Space Travellers

Book Description

Life Comes From Space: The Decisive Evidence

Book Description

With the rapid growth of new evidence from astronomy, space science and biology that supports the theory of life as a cosmic rather than terrestrial phenomenon, this book discusses a set of crucial data and pictures showing that life is still arriving at our planet. Although it could spark controversy among the most hardened sceptics this book will have an important role in shaping future science in this area.

Fred Hoyle's Universe

Book Description

Fred Hoyle was one of the most widely acclaimed and colourful scientists of the twentieth century, a down-to-earth Yorkshireman who combined a brilliant scientific mind with a relish for communication and controversy.Best known for his steady-state theory of cosmology, he described a universe with both an infinite past and an infinite future. He coined the phrase 'big bang' to describe the main competing theory, and sustained a long-running, sometimes ill-tempered, and typically public debate with his scientific rivals. He showed how the elements are formed by nuclear reactions inside stars, and explained how we are therefore all formed from stardust. He also claimed that diseases fall from the sky,attacked Darwinism, and branded the famous fossil of the feathered Archaeopteryx a fake.Throughout his career, Hoyle played a major role in the popularization of science. Through his radio broadcasts and his highly successful science fiction novels he became a household name, though his outspokenness and support for increasingly outlandish causes later in life at times antagonized the scientific community.Jane Gregory builds up a vivid picture of Hoyle's role in the ideas, the organization, and the popularization of astronomy in post-war Britain, and provides a fascinating examination of the relationship between a maverick scientist, the scientific establishment, and the public. Through the life of Hoyle, this book chronicles the triumphs, jealousies, rewards, and feuds of a rapidly developing scientific field, in a narrative animated by a cast of colourful astronomers, keeping secrets, losingtheir tempers, and building their careers here on Earth while contemplating the nature of the stars.

A Great Man of Science

Book Description

Francis Andrew has completed a monumental ten year task of writing appraisals on all of the published works of the late Sir Fred Hoyle. It is truly a worthwhile accomplishment as all of Hoyles books are now out of print. Francis Andrews work therefore offers a great service in preserving the thoughts of one the twentieth centurys greatest minds. Gihan, Weerasekara. Dompe, Sri Lanka. A Great Man of Great Science covers all of Sir Fred Hoyles publications from his fi rst in 1950 to his last in 2001. Francis Andrews appraisal of each of these works is the next best thing to reading the original works of Hoyle himself. After reading these appraisals, one could well be tempted to take the next step and read the actual works of Hoyle. Siddhant Bahuguna. Uttar Pradesh, India. Francis A. Andrew has truly done a magnificent job in writing appraisals for each of Sir Fred Hoyles works. As Francis style of writing has done so much to make Hoyle come alive and inject into his works a relevancy for the twenty fi rst century, so it would be that even if readers of this volume were unacquainted with any of Hoyles books, they would surely be tempted to procure for themselves the original works of Hoyle. Ajinkya Bhede. Maharashtra, Nagpur, India.

Literature 1981, Part 2

Book Description

A Journey with Fred Hoyle

Book Description

This is the story of the author''s unique scientific journey with one of the most remarkable men of 20th century science. The journey begins in Sri Lanka, the author''s native country, with his childhood acquaintance with Fred Hoyle''s writings. The action then moves to Cambridge, where the famous HoyleOCoWickramasinghe collaborations begin. A research programme which was started in 1962 on the carbonaceous nature of interstellar dust leads, over the next two decades, to developments that are continued in both Cambridge and Cardiff. These developments prompt Hoyle and the author to postulate the organic theory of cosmic dust (which is now generally accepted), and then to challenge one of the most cherished paradigms of contemporary science OCo the theory that life originated on Earth in a warm primordial soup.This new edition examines the many scientific developments that have transpired since the first edition was published. The discovery of bacteria in the upper reaches of the atmosphere, biological signatures in meteorites, spectroscopy of high-z galaxies and more all mesh with many of the ideas that had their origin in the first edition. Pushing into the future, the updated text examines the many experiments and probes currently operating or planned that will shed more light on the theory of planetary panspermia. A Journey with Fred Hoyle is an intriguing book that delineates the progress of a collaboration spanning 40 years, through a sequence of personal reflections, anecdotes and reminiscences.

Astronomical Origins of Life

Book Description

Living material contains about twenty different sorts of atom combined into a set of relatively simple molecules. Astrobiologists tend to believe that abiotic mater ial will give rise to life in any place where these molecules exist in appreciable abundances and where physical conditions approximate to those occurring here on Earth. We think this popular view is wrong, for it is not the existence of the building blocks of life that is crucial but the exceedingly complicated structures in which they are arranged in living forms. The probability of arriving at biologically significant arrangements is so very small that only by calling on the resources of the whole universe does there seem to be any possibility of life originating, a conclusion that requires life on the Earth to be a minute component of a universal system. Some think that the hugely improbable transition from non-living to living mat ter can be achieved by dividing the transition into many small steps, calling on a so-called 'evolutionary' process to bridge the small steps one by one. This claim turns on semantic arguments which seek to replace the probability for the whole chain by the sum of the individual probabilities of the many steps, instead of by their product. This is an error well known to those bookies who are accustomed to taking bets on the stacking of horse races. But we did not begin our investigation from this point of view.

Continent of Curiosities

Book Description

This book follows the thread of individual natural history stories through the scientists of Museum Victoria.

Journey With Fred Hoyle, A (2nd Edition)

Book Description

This is the story of the author's unique scientific journey with one of the most remarkable men of 20th century science. The journey begins in Sri Lanka, the author's native country, with his childhood acquaintance with Fred Hoyle's writings. The action then moves to Cambridge, where the famous Hoyle-Wickramasinghe collaborations begin. A research programme which was started in 1962 on the carbonaceous nature of interstellar dust leads, over the next two decades, to developments that are continued in both Cambridge and Cardiff. These developments prompt Hoyle and the author to postulate the organic theory of cosmic dust (which is now generally accepted), and then to challenge one of the most cherished paradigms of contemporary science — the theory that life originated on Earth in a warm primordial soup.This new edition examines the many scientific developments that have transpired since the first edition was published. The discovery of bacteria in the upper reaches of the atmosphere, biological signatures in meteorites, spectroscopy of high-z galaxies and more all mesh with many of the ideas that had their origin in the first edition. Pushing into the future, the updated text examines the many experiments and probes currently operating or planned that will shed more light on the theory of planetary panspermia. A Journey with Fred Hoyle is an intriguing book that delineates the progress of a collaboration spanning 40 years, through a sequence of personal reflections, anecdotes and reminiscences.