An Evaluation of a Computer Simulation Model of Plankton Dynamics in Monterey Bay

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A computer simulation model of the phosphate, phytoplankton and zooplankton dynamics in Monterey Bay was examined and modified. The model is driven by four forcing functions expressed as annual cycles of upwelling velocity, incident solar radiation, mixed layer depth, and mixed layer temperature. An alternate upwelling index was developed based on the local wind field. A revised radiation index is employed based on the generation of both advection fog and low stratus cloud cover common during upwelling on the California coast. Analysis of the model's response to sinking and advection of phytoplankton was examined. The importance of seasonal increases in predators was introduced as a controlling factor in the seasonal growth of zooplankton. The model is able to predict the seasonal trends of phosphate, phytoplankton, and zooplankton throughout the year. (Author).

Bio-physical Interactions of Small Pelagic Fish Schools and Zooplankton Prey in the California Current System Over Multiple Scales

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Small pelagic fish represent a critical trophic link between plankton and large predators in marine upwelling ecosystems such as the California Current System. Populations of these fish are highly variable over time and are characterized by extreme fluctuations in abundance, which have significant ecosystem impacts. The causes driving this instability are not well understood, but several climactic and ecological factors have been hypothesized. This research investigated the linkages between habitat, plankton prey resources, and the abundance and behavior of small pelagic fish at various temporal and spatial scales (i.e., daily, weekly patterns of wind-driven upwelling, and seasonal) to understand how changes in physical and prey habitats influence trophic interactions. This research utilized a combination of stationary and shipboard acoustics, net sampling, and physical oceanography sampling approaches. A comparison of diel schooling behavior and zooplankton availability off Oregon and Monterey Bay, California revealed that changes in fish aggregation behaviors were caused by different timings of zooplankton availability in each region attributable to the extent of zooplankton diel vertical migrations. An analysis of the spatial relationships of acoustic scatterers across ocean fronts caused by wind-driven coastal upwelling indicated that upwelling may lead to a spatial mismatch between small plankton prey and schooling fish that select habitat based on their preference of warmer temperatures. The temporal patterns of zooplankton and pelagic fish abundance near the Columbia River plume were identified, finding that the seasonal appearance of small pelagic fish occurred very abruptly. The timing of fish arrival was poorly correlated with zooplankton abundance but was strongly linked with temperature, salinity, and river flow. Zooplankton abundance was highly variable with very large spikes occurring with the passage of tidally-driven river fronts. This research on the ecological and environmental factors between habitat, plankton, and small pelagic fish has revealed that both the physical habitat and prey fields play an important role in determining these interactions. Variability in the trophic interaction between small pelagic fish and zooplankton over varying scales has important ecosystem consequences, including the potential availability of these prey resources to larger predators, as well as impacts for management.

Primary Productivity and Biogeochemical Cycles in the Sea

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Biological processes in the oceans play a crucial role in regulating the fluxes of many important elements such as carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, oxygen, phosphorus, and silicon. As we come to the end of the 20th century, oceanographers have increasingly focussed on how these elements are cycled within the ocean, the interdependencies of these cycles, and the effect of the cycle on the composition of the earth's atmosphere and climate. Many techniques and tools have been developed or adapted over the past decade to help in this effort. These include satellite sensors of upper ocean phytoplankton distributions, flow cytometry, molecular biological probes, sophisticated moored and shipboard instrumentation, and vastly increased numerical modeling capabilities. This volume is the result of the 37th Brookhaven Symposium in Biology, in which a wide spectrum of oceanographers, chemists, biologists, and modelers discussed the progress in understanding the role of primary producers in biogeochemical cycles. The symposium is dedicated to Dr. Richard W. Eppley, an intellectual giant in biological oceanography, who inspired a generation of scientists to delve into problems of understanding biogeochemical cycles in the sea. We gratefully acknowledge support from the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Science Foundation, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Electric Power Research Institute, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Special thanks to Claire Lamberti for her help in producing this volume.

Fine-scale Spatial and Temporal Plankton Distributions in the Southern California Bight

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Phytoplankton and zooplankton are important components of marine ecosystems, and play a major role in the biological pump, affecting carbon transport in the global oceans. Their dynamic heterogeneous spatial and temporal distributions require special tools for observing them at the ecological scales relevant to the individual organisms. In this work, I used optic and acoustic methods to study plankton organisms at spatial scales of meters and temporal scales ranging from minutes to months. Using two in situ microscopes I described the fine-scale vertical distribution of phytoplankton and several zooplankton taxa in a coastal location in the Southern California Bight. Highly resolved spatial observations revealed cryptic maxima of fluorescent particles not observed with traditional fluorometers. Furthermore, this high sampling resolution revealed that water density, and not depth, regulated the vertical position, and interactions between observed phytoplankton and zooplankton distributions. Underwater acoustic echosounders can be powerful tools to observe in situ plankton distributions. Interpreting the acoustic echoes, however, requires highly calibrated instruments and ground-truthing experiments to identify the source of acoustic signals. This work presents the description of a novel combination of a broadband, high-frequency (1.5-2.5 MHz) echosounder and a stereoscopic camera --combined, these systems can localize the echo produced by an individual target while simultaneously providing visual identification of the target. This work has provided one of the first comparisons of in situ measured broadband target strength (BTS) and the expected signal using a physical model. The results of this experiment revealed unexpected, important differences between measured and modeled BTS. This system was also used to make in situ observations of individual fragile gelatinous organisms, marine snow particles and phytoplankton, providing evidence of their significant acoustic reflectivity. Finally, using a moored in situ microscope (Scripps Plankton Camera) similar in design to the O-Cam helped identifying a parasite-host interaction over a period of a few months. This is the first reported observation of Paradinium poucheti parasitizing Oithona similis in the North Pacific Ocean. The short time-series revealed that the prevalence of this parasite is higher than previously observed in other ocean basins.

The Effect of Oceanographic Circulation in Monterey Bay on Plankton Ecology

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Blue whales migrate to Monterey Bay, California between June and November to feed on dense euphausiid schools that form near the offshore edge of the submarine canyon. The seasonal arrival of the whales may be linked to predictable krill abundance. There are two hypotheses concerning euphausiid accumulation: (1) krill accumulate in areas where current flow is consistently weak, and (2) krill accumulate in areas of high primary production. This study examined output from the high resolution Navy Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM) and correlated the circulation features predicted by the model with observed biological distributions. The model output indicated that the Monterey Bay submarine canyon is a region of weak current flow and low current variability. Model current fields showed that nutrient-rich water from a nearby upwelling center flows into the bay, making it conducive to primary productivity. Knowledge of how physical oceanographic factors affect marine food webs will facilitate the prediction of areas where marine mammals are likely to be present and inform the designation of marine sanctuaries.