Southwest Medicinal Plants

Book Description

Wildcraft your way to wellness! In Southwest Medicinal Plants, John Slattery is your trusted guide to finding, identifying, harvesting, and using 112 of the region’s most powerful wild plants. You’ll learn how to safely and ethically forage, and how to use wild plants in herbal medicines including teas, tinctures, and salves. Plant profiles include clear, color photographs, identification tips, medicinal uses and herbal preparations, and harvesting suggestions. Lists of what to forage for each season makes the guide useful year-round. Thorough, comprehensive, and safe, this is a must-have for foragers, naturalists, and herbalists in Arizona, southern California, southern Colorado, southern Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, western and central Texas, and southern Utah.

Medicinal Plants of the Desert and Canyon West

Book Description

This classic work on medicinal herbs of the Western uplands is an authoritative presentation of more than 100 species. Unsurpassed as a field guide for its authoritative information on collection and medicinal preparation. Focuses on the plant life of rocky and arid lands of the West, and includes detailed information on the preparation and use of these vital herbs.

Herbal Medicine of the American Southwest

Book Description

Alternative Medicine Review, March, 2006 by Mario RoxasThis text covers over 210 western plants within 100 distinct plant profiles, from Acacia to Yucca. Each profile is identified by what the author calls its "main common name." This is followed by the plant's Latin family name, its current Latin binomial, and any other common names. The profile is further broken down into segments such as description, distribution, chemistry, medicinal uses, indications, collection, preparation and dosage, and cautions.Kane's writing style is simple and easy to follow. Drawing from over 15 years of experience in the field, he equips the reader with practical information that can be readily applied, while at the same time lending insights that can only come from someone with a true passion for, and intimate knowledge of, botanical medicines.Herbal Medicine of the American Southwest serves as a decent field guide as well. In addition to the text, the book contains 80 detailed paintings by Frank S. Rose and over 250 photos of the plants covered in the book, allowing for easy recognition on site.Although the name focuses on plants in the southwest, many may be found throughout North America. Such familiar names include dandelion, horsetail, juniper, and verbena. Thus, the medicinal plants in this book go well beyond the geographical borders of its title.For anyone interested in botanical medicine, Herbal Medicine of the American Southwest is a valuable addition to your library.

The Ecology of Herbal Medicine

Book Description

The Ecology of Herbal Medicine introduces botanical medicine through an in-depth exploration of the land, presenting a unique guide to plants found across the American Southwest. An accomplished herbalist and geographer, Dara Saville offers readers an ecological manual for developing relationships with the land and plants in a new theoretical approach to using herbal medicines. Designed to increase our understanding of plants’ rapport with their environment, this trailblazing herbal speaks to our innate connection to place and provides a pathway to understanding the medicinal properties of plants through their ecological relationships. With thirty-nine plant profiles and detailed color photographs, Saville provides an extensive materia medica in which she offers practical tools and information alongside inspiration for working with plants in a way that restores our connection to the natural world.

Midwest Medicinal Plants

Book Description

“This comprehensive, accessible, full-color guide includes plant profiles, step-by-step instructions for essential herbal remedies and seasonal foraging tips.” —Natural Awakenings Chicago In Midwest Medicinal Plants, Lisa Rose is your trusted guide to finding, identifying, harvesting, and using 120 of the region’s most powerful wild plants. You’ll learn how to safely and ethically forage and how to use wild plants in herbal medicines including teas, tinctures, and salves. Plant profiles include clear, color photographs, identification tips, medicinal uses and herbal preparations, and harvesting suggestions. Lists of what to forage for each season makes the guide useful year-round. Thorough, comprehensive, and safe, this is a must-have for foragers, naturalists, and herbalists in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

Medicinal Plants of the American Southwest

Book Description

Covering more than 160 southwestern plant medicines, within 100 profiles, Medicinal Plants of the American Southwest clearly explains each plant's medicinal use, therapeutic indication, geographic range, botanical description, preparation, dosage, and caution(s). Common and scientific names and chemical breakdown are also specifically detailed for each plant. A complete preparation segment includes instruction on the use and making of teas, tinctures, syrups, salves, ointments, oils, washes, fomentations, and other modes of application. Readers will also find the therapeutic index, glossary, bibliography, and the exhaustive index valuable additions to the book. Nearly 100 colors photos further assist the reader in plant identification. Printed and bound in the USA.

Medicinal Plants of the Mountain West

Book Description

Following the Mexican Revolution of 1910, artists articulated a new vision for the country. Works by world famous and lesser known artists are highlighted.

Medicinal Properties of Herbs and Plants

Book Description

Did you know that fresh parsley leaves contain more vitamin C than oranges, lavender can be used for eczema, or that red raspberries help with morning sickness? This book is different because it provides step-by-step instructions for extracting the medicinal properties within herbs and plants. It also shows you how to use those properties to improve your health. Included with the 393 individual herb and plant profiles are “how to” chapters for creating individualized herbal products and quick reference sections for alternative solutions to medical ailments. Also provided within the pages are the precautions, safety guidelines, and recipes for treatment applications. The ability to ease suffering, shorten the duration, or eliminate an affliction is a desire shared by everyone. You will use this book more often than any cook book or medical hand book. Good health to you and yours.

Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants of the Bible

Book Description

Readers have come to depend on Jim Duke's comprehensive handbooks for their ease of use and artful presentation of scientific information. Following the successful format of his other CRC handbooks, Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants of the Bible contains 150 herbs listed alphabetically and by scientific name. Each entry provides illustrations of the plant, synonyms, notes, common names, activities, indications, dosages, downsides and interactions, natural history, and extracts. It includes Biblical quotes as well as comments on points of interest.

Medicinal Plants of the Western Mountain States

Book Description

Exploring the most significant plant medicines of the Mountainous West, the following reference presents a working model of how to best apply the region's therapeutic plant life. Inhabitants of the greater Rocky Mountain Corridor (Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana) along with readers whom live in proximity to the Basin and Range/higher outlier mountains of Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon, and Washington will derive the most from this guide. Essentially, if there is snow accumulation in the winter, and mountains, conifers, and Aspen are in the area, then this book will be of value. Included within are the following sections: description, distribution, chemistry, medicinal uses, indications, collection, preparations, dosage, and cautions. 105 distribution maps and 166 color photos additionally accent each monograph. An entire chapter is devoted to DIY herbal preparation: teas, tinctures, ointments, liniments, essential oils, and other conveyances. Helpful appendices include a therapeutic index, bibliography, glossary, and general index. Plant list (105): Agastache, Agrimony, Alfalfa, Alumroot, Angelica, Apache Plume, Arnica, Asparagus, Aspen, Avens, Balsam Poplar, Balsamroot, Baneberry, Barberry, Bilberry, Birch, Bistort, Bitterbrush, Bogbean, Buckthorn, Bugleweed, Checker Mallow, Chicory, Cinquefoil, Cleavers, Coral Root, Cottonwood, Cow Parsnip, Dandelion, Dock, Dogbane, Elder, Evening Primrose, False Solomon's Seal, Field Mint, Figwort, Fir, Fireweed, Fragrant Sumac, Gentian, Geranium, Goldenrod, Green Gentian, Grindelia, Hawthorn, Hedeoma, Henbane, Hollyhock, Hops, Hoptree, Horsetail, Hound's Tongue, Juniper, Larkspur, Ligusticum, Lomatium, Madrone, Marsh Marigold, Monarda, Monardella, Mullein, Nettle, Oak, Oregongrape, Ox-Eye Daisy, Pedicularis, Pine, Pipsissewa, Plantain, Pulsatilla, Pussytoes, Pyrola, Rattlesnake Plantain, Red Osier Dogwood, Red Raspberry, Red Root, Ribes, Sagebrush, Scarlet Pimpernel, Self Heal, Shepherd's Purse, Silk Tassel, Skullcap, Sneezeweed, Spearmint, Spruce, Squawroot, St. John's Wort, Stachys, Sweet Cicely, Sweet Clover, Toadflax, Usnea, Uva-Ursi, Valerian, Verbena, Western Mugwort, Wild Cherry, Wild Iris, Wild Rose, Wild Strawberry, Wild Violet, Willow, Yarrow, and Yellow Pond Lily.