Soot and Radiation in a Gas Turbine Combustor

Book Description

The effects of pressure, inlet air temperature, and fuel type on the soot threshold or critical equivalence ratio, are presented. Higher pressures yield lower soot thresholds, while no dependence on fuel type, as described by either the fuel hydrogen-to-carbon ratio, fuel molecular weight, number of carbon atoms, or number of carbon-carbon bonds, is observed. Variations in inlet air temperature have a complex effect; however, the results clearly show that the experimentally measured flame temperature is central to a description of the incipient soot formation process. The critical equivalence ratio dependence on pressure and temperature is shown to agree with a two-step semi-global model for soot precursor evolution for pressures form 0.1 to 0.8 MPa, and measured flame temperatures between 1600 and 2400K. The effects of equivalence ratio, pressure, and fuel chemistry on total non-luminous flame radiation were also studied. Radiant intensity was highest for an equivalence ratio of unity and increased linearly with pressure from 0.4 to 0.8 MPa. Keywords: Incipient soot formation, Flame radiation and emissivity, Premixed flames, Pressure dependence.

Soot Production in a Tubular Gas Turbine Combustor

Book Description

Soot production in gas turbine combustors is not desirable since it is the major source of exhaust smoke emission and its thermal radiation to the combustor liner deteriorates the liner durability. Soot formation involves comparatively slow chemistry and equilibrium can not be applied to soot modelling in the combustor flow field. . The exact sooting process in the combustor is poorly understood given both the complexity and the limited experimental data available. The work reported in this thesis seeks to first develop in-situ techniques for retrieving spatially-resolved soot properties, mainly soot particle volume fraction, from within the combustor and also to apply the measured results to comparisons with predicted soot concentrations. Two probing methods have been demonstrated which also incorporate a laser absorption technique. The sight probe proves to be more reliable in the present measurements. The evaluation of the physical probing techniques in sooty laboratory flames reveals that the flame structure will not be substantially distorted by the probe. The disturbance caused by the probe is localised, a feature which is evident in the reported water flow visualization test. The necessary inert gas purge can be minimised to reduce the local aerodynamic perturbation. The measured soot volume fraction distributions are comparable with sooting levels reported in flame studies in the literature. The peak soot volume fractions are located off-axis, characteristic of the fuel atornization. The measurementsin the primary zone are restricted by the multi-phase character of the flow, where soot absorption can not be readily discriminated from fuel droplet scattering. Measurements are reported over a range of air-fuel ratios, inlet pressures and temperatures. Time-averageds calard istributionsa t the nominald ilution sectionh ave beeno btained in addition to the soot measuremenut sing probe sampling and standard gas analysis. Correlationso f carbond ioxide with mixtur.

Flow and Combustion in Advanced Gas Turbine Combustors

Book Description

With regard to both the environmental sustainability and operating efficiency demands, modern combustion research has to face two main objectives, the optimization of combustion efficiency and the reduction of pollutants. This book reports on the combustion research activities carried out within the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 568 “Flow and Combustion in Future Gas Turbine Combustion Chambers” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). This aimed at designing a completely integrated modeling and numerical simulation of the occurring very complex, coupled and interacting physico-chemical processes, such as turbulent heat and mass transport, single or multi-phase flows phenomena, chemical reactions/combustion and radiation, able to support the development of advanced gas turbine chamber concepts

Correlation of Soot Formation in Turbojet Engines and in Laboratory Flames

Book Description

Data obtained from aviation gas turbine combustor tests have been examined to determine the effects of fuel properties on soot-related measurements such as engine smoke number, combustor flame radiation, and/or combustor linear temperature. Some tests of smaller laboratory combustors used to simulate these large combustors were also examined. From the existing data it is clear that soot production is a strong function of the fuel chemical composition. Variations in the physical properties of the fuel do not correlate well with soot-related effects. In studies in which a broad range of fuel properties was examined, correlation of soot-related effects with basic fuel compositional parameters including (1) the hydrogen content of the fuel, (2) the aromatic content of the fuel, and (3) the amount of multiple-ring aromatics in the fuel show that typically only the first of these correlates well. However, it has also been shown that fuel compositions can be chosen for which this correlating parameter fails.

GAS Turbine Combustion, Second Edition

Book Description

This revised edition provides understanding of the basic physical, chemical, and aerodynamic processes associated with gas turbine combustion and their relevance and application to combustor performance and design. It also introduces the many new concepts for ultra-low emissions combustors, and new advances in fuel preparation and liner wall-cooling techniques for their success. It details advanced and practical approaches to combustor design for the clean burning of alternative liquid fuels derived from oil shades, tar sands, and coal. Additional topics include diffusers, combustion performance fuel injection, combustion noise, heat transfer, and emissions.