Spanish Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1)

Book Description

The Spanish Army was transformed during the 18th century by an influx of progressive officers who modernised and expanded it. It was closely modelled on the French armies of Louis XIV and Louis XV in tactical doctrine, organisation, armament and uniforms. In battle, they were often brave to the point of carelessness, and were thus sometimes difficult to control. The army also had several Swiss and Walloon regiments, less given to all-out attacks, but renowned for their steadiness under fire. In this first of three volumes, Réne Chartrand examines the organisation and uniforms of the Spanish Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815).

Spanish Army of the Napoleonic Wars (3)

Book Description

This volume – covering the final years of the Peninsular War (1808-1814) and the long trek over the Pyrenees into France – concludes the author's remarkable in-depth study of the army that fought alongside Wellington's redcoats throughout the Peninsular War. Prior to 1813 it was the Spanish armies that bore the brunt of the fighting and this text – based on primary research in Spanish and British archives which will be new to most readers – fills a large and long-standing gap in our knowledge of those Napoleonic campaigns which have always fascinated English-speaking students of the period.

Armies of the Middle East

Book Description

Bog om de væbnede styrker fra alle landene i Mellemøsten, med afsnit om historie og et kapitel med 30 sider krigskort, der giver oversigt over alle slag i perioden 1517-1973, bla. den arabisk-israelske krig 1948/56.

A Military History of Modern Spain

Book Description

In the 19th and 20th centuries, Spain was a key player in the military conflagrations that created modern Europe. From the Napoleonic Wars, through the dress rehearsal for World War II that was the Spanish Civil War, to the grim struggle against terrorism today, the military history of modern Spain has both shaped and reflected larger forces beyond its borders. This volume traces the course of Spanish military history, primarily during the 20th century. Chapter 1 provides the foundation for the role of the Spanish Army at home (the War of Independence [Napoleonic War], the Carlist Wars, and pronunciamientos), abroad (Morocco, 1859-60), and as an instrument for Liberal reforms in Spain. Chapter 2 covers the period following the Spanish-American War as the Army redirected its focus to the Spanish Protectorate in northern Morocco. This chapter covers the Rif Rebellion (1921-27), the dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera (1923-30) and concludes with the end of the monarchy and the establishment of the 2nd Republic in 1931. Chapters 3 and 4 present the two armies of the Spanish Civil War, as well as their relationship to the warring factions of Nationalists and Republicans. Chapter 5 looks at the Spanish Army during World War II on the Eastern Front (Russia), in its overseas colonies, as well as in Spain. De-colonialism is covered in chapter 6 as Spain, following the lead of the other European powers, began to shed itself of its African empire. Chapter 8 charts Spain's integration into the Western defense community in the 1950s, its membership in NATO, and its participation in peacekeeping and humanitarian missions in the Balkans and the Middle East. Chapter 9 focuses on Spain's struggle against terrorism, both the domestic Basques of ETA (Fatherland and Liberty) and the newer conflict against al-Qaeda and radical Islamic fundamentalism.

Napoleon’s Cursed War

Book Description

A magisterial history of “Napoleon’s Vietnam”, by the highly acclaimed historian of Spain In this definitive account of the Peninsular War (1808–14), Napoleon’s six-year war against Spain, Ronald Fraser examines what led to the emperor’s devastating defeat against the popular opposition—the guerrillas—and their British and Portuguese allies. As well as relating the histories of the great political and military figures of the war, Fraser brings to life the anonymous masses—the artisans, peasants and women who fought, suffered and died—and restores their role in this barbaric war to its rightful place while overturning the view that this was a straightforward military campaign. This vivid, meticulously researched book offers a distinct and profound vision of “Napoleon’s Vietnam” and shows the reality of the disasters of war: the suffering, discontents and social upheaval that accompanied the fighting. With a new Introduction by Tariq Ali.

Napoleon's War in Spain

Book Description

The Napoleonic Wars (3)

Book Description

Napoleon's occupation of the Iberian peninsula embroiled him in a protracted and costly war against British, Spanish and Portuguese forces ultimately led by one of history's greatest commanders -- the Duke of Wellington. Yet it also introduced a new dimension to warfare, for Napoleon's 'Spanish ulcer' became a bitter seven-year struggle against peoples inflamed by nationalism. Thus, while Wellington achieved successive victories in open battle, a parallel guerrilla war exacted a heavy toll of its own on the invaders. No mere sideshow to the other campaigns of the period, the Peninsular War made a significant contribution to Napoleon's eventual downfall.

The Battle of Ocana

Book Description

Although the battle of Ocana is without doubt the Army of Spain's greatest defeat, until 2006 there was no history book covering this dramatic event. Now, with recently released archive material, this glorious battle between France and Spain can be fully recorded. The battle of Ocaña (Toledo) took place on November 19, 1809 between the Spanish troops of the Ejército del Centro (Army of the Center), under General Areizaga, and the French army led by the king Jose I, with Jean-de-Dieu Soult as Major General. The battle finished with the Spanish defeat and ended the Spanish campaign against Napoleon's army. This book fully examines the battle, with a complete chronology, order of battle, illustrations, maps and strategic analysis. SELLING POINTS: Fully illustrated account of the Army of Spain's catastrophic defeat during the Napoleonic wars ILLUSTRATIONS Illustrated throughout

Armies of the Napoleonic Wars

Book Description

The Napoleonic Wars saw almost two decades of brutal fighting, from the frozen wastelands of Russia to the wilderness of the Peninsula, and from Egypt to the bloody battlefield of Waterloo. Fighting took place on an unprecedented scale across Europe, and over the entire period of the wars Napoleon led his Grand Armée and his allies against almost every European nation, and against varying coalitions. This book provides a comprehensive guide to all the major armies of the Napoleonic Wars, of France, Britain, Austria, Prussia, Russia, Spain and Portugal. Covering the changes experienced by the armies over the period, the author details the organization, infantry, cavalry, and artillery of each. With stunning original artwork of the often glorious uniforms worn into battle, period illustrations of the equipment used, and photographs, this is a beautiful and in-depth study of the armies that fought in the Napoleonic campaigns.