Handbook of Space Law

Book Description

The Handbook of Space Law addresses the legal and regulatory aspects of activities in outer space and major space applications from a comprehensive and structured perspective. It fundamentally addresses the dichotomy between the state-oriented characte

Fundamentals of Space Law and Policy

Book Description

Presents and addresses key space law and policy issues for the benefit of wider informed audiences that wish to acquaint themselves with the fundamentals of the space law field. This brief analyzes in a concise manner the combined influence of space law and policy on international space activities. Read in conjunction with the other books in the Springer ‘Space Development’ series, it supports a broader understanding of the business, economics, engineering, legal, and procedural aspects of space activities. This book will also give the casual reader as well as experts in the field insight on present and future space law and policy trends, challenges and opportunities.

State Accountability for Space Debris

Book Description

In State Accountability for Space Debris Peter Stubbe examines the legal consequences of space debris pollution which, he argues, is a global environmental concern. The study finds that the customary ‘no harm’ rule and Article IX of the Outer Space Treaty obligate States to prevent the generation of debris and that the international community as a whole has a legitimate interest in their compliance. A breach of these obligations entails the responsibility of a State and compensation must be provided for damage caused by space debris. The author treats responsibility and liability separately and thoroughly scrutinizes both legal regimes with the help of common analytical elements. Finally, Peter Stubbe argues that a comprehensive traffic management system is required so as to ensure the safe and sustainable use of outer space.

Disaster Management and International Space Law

Book Description

In Disaster Management and International Space Law Diego Zannoni offers a systematic analysis of the main legal issues involved in both preventive measures regarding disasters and their relief phase, with a special focus on major space applications.

Studies in International Space Law

Book Description

This book's twenty-six articles fully examine the major developments and issues of the law governing human activities in space, those of states as well as those of private entities. Topics include the legal framework evolved by and through the United Nations; the legal status of astronauts, satellites, and outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies; the military and commercial use of outer space; environmental protection; governmental responsibility for space activities; liability for damage caused by space objects, communications satellites; television broadcasts; remote sensing; commercial launchings; and the application of national laws on board spacecraft, space stations, and on the moon and other celetial bodies.

Air and Space Law

Book Description

The aim of this unique volume is twofold. First and foremost, it sets out to offer the reader a comprehensive and challenging view, from some of the most distinguished scholars in the field, of present and future trends and issues in the fields of international air and space law. By breaking new ground in this way, it pays tribute to the scholarly achievements of Henri (Or) Wassenbergh, whose ideas and work have helped to shape both air and space law throughout his long and distinguished career. "Air and Space Law: De Lege Ferenda" will be of interest to all those concerned with the present status of air and space law, and with the challenges the aviation and space industry must face in the century to come.

National Space Legislation

Book Description

This book provides a unique in-depth comparative and evaluative analysis based upon primary sources. Therefore, it does not only provide a more complete understanding of the subject compared to other publications but, because it provides a full perspective, can also serve as a basis for further research. The interest in national space legislation, and the importance thereof to regulating space activities conducted by private entities, gives a clear incentive to conduct a comparative analysis of the national space legislation of various states. The purpose of this report is to provide such a comparative analysis that will detail the similarities and differences between the national space laws of selected states with a focus on European comprehensive national space legislation. The states discussed are: Sweden, the United Kingdom, Australia, China, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Austria, Indonesia, Denmark, New Zealand and Luxembourg. This report is intended to assist the efforts of states that are seeking to enact or revise national space legislation not only by presenting the approaches taken by other states, but also by presenting, as far as possible, the rationale behind their approaches. The readership of this book consists of academics and professionals in space law and can further assist policymakers wishing to revise or enact national space legislation.

Outer Space Development, International Relations and Space Law

Book Description

It is the eve of outer space development, but few people are aware of this. In the absence of awareness, people cannot prepare for the opportunities that will arise; and so the vast wealth likely to flow to Earth from outer space will cause ever-greater inequality and instability in our already unequal and unstable world. This book is a call to educators to factor equality and diversity into the process of outer space development by creating a widespread movement to teach outer space development studies to all students, especially those who study social and behavioral sciences. In calling for this, the author is also putting out a call to visionary thinkers to increase public awareness that outer space is already in the process of being developed. Her objective is to provide a pedagogical approach aimed at mending the knowledge gap. If we fail in this objective, we are more likely than ever before to witness ever-widening gaps of social and financial inequality. The first question that will arise as we embark on this process, of course, will be: Why outer space development? People often ask where the money will come from to develop outer space. Platinum-group metals such as iridium and osmium, and various other valuable untapped natural resources, have been discovered in abundant quantities and are likely to be mined by companies. The discovery of natural resources has sparked development projects in the past. These historical patterns of human behavior are occurring again today, as companies speed up the process of private spaceship development. A myriad of space laws and policies are already in place to support space commercialization. Recently, the 2010 NASA Authorization Act and various other laws and policies initiated by the US government have placed on the agenda plans to build advanced space transportation systems; to privatize spacecraft development; to create commercial space habitats, space stations, and space settlements; to initiate commercial space mining; to investigate spacecraft trajectory optimization for landing on near-Earth asteroids; to engage in commercial spaceport construction and interstellar-interplanetary-international telecommunications; and to launch space exploration missions to near-Earth asteroids, the Moon, Mars, and Mars’s moons. US initiatives have in the past been mirrored by the international community, and we can expect to see similar patterns arising on a global scale – indeed, as this book will demonstrate, they already are. The global community is experiencing economic recession, natural disasters, lack of opportunity, employment anxiety, failing K-12 programs, widening inequality gaps, uprisings, revolutions, revolts, unmet educational goals, and a general failure to uplift, inspire, and provide meaningful opportunities for significant portions of our population. People need something that will allow them to focus anew their talents, energies, abilities, and gifts, and use this bleak climate as an opportunity for positive change. Outer space development is emerging as an answer to this state of crisis. The question is: To whom will the benefits accrue? Many strategic decisions have already been taken regarding space development of which the global general public is unaware. Once legal rights to space resources are granted, only those with the capital to take advantage of new laws and policies will be in a position to profit from the new space industries. Only those who are in a position to “know” about outer space development will be in position to take advantage of the opportunities. It is important to remember that the global general public has for several decades being paying the start-up costs for space exploration research, science, and technology. It’s not too late to factor in equality before an infrastructure of inequality is forever with us as we venture to establish the final frontier.

The Environmental Element in Space Law

Book Description

While decades of space ventures have led to significant technological advances, space activities have also brought increasing environmental problems. This book examines the current international legal regimes in space law and environmental law in order to ascertain their applicability and efficacy in addressing environmental threats in the space sector. The research suggests mechanisms which could improve environmental protection in the sector and strengthen the environmental element in space law. These mechanisms include a variety of norm-setting strategies used in international environmental management. Special attention is drawn to the potential of environmental impact assessment in the space sector and to dispute resolution procedures. Like other areas of human activities, the space sector should accommodate both economic interests and environmental protection in line with the principle of sustainable development

Global Space Governance: An International Study

Book Description

This book is based on the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the Global Space Governance study commissioned by the 2014 Montreal Declaration that called upon civil society, academics, governments, the private sector, and other stakeholders to undertake an international interdisciplinary study. The study took three years to complete. It examines the drivers of space regulations and standards, key regulatory problems, and especially addresses possible improvements in global space governance. The world's leading experts led the drafting of chapters, with input from academics and knowledgeable professionals in the public and private sectors, intergovernmental organizations, and nongovernmental organizations from all the regions of the world with over 80 total participants. This book and areas identified for priority action are to be presented to the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and it is hoped will be considered directly or indirectly at the UNISPACE+50 event in Vienna, Austria, in 2018. The report, a collective work of all the contributors, includes objective analysis and frank statements expressed without pressure of political, national, and occupational concerns or interest. It is peer-reviewed and carefully edited to ensure its accuracy, preciseness, and readability. It is expected that the study and derivative recommendations will form the basis for deliberations and decisions at international conferences and meetings around the world on the theme of global space governance. This will hopefully include future discussion at the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.