Nuclear Data for Science and Technology

Book Description

This book describes the Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology held at Jillich in May 1991. The conference was in a series of application oriented nuclear data conferences organized in the past under the auspices of the Nuclear Energy Agency-Nuclear Data Committee (NEANDC) and with the support of the Nuclear Energy Agency-Committee on Reactor Physics (NEACRP). It was the fIrst international conference on nuclear data held in Germany, with the scientific responsibility entrusted to the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry of the Research Centre Jillich. The scientific programme was established by the International Programme Committee in consultation with the International Advisers, and the NEA and IAEA cooperated in the organization. A total of 328 persons from 37 countries and fIve international organizations participated. The scope of these Proceedings extends to a wide range of interdisciplinary topics dealing with measu rement, calculation, evaluation and application of nuclear data, with a major emphasis on numerical data. Both energy and non-energy related applications are considered and due attention is given to some fundamental aspects relevant to the understanding of nuclear data.

The Status of Nuclear Data Evaluations for Version VI of ENDF

Book Description

A new version of the United States national evaluated nuclear data file, ENDF/B-VI, is nearing completion. Major emphasis is being placed on correcting some long-standing nuclear data problems that adversely affect applied calculations for fission and fusion reactors. This paper reviews some of the evaluation activities of most revelance for fission reactor applications, namely, those involving control, cooling, and shielding materials, structural elements, and the major actinides. Additionally, because of its impact on all the data, work on the Standards Data File for Version VI is also summarized.

Actenmässige Geschichts-Erzehlung, worinn durch ohnverwerfliche Documenta und Urkunden, auch eigene Anerkanntnussen erwiesen wird, dass die Fürstl. Abtey Fulda die zeitliche Ertzbischöfe zu Mayntz, als ihre metropolitanos, in vorigen und jüngeren Zeiten ganz ohnweigerlich anerkannt, auch an eine exemptionem in clerum et populum niemahlen gedacht habe, folglich dass gedachte Abtey, ohne ausdrückliche ertzbischöfliche Einwilligung, in ein, und zwar exemptes Bischthum nicht erhoben werden könne

Book Description

Nuclear Data Requirements for Fission Reactor Neutronics Calculations

Book Description

The paper discusses current European nuclear data measurement and evaluation requirements for fission reactor technology applications and problems involved in meeting the requirements. Reference is made to the NEA High Priority Nuclear Data Request List and to the production of the new JEFF-3 library of evaluated nuclear data. There are requirements for both differential (or basic) nuclear data measurements and for different types of integral measurement critical facility measurements and isotopic sample irradiation measurements. Cross-section adjustment procedures are being used to take into account the simpler types of integral measurement, and to define accuracy needs for evaluated nuclear data.