Book Description

The DarkBrats who rule the earth have made it a 'standard' to spy on everyone. They want to steal what everyone else has worked for, just like Reptilian Alien Joanny and her TapLine Master HarOld, and they are so afraid they will not have all the control they want over others to do so. They use Marketing Ploy and Project Fear to the masses as they in turn are afraid for themselves of loosing their stupid illusionary power over others, which is nothing more than Agreement. Are these educated people bored or what? Yes they are, because The Whole of LifeIS is not about what YU can get here, IT IS ALL about Your Real Awareniss and not about what can be had on the earth, which will pass away. YU always have the choice to BE Real or stay asleep with the Dumbed Down Humans. The Spies of The Earth will always be around doing their Silly Stuff, as the earth is a 'Place in life' and not Life ITSelf. This can be your time to get out and BE Free Now! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info


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"ALLIFE IS LIGHT!" Says Rebazar Tarzs. Rebazar taught Paul & Duane for many lifetimes to prepare them for The NUNowniss of THE ALLIS. When is was time for Paul Twitchell to appear on the scene in 1965 with The Rod of Power, he wrote many books to explain how to make The RealConnection to THE ALLIS, but at the time Paul could not go directly to THE IS, because it would have been too much for people to See, so Paul created the 'foundation' to be built upon so the process of awakening could start for those who were Now ready to go beyond the Gods of Man. Paul hinted at 'THE ISNESS' as little was written about it, because Paul knew that it would take time for people to get to know what he was presenting. The two who followed Paul were to expand upon what Paul created, but they were too interested in being the 'idolized master' raking in the money of what has become the Krone Korporation now owned by Queen B Joanny. Joanny is only interested in Kontrol and Kash. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info


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It is all about the 'Money and Power' with HarOld, as he has forgotten His RealAwareniss, and instead follows his emotional attachment to HER. SHE will not let him do anything She does not want him to do, as he 'Thinks' they are in love and that SHE is the faithful wife of the master. HarOld is completely under HER Deception & Rule. All of this and a lot more can be Seen on The RealSide in Your Dream Visions with Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides. YU and everyone else have been warned about the Reptilian Kontrol of this planet, and if YU do not decide to WakeUp Now, then YU will come back here unaware! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info


Book Description

Duane The Great Writer is at the scene on The RealSide LifeIS, where everything is exposed and cannot be hidden. TapLining Master HarOld and his ever so cunning Reptilian Mate Joanny are busy moving about in the shadows of the Lower Astral Worlds looking for unsuspecting unaware souls to TapLine. MasterHead HarOld and Witch Joanny have had plenty of practice TapLining their personally owned MemberShrimps for the past 30 years with their 'pretty words' of emotional attachment that draws in the Alien Reptilian Influence that is unseen by most. TapLining is something the various Government Agencies have been doing for centuries along with entering a person's dreams, and this has become common practice for Takeover Joanny and her band of Dumbed Down Higher InMates she has convinced to help her. HarOld is so doped by her that all he cares about is looking good to the audience and being worshiped as an Authoritarian Representative for the Kalaum God. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info


Book Description

I more than understand what you out there are saying about, "Where is the Love, Duane?" We have all come up through the 'Idea of Love' moreso than the 'Reality LUV IS!' I will explain the best I can to where YU, The RealU, can somewhat understand, but there will always be those who will want to hold onto their Personal Emotional Attachments and ideas about what they 'Think' LUV IS. Just like anything, what we have come to learn about the idea of Love, Personal and Emotional Love that is, is that there are many stages and always more to learn. For the most part, many people take for granted what they 'Think' is Love and how others should react accordingly, or it seems as though this person or that person does not at all care, but there is always more to See, Understand & Experience with anything. There is the old saying, 'Love Makes The World Go Round!' Is this really so, or is this just a cute idea that people like to feel good about? You Decide. www.DuaneTheGreatEducator.info / www.TapLining.info


Book Description

Reptilian Joanny and Master HarOld is fate! The two have been together for three decades doing business and subconsciously Kontrolling their MemberShrimps. From the 'Front' they have created it all looks good, from the tie TapLining HarOld wears to the Temple of Eckonkon. Those who have a RealAwareniss can See past the One-Dimensional Performance these two Puppets of the Kalaum God are doing. They are already experiencing a much bigger picture from The RealSide LifeIS with Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides of THE ALLIS. Most people have been brainwash to just be 'Liberalized' and to see this world according to those who are in Kontrol, but those who do The NU-U Sessions and Watch Your DreamVisions, they will learn to See Beyond the Kontrolling Maya of Reptilian Joanny and TapLining HK. Only those who have a BraveHeart will be able to handle all the Planned Deception of today's modern era. If YU are a RiskTaker and have the courage to know more, then keep reading and YU will See! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info


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THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN, Duane The Great Writer. As I stand in The RealPosition with The RealGuides, I have asked Eva Shari to join me, as we both stand in THE NUWAVIS NOW. Many people are now having RealSide Experiences with us Being Together. This was all set into motion long ago for this very moment with The NUNowniss of THE IS. Miss Eva & I are here everyday for everyone. Those who sincerely test The NU-U Sessions will find us with Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides on The RealSide and in Your DreamVisions. There can only be one way to RealTruth & RealFreedom, and that is to Become MoreAware and Recognize THE ALLIS. The Gods of Man had their day and they will not be forgotten, as they are an excellent reference and comparison to What IS Real Now. This is the 'idea' of Creation, to have something to compare with The TruReality LifeIS, which in turn gives us a TruVU, so as to Recognize The Whole of Life. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info


Book Description

The NUPresentation Foundation is simply a 'NUPresentation' for this world like the Sun Shining in the sky. We are providing RealGuidance and a RealEducation and we work with The Natural Environment that supports ALL of US. We are providing ALLHumanitarian Projects that will work for Everyone who is willing to creatively work with US. We are the 'WorldWide WakeUp Call' for ALL. We are not connected to any of the Earthly Korporations, yet we do have a 'Business Model' we go by, which is to 'Work With Everyone' who sincerely wants to Become MoreAware and no longer wants to be restricted by what they have come to know that is not truly beneficial, and especially with the 'Marketing Fronts' of those who profess to know more than Life ITSelf. We simply suggest to Test The NU-U Sessions and 'Let Life Show YU What IS Real Now!' We are 'An Adventure Like No Other' and only for those have have The RealCourage to be Real RiskTaker and See Beyond, and then Step Beyond all restrictions. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info


Book Description

DUANE INTERVIEWS THE OLD MASTER ON THE REALSIDE... Duane The Great Writer is on ALL The Levels of Life and Stands with Rebazar Tarzs & THE ALLIS. On The Seventh Level of The Real UNUverses, all of us are Beings of Light, and this is where Duane interviewed The Being of Light that operates the physical body of HarOld Klump of the Karmicly Kontrolled Krone Korporation. Most people do not know there is so much more to all of us, and that we are each having a lot of experiences on many levels and in many other dimensions. This is a candid interview that will interest a lot of people. Do The NU-U Sessions and contact Rebazar Tarzs and Paul Twitchell and Watch Your DreamVisions. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info