Sri Stavavali (English)

Book Description

Sri Stavavali encapsulates various prayerful compositions by Srila Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami. Immersed in the emotions of separation from Sri Sri Radha-Krsna and his spiritual mentors, these prayers offer a profound insight into the mindset of an elevated pure devotee. Through a careful reading, one can witness the genuine yearning and devotion, devoid of any inclination for material enjoyment independent of the service to the Lord. Srila Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami's heartfelt expressions within these verses provide a window into the purity and unwavering dedication characterizing a soul deeply committed to the divine service of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna.

Sri Vraja Vilasa Stava

Book Description

Sri Vraja Vilasa Stava Prayers glorifying the Lord’s pastimes in Vraja. These verses are filled with the splendid and charming sweetness of the residents of Vraja, and describes some untold characters and places with their importance that are not commonly heard by anyone.

Sri Gaur Ganoddesa Dipika (English)

Book Description

Sri Gaur Ganoddesa Dipika (The shining Lamp on the Associates of Gaura). This is a unique work of Kavi Karnapura, describing the other-worldly identities of the prominent associates and followers of Sri Caitanya, who are understood to have descended with Him from Goloka, the Acme of spiritual abodes. English translation by kusakratha dasa.


Book Description

Forthcoming Books

Book Description

Dāna Keli Cintāmaṇi

Book Description

Dāna Keli Cintāmaṇi narrates the sweet pastime of collecting tax by Kṛṣṇa with his narma sakhas, imitating tax collectors, from Rādhā and her sakhīs, while they were on their way to Vasudeva's sacrifice performed at Govinda-kuṇḍa. It especially focuses on the exchange of sweet words between Kṛṣṇa and Rādhā along with sakhis, and also the description of Radha's beauty by Kṛṣṇa while he was trying to extract the toll.

Sri Suka Sari Stava (English)

Book Description

The profound and pious poem “Sri Suka Sari Stava” extols the virtues of Lord Krishna as related by Sage Sukadeva Goswami in the ancient text “Srimad Bhagavatam.” This hymn serves as a poetic and inspirational statement of adoration and devotion to Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Pearl Story

Book Description

Vaishnava prayer; Sanskrit text with English translation.

Sri Chaitanya in the Religious Life of India

Book Description

The Volume Entitled Sri Chaitanya In The Religious Life Of India Is A Comprehensive Account Of The Life, Activities And Philosophy Of Sri Chaitanya With Particular Reference To Orissa.