Speciation and the Evolution of Mating Preferences in Threespine Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus Aculeatus).

Book Description

My Ph. D. research has examined the evolution of mating preferences and their role in speciation. I have addressed these topics empirically, using sympatric species pairs of limnetic and benthic threespine sticklebacks, and theoretically, with multilocus population genetics. Sticklebacks are small fish that occur in lakes, streams and estuaries throughout British Columbia. Most lakes contain one type of stickleback, however, several lakes support two differentially adapted sympatric species: a large benthic form (benthic), and a smaller zooplanktivorous form (limnetic). Chapter 2 examines the role of species interactions in shaping male mating preferences. I determined that the mate preferences of the small species have shifted from preferring large females (the ancestral state) to preferring small females due either to selection against hybrids (reinforcement), or to egg predation by the larger benthic species. Chapter 3 explores the idea that sexual imprinting may facilitate assortative mating between benthic and limnetic sticklebacks. Sexual imprinting occurs when individuals imprint on the phenotype of their parents, and subsequently prefer mates that resemble their parents. The results suggested that sexual imprinting does not contribute to assortative mating between the sympatric species pairs, implying that genetics are more important than early learning for the formation of mate preferences. Chapter 4 focuses on differences in male breeding colour between benthics and limnetics. The results reveal that limnetic males have more intense red and blue coloration than benthic and solitary males. These differences in colour could be due to reinforcement, to differences in visual sensitivity of females, or to territorial interactions between males. Chapter 5 examines the evolution of female mating preferences under different scenarios of sex-linkage, when the male display trait is sexually antagonistic. Theoretical analysis suggests that sexually antagonistic traits.

Speciation and the Evolution of Mating Preferences in Threespine Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus Aculeatus).

Book Description

My Ph. D. research has examined the evolution of mating preferences and their role in speciation. I have addressed these topics empirically, using sympatric species pairs of limnetic and benthic threespine sticklebacks, and theoretically, with multilocus population genetics. Sticklebacks are small fish that occur in lakes, streams and estuaries throughout British Columbia. Most lakes contain one type of stickleback, however, several lakes support two differentially adapted sympatric species: a large benthic form (benthic), and a smaller zooplanktivorous form (limnetic). Chapter 2 examines the role of species interactions in shaping male mating preferences. I determined that the mate preferences of the small species have shifted from preferring large females (the ancestral state) to preferring small females due either to selection against hybrids (reinforcement), or to egg predation by the larger benthic species. Chapter 3 explores the idea that sexual imprinting may facilitate assortative mating between benthic and limnetic sticklebacks. Sexual imprinting occurs when individuals imprint on the phenotype of their parents, and subsequently prefer mates that resemble their parents. The results suggested that sexual imprinting does not contribute to assortative mating between the sympatric species pairs, implying that genetics are more important than early learning for the formation of mate preferences. Chapter 4 focuses on differences in male breeding colour between benthics and limnetics. The results reveal that limnetic males have more intense red and blue coloration than benthic and solitary males. These differences in colour could be due to reinforcement, to differences in visual sensitivity of females, or to territorial interactions between males. Chapter 5 examines the evolution of female mating preferences under different scenarios of sex-linkage, when the male display trait is sexually antagonistic. Theoretical analysis suggests that sexually antagonistic traits.

Conspicuous Female Ornamentation and Male Mate Preference of Threespine Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus Aculeatus)

Book Description

Sexual selection drives the evolution of exaggerated male ornaments (traits showing little function outside social interactions) in many animal species. Female ornamentation is now acknowledged also to be common but is generally less well understood. One example is the recently documented red female throat coloration in some threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) populations. Although female sticklebacks often exhibit a preference for red male throat coloration, the possibility of sexual selection on females has been little studied. Moreover, in those species in which female ornaments have been examined, research has often been limited to a single trait. Ornamented female threespine sticklebacks provide an excellent opportunity to examine male preference on multiple traits and the correlations between those traits. Using a combination of sequential and simultaneous mate choice trials, male-mating preferences for female throat color (as well as other traits) is examined using wild-captured male and female threespine sticklebacks from the Little Campbell River, British Columbia. In sequential and simultaneous choice tests, males do not exhibit a preference for female throat and pelvic spine color. Surprisingly, males also lack a preference for female standard length. Using mixed modeling, males were tested for differences in the slopes of their preferences for female traits and their mean responsiveness. Results showed that males did not differ in their preference slopes but differed significantly in their mean responsiveness to females. Additionally, when presented with a conspecific male in sequential choice tests, males responded differently than to females and male response decreased as conspecific male body size and throat coloration increased, showing that males can discriminate conspecific traits in the experimental setting. Mean response rates of experimental males toward females had significant, positive correlations with individual throat and pelvic spine coloration, as well as overall male condition. Male condition, however, lacks any correlation with throat or spine coloration. The results presented here are the first to explicitly address male preference for female throat color as well as documenting the relationship between male pelvic spine color and responsiveness.

Optical Oceanography

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Optical Oceanography

Biology of the Three-Spined Stickleback

Book Description

Highlighting the growing importance of the sticklebacks as a model species in emerging fields such as molecular genetics, genomics, and environmental toxicology, Biology of the Three-Spined Stickleback examines data from researchers who use studies of the stickleback to address a wide range of biological issues. This state-of-the-art volume

Adaptive Mechanisms in the Ecology of Vision

Book Description

John Lythgoe was one of the pioneers of the 'Ecology of Vision', a subject that he ably delineated in his classic and inspirational book published some 20 years ago [1]. At heart, the original book aimed generally to identify inter-relationships between vision, animal behaviour and the environment. John Lythgoe excelled at identifying the interesting 'questions' in the ecology of an animal that fitted the 'answers' presented by an analysis of the visual system. Over the last twenty years, however, since Lythgoe's landmark publication, much progress has been made and the field has broadened considerably. In particular, our understanding of the 'adaptive mechanisms' underlying the ecology of vision has reached considerable depths, extending to the molecular dimension, partly as a result of development and application of new techniques. This complements the advances made in parallel in clinically oriented vision research [2]. The current book endeavours to review the progress made in the ecology of vision field by bringing together many of the major researchers presently active in the expanded subject area. The contents deal with theoretical and physical considerations of light and photoreception, present examples of visual system structure and function, and delve into aspects of visual behaviour and communi cation. Throughout the book, we have tried to emphasise one of the major themes to emerge within the ecology of vision: the high degree of adaptability that visual mechanisms are capable of undergoing in response to diverse, and dynamic, environments and behaviours.