Trust the Winds

Book Description

Poetry is such a personal vehicle for unleashing what is in the heart and mind. One literally puts their soul on paper and then cautiously shares their personal experiences. Each poem in the collection is original. All are the result of events which have come to shape the author's life. While most are in English there are two or three in Spanish and French. The words will touch men and women of any age, straight and gay individuals, anyone who allows themselves to feel what is in their hearts....

Marrow of Flame

Book Description

This beloved collection of poetry by Dorothy Walters exploring the spiritual journey through a mystic's eye is now available in this updated edition, with a new introduction by Andrew Harvey."This re-issue of Dorothy Walters's mystical masterpiece Marrow of Flame is a great literary and spiritual event. I don't know of any other poet currently writing in English who expresses so simply and nobly and with such authority the ordeals, ecstasies and revelations of the path to radiant embodiment. Whatever path you are on, read these quietly astounding love-poems to the Divine and let them guide you..."~ Andrew Harvey (from the Introduction to the 2nd edition)"These poems make me gasp. I thought all the great mystics had been gone for centuries... Dorothy Walters--part buddha, part elf--weaves mythic literacy with subversive compassion."~ Mirabai Starr, author of Saint Teresa of Avila and God of Love

Transcendent Sky

Book Description

"a New Earth born from aspiration's yearning fire." Transcendent Sky is a collection of poems that explore the spiritual essence of life and inspire the awakening of the Soul and Spirit towards greater enlightenment and self-awareness. Through a unique offering of inspiration, contemplation, and insight, this book of poetry expresses some of the author's inner experiences and personal reflections along the spiritual journey. It is a journey that evokes the Oneness of all of Life and the Divine Presence that dwells uniquely within each person. A meditation of words flow through these poems with the power to uplift, transform, and transport one's Being to inner realms of Light, Love, Beauty, and Consciousness. Poems in this collection include: Human Unity, Twin Flame, A Dance Called Yoga, Spirit of Change, Sunshine Dreams, Child, and Moonlit Contemplation.

Spiritual Journey in Poetry

Book Description

Letters to the Rock

Book Description

Letters to the Rock is the story of a spiritual journey, told in poems, starting from reliance on worldly concerns, through conflict, to the healing process, and eventual trust in the True Rock, Jesus Christ. The poems are simple, honest and moving. They will tug on your heart-strings and inspire your spirit. They journal a painful emotional struggle, followed by deep spiritual healing, to the ultimate arrival at joy in faith and trust in God. Leonie Phoenix is an avid believer that God can transform any situation to bring about good. She hopes that through sharing her experiences, she can help others find new meaning and purpose in their lives. She lives in the Caribbean with her husband and children. Fascinating and beautiful. I like the whole idea, and how it is expressed. It is excellent food for thought. Brenda Quin, co-author of That Still Small Voice. Thought-provoking The writer has understood that the suffering endured now will lead to eventual true joy if the individual uses it to empty him or herself of their worldly desires and replaces them with the in-dwelling Spirit of God, who refills us with the peace and love and mind of Christ. Peter Westin, co-author of That Still Small Voice. I enjoyed the poems very much. They conjured up many images and the message from the writing has helped me with my own personal inner struggles. I got a deep understanding of the writer. She realises God doesnt always answer her pleas and cries in the way she wants. But, no matter where this journey takes her, she will always win through. She has learnt to trust God. She praises Him and her heart is now on fire within Gods warmth. Colin Wilson, author of The Judith Code. Leonies writings are an expression of her very heart, body, soul and mind. Cathartic and healing, her pen creates a space for spirituality which takes her readers from the underworld to the divine. She's the pilgrim poet. Quincy Brown, Performing Artiste and Radio Personality.

Along the Way

Book Description

This book is a collection of poems to guide you along your journey with God. No matter where you are, this book has three parts. If you are at the beginning,I have compiled a set titled In the beginning where a worshiper has a new relationship with God and may be unsure and scared. I have a second set titled Along the way for worshipers who know God is there but needs encouragement as they are daily tested. Last but not least I have compiled worship poems titled Praise, which is acknowledging His highness and worshiping our king!

Meditations of the Heart

Book Description

Th is is an uplifting compilations of poems. Th ese are meditations, statements and chronicles of a spiritual journey. Th is collection is a collection of clear and heartfelt works by the poet with accessible language and relatable themes. It is the poets sincere conviction that spiritual growth and becoming a compassionate human being is a life long process. In the third section , Poems from a Beit Midrash(house of study) , the poet relates this growth process through the lens of the Jewish Spiritual Tradition. Th e themes are universal and are a calling for an increasingly mindful and compassionate world.

Spiritual Journey Poetry and Praise

Book Description

This is a collection of poetry that I have written and self published. The collection is of spiritual poetry. Take the journey with me through my poetry. There we will find challenges, we will overcome together, new faith we will find and joy in the mist of the day-to-day. Along the way, love will carry us and God will lead the way.

Real Thirst

Book Description

The poems in Real Thirst are an exploration of the spiritual journey viewed through the mystic's eyes. This collection is a delightful blend of word and silence, presenting moments of contemplation punctuated with bursts of ecstatic insight. Real Thirst combines original poems by Ivan M. Granger with new translations of works by visionaries from both East and West: John of the Cross, Francis of Assisi, Symeon the New Theologian, Hakim Sanai, Tukaram, Sarmad, Bulleh Shah, Sachal Sarmast, Vladimir Solovyov, Tulsi Sahib, and Antonio Machado. "The parched know - real thirst draws rainwater from an empty sky. Ivan M. Granger" ____________ Praise for "Real Thirst" ""This book... is a unique presentation from one who is both scholar and mystic, original poet and collector of others' works. Real Thirst should be in the library of any serious seeker on the path. It should be read aloud from pulpits and savored in the midnight devotions of the solitary seeker. It reminds us of who we are..."" DOROTHY WALTERS, author of "Unmasking the Rose" and "Marrow of Flame" ""I found Real Thirst to be a slow, cool and refreshing drink. I believe you will find these poems an antidote to the rush of your days."" JOHN FOX, author of "Poetic Medicine: The Healing Art of Poem-Making" and "Finding What you Didn't Lose" ""Ivan M. Granger's poems not only invite us into reunion with the 'Thief of Hearts, ' each is actually a direct infusion of that dangerous, ecstatic meeting. Every page of this book is a luminous portal through the details of this world into the vastness of pure being. I will turn to these poems again and again for transport to the ineffable, for medicine to heal my restless mind, for a fierce and tender dose of the Beloved."" KIM ROSEN, author of "Saved by a Poem: The Transformative Power of Words" ""A delightful prism through which we see a delicate dance of fireflies and countless other wonders - poems, haiku and translations to illuminate the heart and the world."" GABRIEL ROSENSTOCK, author of "Haiku Enlightenment" and "Bliain an Bhande / Year of the Goddess" ""Ivan M. Granger has thrown open the doors of his body, heart and mind to the Infinite's expressions of Itself in this world... These poems touch all the heart-strings. I laughed, I shed tears, I fell into contemplative states, I felt awe and wonder, love and longing as I read his offerings... You'll want to return to this wellspring to quench your thirst over and over again."" LAWRENCE EDWARDS, Ph.D., author of "The Soul's Journey: Guidance From the Divine Within" and "Kali's Bazaar"

Rising From the Ashes

Book Description

Rising From the Ashes is more than a book of religious poetry. It is about one woman’s journey, after healing for many years from the effects of childhood abuse, to continued growth in healing her spirit. Much attention has been given in recent years to uncovering child abuse and seeking to punish the abusers. However, that is only the first small step for the victim who will then often spend years and thousands of dollars to finally bring to recognition the insidious unseen effects that abuse has caused psychologically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. Jolainne was one of those victims. It is easy to see physical scars and bruises, but it is very difficult to see interior scars and bruises. People more knowledgeable and competent than the author have discussed the psychological and social wounds, and she has even described her own long circuitous journey in another volume. However, Rising From the Ashes attempts to show how deeply wounded the victim’s spirit is affected. It also attempts to give hope to anyone else who has been affected by childhood abuse, especially when they recognize the spirit is the core of their being and can only be healed on a spiritual level. Because the journey seems so long, ways to acknowledge growth and progress to keep from being discouraged are often necessary. Rising From the Ashes attempts to demonstrate this progress by using the theme of seasons. A season is cyclical and so is healing. One doesn’t merely heal by first going through acknowledgement of a wound, then anger, then grief, then acceptance and, finally one is free from the abuse. No, the victim goes through many stages, often many times with the same issue. It is the same with spiritual healing. Trust is wounded on so many levels, but healing is possible and it is a wonderful journey when one can finally look back on it and see how God has really been with you all the way, even in the dark days when you cannot see or believe anything. Rising From the Ashes is a compilation from many poems over the years to illustrate the slow steady progress of one woman’s spiritual life encapsulated in a year of seasons. In one’s own life, if you can get through the dark times, you can see the silver lining. So, too, if you can get past the early dark poems of the book, you will arrive at that wonder-filled place where poems are filled with a sense of freedom and joy. The hope is that you will be able to see your own spiritual journey somehow reflected in its verses.