Book Description


Book Description

This is NUBook Two... Once upon a time there was 'The Rod of Power' with Rebazar Tarzs. Today IT IS... THE NUWAVIS! This IS Real Now! What Paul Twitchell presented to this world in the past has come and gone with what he wrote about, and respectably does have its place in Human History, but The TruReality LifeIS, IS AlwaysNU & Now. Duane was given The Rod of Power, August 3, 2001, and in August 3, 2007, THE NUWAVIS has become The NUNowniss of THE ALLIS. What is being presented here is not a superstitious 'belief' like that of the Gods of Man, but moreso a Wonderful Reference to The TruReality LifeIS. The old ideas of 'Sacred Writings' and rewritten slanted doctrines no longer have any RealValue with The Whole of Life, This IS Real Now. For YU to experience What IS Real Now, simply do The NU-U Sessions and Watch Your DreamVisions. [email protected].


Book Description

NUBook 2... The days of 'Masters and Gurus' is gone! Duane The Great Writer is rewriting Human History. The people of earth have been subjected to a huge deception of slanted history, along with political and religious imprisonment, not so much so with their elemental bodies, but with all the physiological nonsense that has been purposely created to control everyone. The RealGuides are The SuperWarriors of THE ALLIS. They can SeeThru everything that has and is being created to deceive the many unaware souls still lost with themselves in the PsycRealms. ALLifeIS ALL about Becoming MoreAware. This IS Real Now! Simply BE Now & BE Real... This IS RealTruth & RealFreedom. From all my journeys I have come to this very moment where I am with The LUV of My Life, THE ALLIS, and also Miss Eva SharIS. We stand in 'THE NUWAVIS NOW' together. Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides stand with US as Beings of Light. What I am presenting to this world IS For Everyone. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter


Book Description

The Planet Earth has become a Huge Dumping Ground for Purposely Planned Pollution. If you have the courage to look up in Your Skies and See the ChemTrails, you will come to realize their real purpose. You can 'believe' what the KEK Systems have been telling you with their Deceptive Marketing Ploy of GeoEngineering or you can Test The NU~U Sessions we are sharing and then Watch Your DreamVisions and Life will show you what is really taking place. Just like Noah that was shown to build the Arc from his dreams, you have the same advantage to WakeUp and Pay Attention to what is really happening on Your World Now. If you have Children, they will soon be the future and having to deal with what is taking place Right Now. You can pretend all you want and 'believe' what the political, religious, spiritual and educational KONtrollers are telling you, or you can take the time to investigate and See what is really taking place with The Natural Environment that supports You.


Book Description

In a world that has been so over-educated it becomes rather difficult for people to See Beyond this Created World of such a Matrix Design. So much of what we are experiencing here has nothing to do with The Natural Environment that supports ALL of US. A person can talk about how they love things, but it all becomes Real when they Do Something Wonderful with ALL. This world is being purposely brainwashed to agree to its own demise, and at the same time many are convinced that it is for the good of everyone. This is how deranged the Social Structures and that of Politics and Religion have become. It has become common place to agree to all the insanity people have created for themselves. When we look at Children and the creatures with The Natural Environment, we do not see the same results taking place as with the overly-created things that we now have to deal. It is time to See as Children See, from Your Heart & Your Being, moreso than just Your Mind.

How to Find God

Book Description

Sri Harold Klemp's talks and question and answer sessions during his travels around the world in 1982–83 are now beautifully presented in this second edition of How to Find God, Mahanta Transcripts Book 2. Whether you're reading this book for the first time or revisiting it you'II have the opportunity to explore classic talks such as these: • Giving Back to Life • The Search for Happiness • Steps to Self-Mastery When facing the challenges of the times, people find themselves asking, How can I find God in all this? They seek answers to the deepest spiritual questions. During this unprecedented period in history, How to Find God offers remarkable guidance from the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master about survival, happiness, and the path to God-Realization.


Book Description

This is a 'TOP SECRET DOCUMENT' that very few will understand. You have to be a Real RiskTaker to See it. Will you Take The Risk to find out? Have Fun Deciding!!!

How the Inner Master Works, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 12

Book Description

A woman who hasn't been in the job market for eleven years decides to go back to work. Day after day for over a year, she braves interview after interview. Rejection after rejection. Slowly, she becomes discouraged and stops calling employers, afraid of one more rejection. Then she has a dream. Through that dream, the Inner Master, the Mahanta, helps her find the motivation to make one more call. It miraculously leads to just the right job for her. But there's still the interview to go through, and she's very nervous. Sitting in the parking lot, she suddenly senses the Inner Master saying, "Don't worry. Don't hang on too tightly. You've got to let go of your fears." She calms down and begins feeling like a child who expects only good from life. She walks into the office, has the interview, and is hired. How the Inner Master Works highlights classic talks by Sri Harold Klemp from 1992 to 1993 offering stories, poignant insights, and dozens of techniques to help you overcome the stumbling blocks in your life.