Sorrell and Son

Book Description

Sorrell and Son' is a popular culture novel by Warwick Deeping. The story is set in England. It is about a man who devotes his life to making his son's life a success. As the story proceeds, many themes are explored including life, love, career and familial and marital relationships.

Sorrell & Son

Book Description

Sorrell & Son is the tale of a father who dedicates his life to raising his son and help him succeed. Steven Sorrell, a sensitive guy and a gentleman of rare breeding, returns to London after the Great War, desperately expected by his wife and his son Kit. Sorrell struggles to find a job and his wife leaves him, so he decides to do whatever it takes to make a decent living for his boy. Sorrell takes a job as a porter at a tacky hotel where he has to scratch and scrape to stay employed, while bullied by his superiors. Driven by his will to raise a proper gentleman Sorrell never stops and their condition improves when he gets a better job, and Kit is able to go to college and medical school. As Kit grows to manhood he appreciates his father efforts more and more and feels obliged to returns the devotion.

Sorrell and Son

Book Description

"Set in England the story is about a man who devotes his life to making his son's a success. In the course of the story many themes are explored including life, love, career and familial and marital relationships."--Goodreads.

Sorrell and Son

Book Description

Stephen Sorrell a decorated war hero, raises his son Kit alone after Kit's mother deserts husband and child in the boy's infancy. Sorrell humbles his own pride and begins life over as a hotel porter in order to give his son a gentleman's opportunities. He thrives in the knowledge that his son will benefit from his labors. Sorrell has allowed the boy to believe his mother is dead but later she shows up wanting to re-enter the young man's life. Sorrell must make hard decisions. The story takes Kit from childwood to a place in medicine and Sorrell from poverty to wealth. Father and son value the warmth and intimacy of their association, its frankness and love, as well as the spirit of sacrifice in the father and the spirit of devotion in the boy.

Sorrell and Son

Book Description

" Sorrell was trying to fasten the straps of the little brown portmanteau, but since the portmanteau was old and also very full, he had to deal with it ten derly. "Comeandsitonthisthing,Kit." The boy had been straddling a chair by the window, his interest di- vided between his father's operations upon the portmanteau and a game of football that was being played in Lavender Street by a number ofv erydir tyandv erynoisysmallbo ys. Christopher went and sat. He was a brown child of eleven, with a grave face and a sudden pleasant smile. His bent knees showed the shininessofhistrousers . "Havetobecare ful,y oukno w,"saidSor rell. The father's dark head was close to the boy's brown one. He too was shiny in a suit of blue serge. His long figure seemed to curve over the portmanteau with anxiously rounded shoulders and sallow and in- tentface .T hec hildbe sidehimmadehimlookdustyandfrail. "Now, the other one, old chap. Can't afford to be rough. Gently doesit.""

The East Anglian

Book Description

Sorrell and Son

Book Description

For Captain Sorrell, officer and gentleman, safeguarding his son's future is his life's single goal. His son returns this complete devotion, and as he grows to manhood and faces despair and triumph, the memory of his father is always with him...

Southside Virginia Families

Book Description

The second volume of the set (see Item 531) covers more families from the early counties of Virginia's Lower Tidewater and Southside regions. With an index in excess of 10,000 names.