insecta (Hexapoda) The insects are tracheate arthropods in which the body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen. A single pair of antennae (homologous with the anten nules of the Crustacea) is present and the head also bears a pair of mandibles and two pairs of maxillae, the second pair fused medially to form the labium. The thorax carries three pairs of legs and usually one or two pairs of wings. The abdomen is devoid of ambulatory appendages, and the genital opening is situated near the posterior end of the body. Postembryonic development is rarely direct and a metamorphosis usually occurs.

Form and Function of Insect Wings

Book Description

In Form and Function of Insect Wings Grodnitsky offers a comprehensive overview of the functional morphology of insect wings from the viewpoint of general biology and uses these data to help further explain animal morphology. Grodnitsky evaluates functional issues relating to insect diversification, particularly wing structure and kinematics. He discusses recent data on wing kinematics and structure from the point of view of modern insect flight aerodynamics and general evolutionary morphology. He is most concerned with the question of which features of an organism can be explained by natural selection of given functional variants and which cannot.

The Principles of Insect Physiology

Book Description

INSECTS PROVIDE an ideal medium in which to study all the problems of physiology. But if this medium is to be used to the best advantage, the principles and peculiarities of the insect's organization must be first appreciated. It is the purpose of this book to set forth these principles so far as they are understood at the present day. There exist already many excellent text-books of general ento mology; notably those of Imms, Weber, and Snodgrass, to mention only the more recent. But these authors have necessarily been preoccupied chiefly with describing the diversity of form among insects; discussions on function being correspondingly condensed. In the present work the emphasis is reversed. Struc ture is described only to an extent sufficient to make the physiological argument intelligible. Every anatomical peculiarity, every ecological specialization, has indeed its physiological counterpart. In that sense, anatomy, physiology and ecology are not separable. But regarded from the standpoint from which the present work is written, the endless modifications that are met with among insects are but illustrations of the general principles of their physiology, which it is the aim of this book to set forth. Completeness in such a work is not possible, or desirable; but an endeavour has been made to illustrate each physiological characteristic by a few concrete examples, and to include sufficient references to guide the student to the more important sources. The physiology of insects is to some the handmaid of Economic Entomology.

Principles of Insect Morphology

Book Description

The principal value of facts is that they give us something to think about. A scientific textbook, therefore, should contain a fair amount of reliable information, though it may be a matter of choice with the author whether he leaves it to the reader to formulate his own ideas as to the meaning of the facts, or whether he attempts to guide the reader's thoughts along what seem to him to be the proper channels. The writer of the present text, being convinced that generalizations are more important than mere knowledge of facts, and being also somewhat partial to his own way of of thinking about insects, has not been able to refrain entirely from presenting the facts of insect anatomy in a way to suggest relations between them that possibly exist only in his own mind.