Soul Killing Jobs Of Modern Civilization

Book Description

Soul Killing Jobs Of Modern Civilization – Keynes, the father of modern economics predicted in 1930, “In the future, working hours would be short and vacations long. Our grandchildren would work around three hours a day—and probably only by choice.” Economic progress and technological advances had already shrunk working hours considerably by his day, and there was no reason to believe this trend would not continue. Faster cars and planes were taking us places and modern appliances were reducing drudgery in the home and the office. Concern was being raised in social circles: what are we going to do with all the free time in the future?

To Kill Cow Means To End Human Civilization

Book Description

To Kill Cow Means To End Human Civilization – Today we are treating other life forms just like inert objects, as if they are devoid of any feelings whatsoever. We are showing unprecedented cruelty and callousness towards the dumb creation of God with whom we share this planet. Cruelty has been industrialized, barbarism has been institutionalized. Today the mistreatment of animals is phenomenal, unprecedented in human history. The unspeakable treatment meted out to poor animals before they become our dinner will never go unpunished by the stringent laws of nature.

Career Women – The Violence Of Modern Jobs

Book Description

Career Women – The Violence Of Modern Jobs – A civilization, in order to survive, must be successfully transmitted from one generation to the next. Woman plays a very important role in this transmission. She is the first teacher of the child. In that sense, women have always provided the foundational support for civilization. The edifice of our modern society would never have existed if not for the civilizing influence of women upon men. Civilization is beginning to crumble rapidly, as crime increases and neighborhoods become nothing but a collection of strangers who do not take care of each other. Children are raising themselves and learning many things from their friends, television, movies, and even the internet, that parents should be appalled at. But since the foundation of our society has been removed, the trend of the “work-orphaned” children continues and accelerates.

Vaishnava Etiquette

Book Description

Vaishnava Etiquette is a collection of quotes & teachings of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

Sri Gopala Tapani Upanishad (English)

Book Description

(Sri Gopala Tapani Upanishad) Sri Gopala-tapani Upanisad is the favorite Upanisad among Vaisnavas. Great acharyas such as Sri Visvesvara, Sri Jiva Gosvami, Srila Visvanath Cakravarti Thakura, and Sri Baladeva Vidyabhusana wrote commentaries on the Gopala-Tapani Upanisad. Sri Bhaktivinoda Thakura also wrote a commentary on Gopala-tapani, but unfortunately, it is not available. We are including the commentaries of both Baladeva Vidyabhusana and Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura in this edition. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada compared the Vedic literature to the body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Upanisads are Krsna’s head, the Samhitas are His body, and the Brahmanas and Tapanis are His bodily limbs. The Gopala Tapani is studied by followers of the Pippalada branch of the Atharva Veda. That is why this Tapani is also known as Atharvana Upanisad.

The Great Mantra (English)

Book Description

“The Great Mantra” by author HG Urmila Mataji is a transformative guide to the power of mantra meditation, focusing on the maha-mantra—Hare Krishna, Hare Rama. This book offers profound insights into the spiritual significance of the mantra, its history, and its practical application in daily life. With clarity and depth, it invites readers to experience the profound benefits of mantra meditation in their spiritual journey, fostering inner peace and divine connection.

Sharnagati (English)

Book Description

Sharnagati- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura composed songs for all classes of people. They are very instructive and practical for people of all ages, of all castes, and of all religions. By means of these songs, he hopes to attract everyone to the path of devotional service.

World Through The Eyes Of Scriptures (English)

Book Description

Mahabharata says, “Ordinary men see through their eyes, cows see by smell, kings by spies, and the learned men see through the scriptural knowledge. We think of the world as we do. In fact, the world is different than the ways we see it. Most of our paradigms are inaccurate because we do not have all of the information. We think we do, but we don’t. When we receive additional or new information, it often causes us to rethink and change our paradigm. Challenge your assumptions about yourself, others, situations, and things. The world transforms as you transform yourself. The key to personal effectiveness is to change our paradigms, our assumptions, and the way we see the world.

Cow Dung – For Food Security And Survival Of Human Race

Book Description

We have taken our food for granted and most of us have no idea where it comes from. Jennifer Hill from Bristol recalls, “Several years ago I took my daughter and her friend to our allotments. As we left I dug up a couple of bunches of my prized organic carrots and offered one of them to my daughter’s friend. With a look of absolute disgust, the young girl said, ‘My mommy doesn’t get food from the dirt! She goes to Tescos!’ Still, at least she knew what a carrot was.”Ask any child where their food comes from, and the chances are he or she will say the supermarket. And most adults don’t know a lot more about how food ends up on their plate either. Civilization survives on an ample supply of food and all previous civilizations developed near a food source. When farm productivity declined, usually as a result of soil mismanagement, civilizations also declined – and occasionally vanished entirely.

Wondrous Glories Of Vraja (English)

Book Description

Wondrous Glories Of Vraja – India’s spiritual culture degraded under foreign subjugation and also in the post-independence era due to the government’s apathy. This neglect was visible in India’s temples and holy places. Once vibrant and flourishing, these places became dilapidated and dirty. After India’s independence, the government declared the factories and malls to be India’s new temples and synagogues. Western materialism replaced the age-old traditional values.