Spectrum Management for the 21st Century

Book Description

More intensive use of spectrum would meet existing and potential demand and could be the basis for unprecedented economic growth.

Spectrum Management

Book Description

This white paper announces the Government's intention to bring forward legislation to permit the use of pricing as an aid to effective spectrum management in the 21st century. It also sets out, and seeks views on, detailed proposals on how spectrum pricing should be applied.

Spectrum Management for Science in the 21st Century

Book Description

Radio observations of the cosmos are gathered by geoscientists using complex earth-orbiting satellites and ground-based equipment, and by radio astronomers using large ground-based radio telescopes. Signals from natural radio emissions are extremely weak, and the equipment used to measure them is becoming ever-more sophisticated and sensitive. The radio spectrum is also being used by radiating, or "active," services, ranging from aircraft radars to rapidly expanding consumer services such as cellular telephones and wireless internet. These valuable active services transmit radio waves and thereby potentially interfere with the receive-only, or "passive," scientific services. Transmitters for the active services create an artificial "electronic fog" which can cause confusion, and, in severe cases, totally blinds the passive receivers. Both the active and the passive services are increasing their use of the spectrum, and so the potential for interference, already strong, is also increasing. This book addresses the tension between the active services' demand for greater spectrum use and the passive users' need for quiet spectrum. The included recommendations provide a pathway for putting in place the regulatory mechanisms and associated supporting research activities necessary to meet the demands of both users.

The ITU and Managing Satellite Orbital and Spectrum Resources in the 21st Century

Book Description

Access to satellite orbits and spectrum is managed by the ITU, a United Nations body that strives to extend the benefits of new technologies to the world, while ensuring equitable access to these resources. This book explores how the ITU approaches these dual missions in light of the increasing saturation of the geostationary orbit by a vibrant global satellite industry and the rising interests of developing countries in accessing these limited resources. These issues were the subject of debate at the 2012 World Radiocommunication Conference. This book describes and assesses various regulatory approaches undertaken to manage the increasing requests for access to space and especially access to spectrum and orbital locations in the geosynchronous or “The Clarke” orbit.

Radio Spectrum Management

Book Description

This book presents the fundamentals of wireless communications and services, explaining in detail what RF spectrum management is, why it is important, which are the authorities regulating the use of spectrum, and how is it managed and enforced at the international, regional and national levels. The book offers insights to the engineering, regulatory, economic, legal, management policy-making aspects involved. Real-world case studies are presented to depict the various approaches in different countries, and valuable lessons are drawn. The topics are addressed by engineers, advocates and economists employed by national and international spectrum regulators. The book is a tool that will allow the international regional and national regulators to better manage the RF spectrum, and will help operators and suppliers of wireless communications to better understand their regulators.

Joint Spectrum Acquisition and Management for the 21st Century

Book Description

Radio frequency (RF) spectrum is a limited, reusable resource. The next century's ownership of this resource, and the policies which guide it's usage, are being determined today. The spectrum requirements needed for the realization of Joint Vision 2010 are in direct competition with similar commercial needs worldwide. This thesis outlines the fundamental agencies, regulations and policies that govern the acquisition and management of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. An understanding of Department of Defense (DoD), national, and international procedures for frequency management is critical to military acquisition professionals involved in the planning of future systems. This thesis will assist students and researchers at the Naval Postgraduate School in developing an understanding of spectrum management and acquisition policies as they relate to United States (US) joint military command, control and communications (C3) systems.

Essentials of Modern Spectrum Management

Book Description

Are you fully up-to-speed on today's modern spectrum management tools? As regulators move away from traditional spectrum management methods, introduce spectrum trading and consider opening up more spectrum to commons, do you understand the implications of these developments for your own networks? This 2007 book was the first to describe and evaluate modern spectrum management tools. Expert authors offer insights into the technical, economic and management issues involved. Auctions, administrative pricing, trading, property rights and spectrum commons are all explained. A series of real-world case studies from around the world is used to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the various approaches adopted by different regulators, and valuable lessons are drawn from these. This concise and authoritative resource is a must-have for telecom regulators, network planners, designers and technical managers at mobile and fixed operators and broadcasters, and academics involved in the technology and economics of radio spectrum.