Sri Namamrita Samudra (English)

Book Description

A spiritual treasure trove filled to the brim with the sweet nectar of the Holy Name is called Sri Namamrita Samudra. This inspirational essay is a celebration of the Holy Name of the Lord’s power and importance, especially the Hare Krishna mantra, in the practice of Bhakti (devotion). For those seeking to follow the path of chanting and devotion, it provides inspiration and direction.

Śrī nāmāmṛta samudra

Book Description

Described the names of the associates of Kr̥ṣṇa, Hindu deity, along with a humble appeal to them.

Sri Narottam Vilasa (English)

Book Description

This book (Narottama Vilāsa) gives an insight into the times just after the disappearance of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda. The book contains 12 vilasas (chapters), edited by Nandgopal Jivan Dasa.

Sri Namamrta

Book Description

Sri Amnaya Sutra (English)

Book Description

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura wrote the Sri Amnaya Sutra in 1890. It is largely based on the Upanisads and contains 130 aphorisms, along with commentary. As it is said, “Essential truth spoken concisely is true eloquence,” This wonderful book is the perfect example of this. Here we find all the basic understandings of the Krsna conscious philosophy, and refutations of the arguments that attempt to counter such an understanding, presented in a very concise, progressive, and masterly way.


Book Description

Tattva Viveka

Book Description

Ekādaśī Māhātmya

Book Description

On the significance of fasting on the eleventh day (Ekādaśī) of the lunar fortnights in Hindu calandar and associated rituals based on Puranas.


Book Description

Concept of Bhakti according to Chaitanya (Sect) in Vaishnavism.