SPSS For Dummies

Book Description

SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) is a data management and analysis software that allows users to generate solid, decision-making results by performing statistical analysis This book provides just the information needed: installing the software, entering data, setting up calculations, and analyzing data Covers computing cross tabulation, frequencies, descriptive ratios, means, bivariate and partial correlations, linear regression, and much more Explains how to output information into striking charts and graphs For ambitious users, also covers how to program SPSS to take their statistical analysis to the next level

Discovering Statistics Using SPSS

Book Description

'In this brilliant new edition Andy Field has introduced important new introductory material on statistics that the student will need and was missing at least in the first edition. This book is the best blend that I know of a textbook in statistics and a manual on SPSS. It is a balanced composite of both topics, using SPSS to illustrate important statistical material and, through graphics, to make visible important approaches to data analysis. There are many places in the book where I had to laugh, and that's saying a lot for a book on statistics. His excellent style engages the reader and makes reading about statistics fun' - David C Howell, Professor Emeritus, University of Vermont USA This award-winning text, now fully updated with SPSS Statistics, is the only book on statistics that you will need! Fully revised and restructured, this new edition is even more accessible as it now takes students through from introductory to advanced level concepts, all the while grounding knowledge through the use of SPSS Statistics. Andy Field's humorous and self-deprecating style and the book's host of characters make the journey entertaining as well as educational. While still providing a very comprehensive collection of statistical methods, tests and procedures, and packed with examples and self-assessment tests to reinforce knowledge, the new edition now also offers: - a more gentle introduction to basic-level concepts and methods for beginners - new textbook features to make the book more user-friendly for those learning about more advanced concepts, encouraging 'critical thinking' - a brand new, full-colour design, making it easy for students to navigate between topics, and to understand how to use the latest version of SPSS Statistics - both 'real world' (the bizarre and the wonderful) and invented examples illustrate the concepts and make the techniques come alive for students - an additional chapter on multilevel modelling for advanced-level students - reinforced binding to make the book easier to handle at a computer workstation. The book also includes access to a brand new and improved companion Website, bursting with features including: - animated 'SPSS walk-through' videos clearly demonstrating how to use the latest SPSS Statistics modules - self-marking multiple choice questions - data sets for psychology, business and management and health sciences - a flash-card glossary for testing knowledge of key concepts - access to support material from SAGE study skills books. Statistics lecturers are also provided with a whole range of resources and teaching aids, including: - the test bank - over 300 multiple-choice questions ready to upload to WebCT, Blackboard or other virtual learning environments - charts and diagrams in electronic format for inclusion in lecture slides - PowerPoint slides written by the author to accompany chapters of the text.

Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics

Book Description

With an exciting new look, math diagnostic tool, and a research roadmap to navigate projects, this new edition of Andy Field’s award-winning text offers a unique combination of humor and step-by-step instruction to make learning statistics compelling and accessible to even the most anxious of students. The Fifth Edition takes students from initial theory to regression, factor analysis, and multilevel modeling, fully incorporating IBM SPSS Statistics© version 25 and fascinating examples throughout. SAGE edge offers a robust online environment featuring an impressive array of free tools and resources for review, study, and further exploration, keeping both instructors and students on the cutting edge of teaching and learning. Course cartridges available for Blackboard, Canvas, and Moodle. Andy Field is the award winning author of An Adventure in Statistics: The Reality Enigma and is the recipient of the UK National Teaching Fellowship (2010), British Psychological Society book award (2006), and has been recognized with local and national teaching awards (University of Sussex, 2015, 2016).

Introduction to R in IBM SPSS Modeler

Book Description

This IBM RedpaperTM publication focuses on the integration between IBM® SPSS® Modeler and R. The paper is aimed at people who know IBM SPSS Modeler and have only a very limited knowledge of R. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 provide you with a high level understanding of R integration within SPSS Modeler enabling you to create or recreate some very basic R models within SPSS Modeler, even if you have only a basic knowledge of R. Chapter 5 provides more detailed tips and tricks. This chapter is for the experienced user and consists of items that might help you get up to speed with more detailed functions of the integration and understand some pitfalls.

IBM SPSS by Example

Book Description

The updated Second Edition of Alan C. Elliott and Wayne A. Woodward’s "cut to the chase" IBM SPSS guide quickly explains the when, where, and how of statistical data analysis as it is used for real-world decision making in a wide variety of disciplines. This one-stop reference provides succinct guidelines for performing an analysis using SPSS software, avoiding pitfalls, interpreting results, and reporting outcomes. Written from a practical perspective, IBM SPSS by Example, Second Edition provides a wealth of information—from assumptions and design to computation, interpretation, and presentation of results—to help users save time, money, and frustration.

Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics

Book Description

Lecturers/instructors - request a free digital inspection copy here With a little help from his weird band of characters the Fourth Edition of the award-winning book continues, with its unique blend of humour and collection of bizarre examples, to bring statistics - from first principles to advanced concepts - well and truly to life using IBM SPSS Statistics. Lecturers: with WebAssign® you can manage and monitor your students' progress quickly and easily online or give them more opportunities to practise! Ideal for short courses, choose to use WebAssign® alongside the Fourth Edition of Andy Field's textbook to quickly set up courses and schedule assignments (using the 2159 questions available) and track individual performance so you can spot in an instant where more instruction or practice is needed. If not using for fomal assessment, WebAssign® still lets you set questions for your students to practise over and over again. They get instant feedback and also links to the relevant chapter or section in the integral ebook to help them work out the correct solution. For more information on how to integrate WebAssign® into a forthcoming course or to arrange a class test please contact your local SAGE representative for more details. (Students please note: access to WebAssign® is dependent not only on the purchase of a student access code (ISBN: 9781446273043) but also a username, institution code and password supplied by your course leader/instructor). SAGE MobileStudy - study where and when you like Scan any QR code within the book to access revision material on a smartphone or tablet such as Cramming Sam's Study tips, flashcard glossaries, interactive multiple choice questionnaires and more. Click here to take a look (if you're accessing the site from a desktop you'll be taken to the Companion Website instead; look out for the MobileStudy icon to show you which pages are also available on the MobileStudy site). See how Andy's book is changing the landscape for textbooks through the use of technology! Support materials for a wide range of disciplines Education and Sport Sciences lecturer support materials with enhanced ones for Psychology, Business and Management and the Health Sciences on the enhanced Companion Website make the book even more relevant to a wider range of subjects across the social sciences and where statistics is taught to a cross-disciplinary audience. Other major new updates include: Now fully compatible with recent IBM SPSS Statistics releases. Two new characters! Statistical cult leader Oditi provides students with access to video clips via his Lantern to help further understanding of statistical/SPSS concepts, while Confusius helps students to make better sense of statistical terms. The enhanced Companion Website offers plenty of lecturer and student material to use in conjunction with the textbook. These include PowerPoints and subject-specific testbanks for lecturers as well as answers to the Smart Alex tasks at the end of the each chapter; datafiles for testing problems in SPSS; flashcards of key concepts; self-assessment multiple-choice questions; and online videos of key statistical and SPSS procedures discussed in the textbook for students. Video Links Go behind the scenes of the Fourth Edition, and find out about the man behind the book Watch Andy introduce SAGE MobileStudy Ask Andy Anything: Teaching stats... and Robbie Williams' head Ask Andy Anything: Gibson or Fender Ask Andy Anything: The one part of the book Andy hated writing Available with Perusall—an eBook that makes it easier to prepare for class Perusall is an award-winning eBook platform featuring social annotation tools that allow students and instructors to collaboratively mark up and discuss their SAGE textbook. Backed by research and supported by technological innovations developed at Harvard University, this process of learning through collaborative annotation keeps your students engaged and makes teaching easier and more effective. Learn more.

Using R for Introductory Statistics

Book Description

The second edition of a bestselling textbook, Using R for Introductory Statistics guides students through the basics of R, helping them overcome the sometimes steep learning curve. The author does this by breaking the material down into small, task-oriented steps. The second edition maintains the features that made the first edition so popular, while updating data, examples, and changes to R in line with the current version. See What’s New in the Second Edition: Increased emphasis on more idiomatic R provides a grounding in the functionality of base R. Discussions of the use of RStudio helps new R users avoid as many pitfalls as possible. Use of knitr package makes code easier to read and therefore easier to reason about. Additional information on computer-intensive approaches motivates the traditional approach. Updated examples and data make the information current and topical. The book has an accompanying package, UsingR, available from CRAN, R’s repository of user-contributed packages. The package contains the data sets mentioned in the text (data(package="UsingR")), answers to selected problems (answers()), a few demonstrations (demo()), the errata (errata()), and sample code from the text. The topics of this text line up closely with traditional teaching progression; however, the book also highlights computer-intensive approaches to motivate the more traditional approach. The authors emphasize realistic data and examples and rely on visualization techniques to gather insight. They introduce statistics and R seamlessly, giving students the tools they need to use R and the information they need to navigate the sometimes complex world of statistical computing.

Business Research Methods and Statistics Using SPSS

Book Description

Ideal for those with a minimum of mathematical and statistical knowledge, Business Research Methods and Statistics Using SPSS provides an easy to follow approach to understanding and using quantitative methods and statistics. It is solidly grounded in the context of business and management research, enabling students to appreciate the practical applications of the techniques and procedures explained. The book is comprehensive in its coverage, including discussion of the business context, statistical analysis of data, survey methods, and reporting and presenting research. A companion website also contains four extra chapters for the more advanced student, along with PowerPoint slides for lecturers, and additional questions and exercises, all of which aim to help students to: - Understand the importance and application of statistics and quantitative methods in the field of business - Design effective research studies - Interpret statistical results - Use statistical information meaningfully - Use SPSS confidently

SPSS 12.0 Brief Guide

Book Description

"A student version of the world's leading desktop statistical software"--Box.