Srila Prabhupada-lilamrta

Book Description

Srila Prabhupada-lilamrta, volume 1

Book Description

Srila Prabhupada-lilamrta tells the story of a remarkable individual and a remarkable achievement. The individual is A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: philosopher, scholar, religious leader, saint. The achievement is the revolutionary transplantation of a timeless spiritual culture from ancient India to twentieth-century America. This first of two volumes begins with the story of the events leading up to Srila Prabhupada's meeting his guru, an encounter that ignited in Srila Prabhupada a slowburning flame of desire to take Krishna consciousness to the Western world. His early life was a period of patient and transcendent determination as he prepared for a mission that would later be crowned with astounding success. In August and September of 1965 Srila Prabhupada traveled alone aboard a steamship from India to New York City, with no more than the equivalent of eight dollars in his pocket and no institutional backing, but with unshakable faith in Lord Krishna and the instructions of his spiritual master. It is the 1960s, an era in which the children of those who fought World War II were leading a sweeping revolt against a society losing its soul to godless mass consumerism. Into this milieu Srila Prabhupada brought a vision for a new kind of society, a society born of a radical transformation of human consciousness from materialism to the loftiest spiritual and ethical idealism. By 1967 he had arrived in San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury district, America's counter-culture capital, where he continued his work of calling America's youth to live up to their higher spiritual ideals and distributing the holy name of Krishna indiscriminately. By the end of the volume, we have seen Srila Prabhupada in England (meeting the Beatles), Holland, Japan, Africa, and finally back in India, where he triumphantly returned with his "dancing white elephants" – a group of his mostly Caucasian Western followers. The research team assembled by the author traveled throughout the world to gather thousands of hours of interviews with hundreds of people who knew Srila Prabhupada; diaries and memoirs from his students; and more than seven thousand of Srila Prabhupada's letters. Then the author and his team distilled this voluminous firsthand source material into a rich composite view of Srila Prabhupada, a dazzling and colorful picture of one of the most remarkable lives of our times.

Searching for Vedic India

Book Description

Deep in lost history, did high civilizations and advanced knowledge thrive? The ancient Vedic literatures of India describe a worldwide civilization that flourished at a time when modern historians insist that humans like us existed simply as hunter-gatherers. This Vedic civilization, centered in India, employed technologies based on a scientific under­standing of the physical elements and forces we know today, as well as more subtle conscious elements. Devamrita Swami, who has spent a lifetime in his own search for Vedic India, takes us on a journey of intellectual discovery through the history of the remarkable Vedic civilization and its knowledge, locked in the ancient literatures of India. His wit and wisdom combine to make our search for Vedic India not only illuminating but entertaining. He tells us not only the truths of Vedic India, but how they are again coming to be. Searching for Vedic India thus takes us not only into the past, but into the future.


Book Description

Srila Prabhupada Smaranam

Book Description

A full color illustrated story of Srila Prabhupada. This new Satsvarupa dasa Goswami's book is suitable for all, senior or weathered practitioners of bhakti-yoga, as well as the newcomers; coming out almost thirty years since first publication by the same author of Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta.

Civilization and Transcendence

Book Description

In June 1976, Bhavan’s Journal, a Bombay cultural and religious magazine, sent various religious and spiritual leaders a questionnaire looking for enlightened answers to some of the perplexing questions of the day, such as the place of religion in modern society. One recipient of their questionnaire was Srila Prabhupada, who took the opportunity to make a thorough presentation of the ideal Vedic civilization, show the faults of modern society from the viewpoint of transcendence, and offer practical solutions based on Krishna conscious teachings. His answers to the questionnaire were later compiled and published in this compact and lively book.

Śrī Govinda Līlāmr̥ta

Book Description

On Krishna, Hindu deity.

Watering the Seed

Book Description

In his book, Watering the Seed, Giriraj Swami shares his realizations with honesty, wisdom, and humility. He recounts how Lord Krishna's beloved gardener, Srila Prabhupada, took such great care to water the seed of devotion within his heart. You will be transported into Prabhupada's association during some of the most historic moments of Iskcon's development. You will be given entrance into his private quarters to witness his gentle fatherly love toward his young and sometimes perplexed spiritual child. Prabhupada's innocent childlike humor will bring joy to your heart. Prabhupada's compassion for the conditioned souls overcomes all opposition with unrelenting determination and faith. You will hear Prabhupada's spontaneous philosophical perspectives both in times of crisis and in everyday life.