Ssn 14

Book Description

SSN 14 is a dramatic and honest account of a year in the life of HMS Turbulent, the Royal Navy nuclear powered attack submarine led by Ryan Ramsey. During 2011 Turbulent participated in the Libya intervention and passed through the Suez Canal to take up patrol in the Indian Ocean against the extraordinary political backdrop of the Arab Spring, in the period where both Colonel Gaddafi and Osama Bin Laden were killed and piracy and terrorism was rife. Turbulent suffered a catastrophic failure of its cooling systems. The fight to survive tested Ryans command to its limits. Although the suffering was immense, the entire crew survived intact. Ryan also had to deal with constantly changing crew and transform them into a tight-knit, smoothly functioning team that could meet, and exceed, any challenge thrown at them. This books documents his failures, as well as his successes and offers a unique insight into leadership in the most challenging of environments. No matter where your business battles are fought, this will help you be phenomenal at what you do.


Book Description

The author's "forgotten novel" about submarine warfare finds the United States at war and its underwater fleet carrying the burden of the conflict. Reprint.

Wisconsin Statutes

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Federal Register

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The Silent Deep

Book Description

'The Ministry of Defence does not comment upon submarine operations' is the standard response of officialdom to enquiries about the most secretive and mysterious of Britain's armed forces, the Royal Navy Submarine Service. Written with unprecedented co-operation from the Service itself and privileged access to documents and personnel, The Silent Deep is the first authoritative history of the Submarine Service from the end of the Second World War to the present. It gives the most complete account yet published of the development of Britain's submarine fleet, its capabilities, its weapons, its infrastructure, its operations and above all - from the testimony of many submariners and the first-hand witness of the authors - what life is like on board for the denizens of the silent deep. Dramatic episodes are revealed for the first time: how HMS Warspite gathered intelligence against the Soviet Navy's latest ballistic-missile-carrying submarine in the late 1960s; how HMS Sovereign made what is probably the longest-ever trail of a Soviet (or Russian) submarine in 1978; how HMS Trafalgar followed an exceptionally quiet Soviet 'Victor III', probably commanded by a Captain known as 'the Prince of Darkness', in 1986. It also includes the first full account of submarine activities during the Falklands War. But it was not all victories: confrontations with Soviet submarines led to collisions, and the extent of losses to UK and NATO submarine technology from Cold War spy scandals are also made more plain here than ever before. In 1990 the Cold War ended - but not for the Submarine Service. Since June 1969, it has been the last line of national defence, with the awesome responsibility of carrying Britain's nuclear deterrent. The story from Polaris to Trident - and now 'Successor' - is a central theme of the book. In the year that it is published, Russian submarines have once again been detected off the UK's shores. As Britain comes to decide whether to renew its submarine-carried nuclear deterrent, The Silent Deep provides an essential historical perspective.


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Social security rulings on federal old-age, survivors, disability, and supplemental security income; and black lung benefits.


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