Spoils of War (a.k.a The Thieves)

Book Description

Best selling author of COLDIRON SPOILS OF WAR a.k.a The Thieves 1846 President Polk believes in Manifest Destiny—the United States should extend to the Pacific Ocean. Mexico’s states California and New Mexico block him. Polk has a solution for that. He orders General Zachary Taylor take an army to Corpus Christi. Sixteen year old Charlie Bell lies about his age and joins Taylor's Army and marches with the 4,500 men to the Rio Grande. In a fierce battle with the Mexican Army, Charlie kills with musket and bayonet. The Americans capture Matamoros. Flush with victory, the Americans attack the walled city of Monterrey. As Charlie fights a young Mexican, both are wounded by an exploding cannon ball. While in the hospital, Charlie becomes friends with the wounded Mexican, Ernesto Armentes. Charlie helps Ernesto to escape and deserts the army. They journey to New Mexico and find it in turmoil, captured by Americans and its people being robbed by a band of murderous Texans. Desiring to own a great horse rancho, Charlie and Ernesto steal colts from Luke Coldiron and hurry into the mountains with them. Coldiron races to catch and hang the horse thieves and find the outlaw Texans. Thus begins a saga of search and vengeance as Coldiron turns hunter and killer.

The Last Orphan Train

Book Description

The Last Orphan Train a.k.a. The Girl in Falling Snow Alice Childs, a strikingly beautiful thirteen year old girl, immigrates with her mother to America from London. During a black night in the voyage across the sea, Alice's mother is murdered. Now an orphan and penniless, Alice arrives in New York where she must survive on the dangerous streets by her wits and courage. She is arrested for stealing food for her starving little friend Gracie. Released into the custody of the nuns of the Catholic Church Children's Aid Society she is transported to Minnesota on the last of their "Orphan Trains." There she falls into the hands of people brutal and vile and must fight the two men who attack her. Frightened, hungry, freezing, she flees into the snow covered wilderness of northern Minnesota and trying to reach sanctuary in Canada. She is pursued by the sadistic rapist Taggert. During her journey, Alice encounters the half crazy Will also fleeing north to Canada, the black faced wolf that is drawn to follow her because of her female scent, and the young fur trapper Paul and his mighty wolf hound Brutus. Exhausted and freezing, Alice reaches the frozen Rainy River. Crossing the ice she falls through and becomes trapped beneath it. She is rescued by Paul. She and Paul and Brutus and the black face wolf and the killer Taggert meet in a final battle of survival.

Soldiers of Conquest

Book Description

Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant, comrades in arms in the Mexican-American War 1846–1848. President Polk, desiring to expand the United States to the Pacific Ocean, orders General Winfield Scott to invade Mexico at Veracruz and march inland and capture Mexico City. Mexico controlled much of what is now the southwestern part of the United States and California. Scott arrives at Veracruz with 100 ships crowded with 9,000 soldiers and the tools of war, cannon, muskets and cavalry mounts. Among the soldiers are Lieutenant Ulysses S. Grant and Captain Robert E. Lee. Grant, 24 years old, is a hardened combat veteran from fighting with General Taylor in northern Mexico. Lee, 40 years old, is untested in battle. Both men desire grade and glory and it is during war that these can be won if a man acted bravely. General Scott lands his army upon the hostile Mexican shore. After a heavy bombardment of Veracruz, the Americans capture the city. Scott waits for the reinforcements that President Polk had promised. When they do not arrive and his men begin to die from yellow fever, Scott severs his link with the States and his supply base at Veracruz and marches his small army into the mountains. He must capture Mexico City lying in the center of the nation of seven million inhabitants. He will lead his men to victory or death. General Santa Anna is waiting with an army of 30,000 soldiers to annihilate the small force of invading Americans.

Spoils of War

Book Description

Best selling author of COLDIRON SPOILS OF WAR (a.k.a. The Thieves) 1846 President Polk believes in Manifest Destiny-the United States should extend to the Pacific Ocean. Mexico's states California and New Mexico block him. Polk has a solution for that. He orders General Zachary Taylor take an army to Corpus Christi. Sixteen year old Charlie Bell lies about his age and joins Taylor's Army and marches with the 4,500 men to the Rio Grande. In a fierce battle with the Mexican Army, Charlie kills with musket and bayonet. The Americans capture Matamoros. Flush with victory, the Americans attack the walled city of Monterrey. As Charlie fights a young Mexican, both are wounded by an exploding cannon ball. While in the hospital, Charlie becomes friends with the wounded Mexican, Ernesto Armentes. Charlie helps Ernesto to escape and deserts the army. They journey to New Mexico and find it in turmoil, captured by Americans and its people being robbed by a band of murderous Texans. Desiring to own a great horse rancho, Charlie and Ernesto steal colts from Luke Coldiron and hurry into the mountains with them. Coldiron races to catch and hang the horse thieves and find the outlaw Texans. Thus begins a saga of search and vengeance as Coldiron turns hunter and killer.

Islam Exposed

Book Description

Question: How many religions host offensive terrorist training camps? Do the Baptists? Fundamentalists? Catholics? Presbyterians? Russian Orthodox? Jewish? Buddhists? Hindus? Methodists? Lutherans? Christian Scientists? Atheists? Or anyone else except Islam? No, not one. Only the Muslims under the guise of Jihad conduct such camps. Why? Think about it. It is an integral part of the Islamic religion to destroy all others and to control the world. This is obvious, yet it is ignored internationally and especially by mainstream media -- ignored to the peril of all. There seems to be an effort to paint America and/or Israel as the evil empire, and all the while Muslims are killing millions all over the globe today! We must wake up. This book, although brief, explains the history and fundamentals of Islam with definitive descriptions of various confusing Islamic terms. It outlines the Muslim agenda, including their next primary goal of conquering America and Israel, and establishing Sharia law. This is not a fairy tale. The author clearly documents present-day terror, killings worldwide, and the grave threat to all Western nations. - Back cover.

Spoils of War

Book Description

A Lublin Survivor

Book Description

Daughter of Holocaust survivors, wife, mother, grandmother and genealogist Esther was given the opportunity to document her mothers wartime survival. In transcribing verbal testimony to book form, she has engaged deeply with historical records and studied how such awful events played out over the years of Nazi rule. The memories recorded are of a vibrant pre-war Jewish Lublin life extinguished forever and for her mother Eva, survival against all odds.

Spoils of War

Book Description

Escaping Obscurity Napoleon Encounters Jesus

Book Description

In this book, "Escaping Obscurity, Napoleon Encounters Jesus?" the author looks at the lives of a few who scaled the heights and found fame, fortune and uncommon success. With an eye towards examining the wisdom principles they've employed, she focuses on Napoleon in an effort to prove that all wisdom originates from God; and that this same Wisdom works for anyone who will employ it.

The Family Court Industrial Complex and Post Traumatic Family Court Disorder

Book Description

This book serves as a paradigmatic revolution in evolutionary theory, ethics, and family law. By way of establishing that cryptic ovulation was the critical event in our evolutionary history, The Family Court Industrial Complex and Post Traumatic Family Court Disorder conclusively establishes that the savage nature of the family court system is evolutionary based "male rape" and that many of the systems victims are suffering from an insidious malady known as Post Traumatic Family Court Disorder (PTFCD).