Śrī Ujjvala-nīlamaṇi

Book Description

Treatise on Sanskrit poetics and Vaishnava poetry.

Sri Ujjvala Nilamani (English)

Book Description

Madhura-rasa is made even more relishable when accompanied by the ecstatic sentiments vibhava, anubhava, sattvika-bhava, and sancarl-bhava, which will all be described in this book. The learned devotees call this mellow madhura-rasa because it is the sweetest (madhura) of all mellows of devotional service

Ujjvala Nīlamaṇi

Book Description


Book Description

Treatise with English translation on Sanskrit poetics.

Śrī Uddhava-sandeśa

Book Description

Two messenger poems with text & translation.


Book Description

Vidagdha Mādhava

Book Description

The two works, Vidagdha-mādhava and Lalita-mādhava were written by Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī. The Vidagdha-mādhava describes pastimes in Vṛndāvana, and the the pastimes in Lalita-mādhava begins in Vṛndāvana and ends in Dvārakā. Both of them, praised by Rāmānanda Rāya and Caitanya Mahāprabhu for its excellent verses, wonderfully describe the emotions of the highest rasa.Vidagdha-mādhava, a seven-act play was completed by Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī in the 1533 A.D. This work concerning Kṛṣṇa, friend of the gopīs, is permeated with ornaments in the form of conversations. The land within Vṛndāvana has become the arena for the performance of the drama. The spring season in which the moon has become newly red in response has become the suitable time.

Śrī Lalitā-Mādhava

Book Description

Play on Radha and Krishna, Hindu deities.

Cowherd Boys Nectar

Book Description

This unique work was composed in 1731 A.D. by Sri Nayanananda Thakur. The word preyo is used in the Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu as a synonym for sakhya (fraternity). Nayanananda Thakura was a resident of Mangala-dihi village, and hailed from the disciplic branch of the famous Sri Parni Gopal, who was the direct disciple of Lord Nityananda's personal associate known as SriSundarananda Gopal. Sundarananda is celebrated as the incarnation of Sudama, one of the principal cowherd boys, who are eternal associates of Lord Balarama. These dear boyfriends incarnate on earth in order to sport with Balarama when He descends as Lord Nityananda during the performance of Gauranga-lila. This is described in the Sri Chaitanya- Charitamrita, Adi-lila, 11.13-48. The author's composition naturally follows in the footsteps of Sudama. Therefore we find the ecstatic descriptions of a day in the life of the cowherd boys of Vraja.

Dana Keli Kaumudi (English)

Book Description

This (Dana Keli Kaumudi) is a divine play/drama, written by Srila Rupa Goswami, with commentaries of Srila Visvanath Cakravarti Thakur. In the Caitanya-caritamrta (Antya 4.226) there is a verse that describes the writings of Sril Rupa Gosvami: Srila Rupa Gosvami compiled 100,000 verses, beginning with the book Dana-Keli-Kaumudi. In all these scriptures, he elaborately explained the transcendental mellows of the activities of Vrndavna. This one-act drama describes the very celebrated pastime of Krsna’s efforts to extract a toll from Radha and her companions as they carried butter for the performance of a sacrifice being performed in the forest of Vrndavana. Of course, it cannot be emphasized enough that such pastimes are only to be relished by devotees who have thoroughly understood Lord Krsna’s position as the Supreme Personality of Godhead by carefully studying the first nine cantos of the Srimad-Bhagavatam.”