Speculations about reincarnation and materialized spirits

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The doctrines of Theosophy are simply the faithful echoes of Antiquity. Man is a Unity only at his origin and at his end. But the rabble was the same in every age: superstitious, self-opinionated, materializing every most spiritual and noble idealistic conception and dragging it down to its own low level, and ever adverse to divine philosophy.

Hair is the retainer of Prana

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Hair is closely connected with many brain functions. Old people, as they lose their hair, lose much of their memory and become weaker. The Yanadi seer grows his hair and lets no razor pass his head. Yet fashion, which has somehow succeeded in making respectability its queer ally, forbids civilized society wearing their hair long. Samson, the personification of the Sun and the Jewish Hercules, speaks of his seven locks which, when cut off, will deprive him of his physical strength, i.e., kill the material man, leaving only the spiritual. But the Bible conceals purposely the esoteric truth, that the seven locks symbolize the septenary physical man. The fact that the Roman Church has abandoned the tradition preserved by the Greek Church, in that it has adopted the solar tonsure, demonstrates that the Church of Rome is the one that has wandered farthest from the religion of the mystical Christ.

Septenary is the Constitution of Man

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Need to bring order into the chaos of metaphysical terms

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Only a thorough apprehension of the seven principles of the living man, each of which is subdivided into seven more, can bring order into the chaos and confusion of terms and notions.

Chinese beliefs about the human soul

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Septenary man is the synthesis of a triple emanation of the Unintelligible Divine Essence, and the lower quaternary, which is the vehicle of life. Upon death, the earth conceals the flesh; the shade flits round the tomb; the underworld receives the image; the spirit seeks the stars.

Today’s psychology lacks entirely knowledge of the soul

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The twin sciences of psychology and metaphysics have fared worse than any other science, and have been so separated in Europe as to have become in their ignorance mortal enemies. Modern psychology is a misnomer, even though it is claimed that it has “reached conclusions of great generality and truth, regarding all that can be known to man.” The modern psychologist, dealing only with the superficial brain-consciousness, is far more materialistic than the all-denying materialism itself. Brain-consciousness, or “personality,” is the consciousness inhering in the lower portion of the mortal manas-mind, which is correlated with the physical brain. It is a mere instrument for harvesting experience on behalf of the immortal Buddhi-Manas or Monad, and imparting to it the aroma of consciously-acquired experience.