Bose-Einstein Condensation

Book Description

Among the most remarkable effects that quantum mechanics adds to the catalog of the thermal properties of matter is "condensation" of an ideal gas of identical particles into a single quantum state, the principle of which was discovered in the theory of statistical mechanics by Bose and Einstein in the 1920s. Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) is a mechanism for producing a macroscopic quantum system, and is exemplary of the macroscopic quantum phenomena of superconductivity and superfluidity.These 15 papers provide an introduction to current work on BEC.

Non-classical States of Matter in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates

Book Description

Bose-Einstein condensate, spin dynamics, entanglement, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlation, quantum Zeno effect, interaction-free measurements. - Bose-Einstein-Kondensat, Spindynamik, Verschränkung, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Korrelationen, Quanten-Zeno-Effekt, wechselwirkungsfreie Quantenmessungen

Quantum Many-Body Physics in Open Systems: Measurement and Strong Correlations

Book Description

This book studies the fundamental aspects of many-body physics in quantum systems open to an external world. Recent remarkable developments in the observation and manipulation of quantum matter at the single-quantum level point to a new research area of open many-body systems, where interactions with an external observer and the environment play a major role. The first part of the book elucidates the influence of measurement backaction from an external observer, revealing new types of quantum critical phenomena and out-of-equilibrium dynamics beyond the conventional paradigm of closed systems. In turn, the second part develops a powerful theoretical approach to study the in- and out-of-equilibrium physics of an open quantum system strongly correlated with an external environment, where the entanglement between the system and the environment plays an essential role. The results obtained here offer essential theoretical results for understanding the many-body physics of quantum systems open to an external world, and can be applied to experimental systems in atomic, molecular and optical physics, quantum information science and condensed matter physics.