Spiritual Encounter with the Shroud

Book Description

Caspar McCloud was interviewed by L A Marzulli for PP&S magazine in 2013 on the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin. The remarkable supernatural image seen on the Shroud changed McCloud's life forever. He answers the questions many may eventually ask and shares his spiritual encounter, discovery, and insights with you. Come and see for yourself and learn the vital message encoded into the burial cloth of the risen Saviour.

Messages from the Shroud of Turin

Book Description

Jesus Christ is truly risen, and with his Shroud, He has left us an emblem that provides us with messages for our day and time. The Shroud of Turin reveals to our astonished eyes the Jesus-Father who loves us above all things. This book is intended to guide readers to a better understanding the nature of the Christian God. It provides answers to questions about the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin. From the moment this sacred relic was first created, it has had the innate power to guide and, when needed, to ease our human life journey to God. The details described in the book are drawn from the words of the German-language mystics who received the texts for the New Revelation. Prior to modern research on the Shroud, these details had never been confirmed. Traces of blood from the crucified Jesus form symbols on the Shroud, allowing us to comprehend Jesus Resurrection not only in allegorical terms, but also tangibly, materially. The Shroud of Christ is a visual and symbolic Gospel, which requires no words in order to be intuitively understood. To provide a clearer understanding of the Shroud messages, some thoughts and philosophies prominent figures from the worlds of science and the arts have also been included in this book. The overlap between the worldviews of these individuals and the texts from the German mystics makes clear that even for such noted individuals as Goethe, Planck, Einstein, and Heisenberg, nothing that exists on earth, in the microcosm, or in the universe would be conceivable in the absence of a Creator Spirit. Life itself is dim and only the power to create symbols and to understand them turns us from living beings into human beings. (Werner Heisenberg)

The Challenge of the Shroud

Book Description

The Shroud of the Second Coming

Book Description

What if in one possible future that the burial cloth of Jesus Christ is proven to be authentic? That the technology of the given time can identify the creation of something so extraordinary that it goes way beyond scientific understanding? And what if someone was to tell you that it could happen in this lifetime? Well, there is such a possibility. And based on scientific facts with biblical understanding is a story describing such an event as it unfolds. Based on facts, this fantasy has it all. The Shroud of Turin, The Hadron Particle Collider, Spiritual Intervention, Paranormal Events, World Involvements, Battles, and Global Terrorism. In the near future, an Earthquake erupts out in the West Bank desert, creating an eerie blue glow that forms over a valley they call The Corridor. Looked upon as a scientific phenomenon, science and religion have a need to investigate. And during their research, experience anomalies that go way beyond human understanding and are soon recognized as spiritual occurrences. Further up north in Europe is the Particle Collider and its discovery of another dimensional plane. It's there that they make the most significant find of them all when testing for the Shroud's authenticity. In effect, its repercussions have a global impact that alters the course of humanity.

The Shroud

Book Description

Two decades after radiocarbon dating declared the Turin Shroud a mediaeval fake, brand-new historical discoveries strongly suggest that this famous cloth, with its extraordinary photographic imprint, is genuinely Christ's shroud after all. In 1978 in his international bestseller The Turin Shroud Ian Wilson ignited worldwide public debate with his compelling case endorsing the shroud's authenticity. Now, 30 years later, he has completely rewritten and updated his earlier book to provide fresh evidence to support his original argument. Shroud boldly challenges the current post-radiocarbon dating view - that it is a fake. By arguing his case brilliantly and provocatively, Ian Wilson once more throws the matter into the public arena for further debate and controversy.

Resurrection of the Shroud

Book Description

This book scientifically challenges earlier radiocarbon testing and presents new evidence in determining the Shroud of Turin's true age.

The Mysteries of the Shroud

Book Description

Following a summary of all available information on the Internet about the Shroud, the author discusses the place of God in the contemporary world. As long as, in the name of science, men reject the transcendental world, and first the idea of ​​God, how could they envisage that a man, worst a man disfigured, a man flagellated, a man crucified, a man pierced, could be God come on the Earth to give the meaning of life? But also resurrected? If the principles of science are entirely contrary to any idea of ​​resurrected, philosophy should it not also reject the idea of ​​an absolute God and therefore unique, according to the mind of Socrates, but who would be multiple? Father, Son and Spirit. These Mysteries are recalled by the Shroud, beyond a Way of the Cross drawn by the blood of Jesus of Nazareth.

New Light on Jesus

Book Description

The Turin Shroud is it ... a fraud, a mystery, the witness of a miracle? Bit by bit, the investigation into the Turin Shroud becomes an explosive historical controversy. Medical examiners say that the man under the shroud must have still been alive! Was it Jesus, who survived his crucifixion? This would turn the resurrection into a matter of science, not only faith. This book presents scientific evidence so you can decide for yourself whether Christians will have to confront the idea that some of their central beliefs have no historical basis. Christianity beyond sacrificial death and supernatural resurrection is not its end but the dawn of a new beginning. This is the message of this book. A radical book for spiritual pioneers.

Shroud Encounter

Book Description

It was a crime scene investigation like no other. A man was tortured, beaten, and killed. He was popular with the people, but many in power wanted Him dead. After a mock trial, the powerful had their way. He was given a hasty burial, but now the body has disappeared. Was there a clue left behind? A bloody sheet offers evidence of a horrific execution. Was the body stolen? By whom and why? Did it just vanish? What does the cloth reveal about the disappearance? The Shroud of Turin (Italy) bears the faint front and back image of a bearded crucified man with corresponding bloodstains that match the Gospel accounts of what happened to Jesus. It is the most analyzed artifact in the world yet remains an unsolved mystery. While there are no artistic substances on the linen cloth, the blood is real, and testing corresponds with type AB. The blood has soaked through the cloth; however, the image resides only on the top 1 percent of the surface fibers. Could it be the same Shroud that wrapped Jesus in the tomb? The Shroud poses the ultimate either-or proposition as either the actual burial cloth of Jesus or the product of human effort, as a work of devotional art or a masterful hoax. There is nothing in between. The culmination of a lifetime of research, countless presentations, and ongoing associations with Shroud experts worldwide, Russ Breault's Shroud Encounter--Explore the World's Greatest Unsolved Mystery examines the science, history, and theology surrounding this profound enigma. If proven one day to be authentic, the implications could truly shake the world.

The Shroud

Book Description

A historical, scientific and spiritual guide to the Shroud of Turin that explores the question of the authenticity of the Shroud as a relic of Jesus. Illustrated with 195 color and black and white photos, some rare and some never before published.