Southern Churches in Crisis

Book Description

Southern Churches in Crisis Revisited

Book Description

Hill’s landmark work in southern religious history returns to print updated and expanded—and compellingly relevant. In 1966, Samuel S. Hill’s Southern Churches in Crisis argued that southern Protestantism, a cornerstone of white southern society and culture, was shirking its moral duty by refusing to join in the fight for racial justice. Hill predicted that the church was risking its standing in southern society and that it would ultimately decline in influence and power. A groundbreaking study at the time, Hill’s book helped establish southern religious history as a field of scholarly inquiry. Three decades later, Southern Churches in Crisis continues to be widely read, quoted, and cited. In Southern Churches in Crisis Revisited, which reprints the 1966 text in full, Hill reexamines his earlier predictions in an introductory essay that also describes how the study of religion in the South has become a major field of scholarly inquiry. Hill skillfully engages his critics by integrating new perspectives and recent scholarship. He suggests new areas for exploration and provides a selected bibliography of key studies in southern religious history published in the three decades subsequent to the original appearance of this groundbreaking work.

The South and the North in American Religion

Book Description

In this comparative history of religious life in the South and the North, Samuel Hill considers the religions of America from a unique angle. Tracing the religious history of both areas, this study dramatically shows how a common religion was altered by hostilities and then continued to develop as separate entities until recently. Coming almost full circle, both North and South now find their religions again to be highly similar. Two factors, Hill believes, were major influences in the diversification of the regional religions: the presence of Afro-Americans as an underclass of people with a distinctive role to play in the development of southern religious life, and the presence or absence of a large immigrant population. Hill's overall purpose is to answer the questions: How did there come to be a South (without which there would not have been a North)? Why is the South the heartland of Evangelical Protestantism and a kind of "Bible belt"? What historical developments dispatched the two regions on distinctive courses, religiously and otherwise? How much interaction has there been between the religious institutions of the two regions? How similar and divergent have the cultural patterns, styles, and values been in "the South" and "the North"?

Reading Southern History

Book Description

This collection of essays examines the contributions of some of the most notable interpreters of American southern history and culture. The volume includes 18 chapters on such notable historians as John Hope Franklin, Anne Firor Scott and W.J. Cash.

One Name But Several Faces

Book Description

of these groups as they have sloughed off old patterns, conventions, and constraints in their neverending searches for systems of belief and modes of expression that better embody their convictions and fit their socioeconomic situations. Throughout One Name but Several Faces, Hill turns again and again to the interrelated themes of freedom, creativity, and discontinuity that emerge from the major transitions of southern religious history: the toppling of the old.

Avenues of Faith

Book Description

The first thorough study of organized mainline churches in a major southern American city during the early 20th century

Judgment and Grace in Dixie

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Religion has permeated nearly every aspect of modern southern culture in the US, with results that range from portraits of Jesus on black velvet to the soul-stirring orations of Martin Luther King Jr. This work gives an appraisal of religion's influence on such expressions of regional life as literature, music and folk art.

Religion in the Contemporary South

Book Description

Religion has always been crucial to the cultural identity of the South. Religion in the Contemporary South is the first book to fully address the emerging religious pluralism in the South today.

Southern Hunting in Black and White

Book Description

For many Southern men living in or close to rural landscapes, hunting is a passion. But it is not a timeless activity in a cultural void. Whether pursuers of fox or raccoon, deer or rabbits, quail or dove, Southern hunters reveal for Stuart Marks complex patterns of male bonding, social status, and relationships with nature. Marks, who has written two outstanding books on hunting in Africa, was born and has long lived in the South. Examining Southern hunting from frontier times through the antebellum era to the present day, he shows it to be a litmus test of rural identity. "Drawing on the latest anthropological theory, statistical sources, extensive interviews, and historical research, [Marks] has crafted a multifaceted account of Southern hunting. Relations of race, property, gender, and region appear in fresh guises in this innovative and intriguing study. The portrayal of the contemporary state of hunting is especially interesting, revealing both the continuities with the past and the new pressures on the sport."--Virginia Quarterly Review