Space Exploration and Money Mechanics

Book Description

In order to invent, develop, and build the technology of space, now and in the future, we need billions and billions of dollars to finance a massive research, innovation, and development drive. I argue that humanity's space potential is closely tied to humanity's financial wisdom, such that travel into deep space may very well be possible after we have transformed our current money creation methodologies. Current money mechanics is founded on debt and credit. A debt based monetary architecture chains the species to calendar time payments, and thus makes the financing of space projects challenging given the time pattern of future expected cash flows and the immeasurable risks involved. In fact, interstellar travel poses a challenge to the very principles of financial valuation theory and practice, i.e., time value of money and risk and return. In other words, there is no identifiable discount rate for building starships. Thus, the creation of future space infrastructure may require some form of public debt-free financing. The recently announced 40 billion dollar monthly injections of new money by the Federal Reserve into the banking system are being executed via the purchase of mortgage backed securities from the banks. As the creators of money, we are and should be in a position to design and implement an alternative financial product, just as valid as a mortgage backed security, that will channel at least one of Fed's next monthly injections into space exploration and NASA. This is possible through Public Capitalization Notes, which facilitate debt free money injection into real projects. We may need to transform money mechanics before we can reach deep space, and Curiosity on Mars in the midst of a financial turmoil lights the path to human creativity.

The Space Value of Money

Book Description

The Space Value of Money introduces a fresh and innovative perspective on sustainability and finance. It expands our financial value framework, heretofore built around risk and time, by factoring in space, as an analytical dimension and our physical context. The proposed principle and metrics entrench our responsibility for space impact into our value equations, making finance inherently sustainable and acting as a theoretical bridge between core finance theory and the growing field of sustainable finance or ESG integration. The book offers a novel approach to value design, measurement, and creation, discussing the theoretical, mathematical, institutional, technological and data elements of the transformation. The Space Value of Money principle and metrics offer us the opportunity to adjust our financial value framework and transform human productivity in line with our sustainability targets. They also enable the design and engineering of the financial instruments that can help us address our evolutionary challenges/investment, like the transition to Net Zero. “Every once in a while, a book comes along that makes a fundamental contribution that is both profound and practical. A book that every member of the National Space Council, including the NASA Administrator and the Space Force chief of space operations should read. The Space Value of Money will be of interest to ESG and impact investors, government regulators, financial theorists, and outer space enthusiasts.” —Lt Col Peter Garretson, Senior Fellow in Defense Studies at the American Foreign Policy Council “No doubt, the pressing environmental challenges we face make the concept of the space impact of investments even more compelling.” —Dr. Pascal Blanqué, Chairman of Amundi Institute, Former Group CIO of Amundi Asset Management “The Space Value of Money brings much needed conceptual rigour, whilst further advocating the case for a new paradigm shift in financial valuation. This work gives us the lasting frameworks that aggregate impact across all spatial dimensions. Dr. Papazian culminates over ten years of research in this rich book, providing the springboard for further innovation and system implementation in this area.” —Domenico Del Re, Director, Sustainability and Climate Change, PwC “Enthralling and captivating. Papazian offers a clear, thorough, and comprehensive discussion. The Space Value of Money gives us an opportunity to reframe our thinking and to explore what is possible. A great read!” —Daud Vicary, Founding Trustee of the Responsible Finance and Investment Foundation “Armen has developed a novel way to create financial models that are better suited to dealing with the many parameters required if we are to properly consider environmental factors and sustainability in economics and finance. I have found this engaging and look forward to seeing its future use.” —Dr. Keith Carne, First Bursar, King’s College, Cambridge University

The Political Economy of the Space Age

Book Description

This book provides answers to the questions of why human-kind should go into space, and on the relative roles of governments and markets in the evolution of the space economy. It adopts an interdisciplinary approach to answer those questions. Science and technology define the boundaries of what is possible. The realization of the possible depends on economic, institutional, and political factors. The book thus draws from many different academic areas such as physical science, astronomy, astronautics, political science, economics, sociology, cultural studies, and history. In the literature, the space economy has been analyzed using different approaches from science and technology to the effects of public expenditures on economic growth and to medium term effects on productivity and growth. This book brings all these aspects together following the evolutionary theory of economic change. It studies processes that transform the economy through the interactions among diverse economic agents, governments, and the extra-systemic environment in which governments operate. Its historical part helps to better understand motivations and constraints - technical, political, and economical - that shaped the growth of the space economy. In the medium term, global issues - such as population changes, critical or limited natural resources, and environmental damages – and technological innovations are the main drivers for the evolution of the space economy beyond Earth orbit. In universities, this book can be used: as a reference by historians of astronautics; for researchers in the field of astronautics, international political economy, and legal issues related to the space economy. In think tanks and public institutions, both national and international, this book provides an input to the ongoing debate on the collaboration among space agencies and the role of private companies in the development of the space economy. Finally, this book will help the educated general public to orient himself in the forest of stimuli, news, and solicitations to which he is daily subjected by the media, television and radio, and to react in less passive ways to those stimuli.

Space Capitalism

Book Description

This book compares and contrasts the motivations, morality, and effectiveness of space exploration when pursued by private entrepreneurs as opposed to government. The authors advocate market-driven, private initiatives take the lead through enhanced competition and significant resources that can be allocated to the exploration and exploitation of outer space. Space travel and colonisation is analysed through the prism of economic freedom and laissez faire capitalism, in a unique and accessible book.

Space Exploration

Book Description

Examines the debate over whether the United States should continue putting money into its space program.

A Scenario for Interstellar Exploration and Its Financing

Book Description

This book develops a credible scenario for interstellar exploration and colonization. In so doing, it examines: • the present situation and prospects for interstellar exploration technologies; • where to go: the search for habitable planets; • the motivations for space travel and colonization; • the financial mechanisms required to fund such enterprises. The final section of the book analyzes the uncertainties surrounding the presented scenario. The purpose of building a scenario is not only to pinpoint future events but also to highlight the uncertainties that may propel the future in different directions. Interstellar travel and colonization requires a civilization in which human beings see themselves as inhabitants of a single planet and in which global governance of these processes is conducted on a cooperative basis. The key question is, then, whether our present civilization is ready for such an endeavor, reflecting the fact that the critical uncertainties are political and cultural in nature. It is written in such a way as to allow the non-professional reader to become part of the debate on the future of space programs.

Space 2.0

Book Description

We're on the cusp of new era in the great adventure of space exploration. More than a half-century ago, humanity first hurled objects into space, and almost 50 years ago, astronauts first walked on the moon. Since then, we have explored Earth's orbit with shuttles, capsules, and space stations; sent robots to Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus; sampled a comet; sent telescopes into orbit; and charted most of our own planet. What does the future hold? In Space 2.0, space historian Rod Pyle, in collaboration with the National Space Society, will give you an inside look at the next few decades of spaceflight and long-term plans for exploration, utilization, and settlement. No longer the exclusive domain of government entities such as NASA and other national agencies, space exploration is rapidly becoming privatized, with entrepreneurial startups building huge rocket boosters, satellites, rocket engines, asteroid probes, prospecting craft, and even commercial lunar cargo landers to open this new frontier. Research into ever more sophisticated propulsion and life support systems will soon enable the journey to Mars and destinations deeper in our solar system. As these technologies continue to move forward, there are virtually no limits to human spaceflight and robotic exploration. While the world has waited since the Apollo lunar program for the next "giant leap," these critical innovations, most of which are within our grasp with today's technology, will change the way we live, both in space and on Earth. A new space age—and with it, a new age of peace and prosperity on Earth, and settlement beyond our planet—can be ours. Speaking with key leaders of the latest space programs and innovations, Pyle shares the excitement and promise of this new era of exploration and economic development. From NASA and the Russian space agency Roscosmos, to emerging leaders in the private sector such as SpaceX, Blue Origin, Moon Express, Virgin Galactic, and many others, Space 2.0 examines the new partnerships that are revolutionizing spaceflight and changing the way we reach for the stars.

Homeplanet Defense

Book Description

Constructing a global currency based on the generation of knowledge can better tap abundant energy sources and the productive power of the human spirit. By exploring new worlds, nations can finally achieve an active peace on Earth. Homeplanet Defense calls for preempting multiple threats to the human family through space-based strategies, aided by the vast resources and expertise in all military industrial complexes - transformed into explorative information networks. This work adds to an ongoing paradigm shift toward a new realism in the practice and study of international relations, to protect the global chessboard multilaterally rather than to dominate it unilaterally or through alliances. This small book is packed dense with new ideas and concepts. It is best read slowly, one section at a time whether one is already a leader of positive change, a student or a global citizen who is discontent with the way the world works now.

Turning Dust to Gold

Book Description

The expansion of our civilization to the Moon and beyond is now within our reach, technically, intellectually and financially. Apollo was not our last foray into the Solar System and already science fiction is finding it difficult to keep ahead of science and engineering fact. In 1807, few people anticipated the Wright Brothers’ human flight a hundred years later. In 1869, only science fiction writers would have suggested landing people on the Moon in 1969. Similarly, other great inventions in mechanics and in electronics were not envisaged and therefore the technologies to which those inventions gave birth were only foreseen by a tiny group of visionaries.