Stabilising the European Economic and Monetary Union

Book Description

Most EU Member States are equipped with a set of powerful instruments to mitigate the effect of economic shocks on employment and income. With the inception of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), countries have lost control over their monetary policy, which instead is now managed centrally at the EMU-level. Fiscal policy, which comprises important automatic stabilisers such as a country’s unemployment insurance scheme, remained a national competence. EMU does not have such a stabilisation mechanism. In the past, EMU’s dual institutional architecture has been strongly criticised and many have called for reform, especially after the financial crisis starting in 2008 and the subsequent European debt crisis. This weakness was also underlined more recently, in the Five Presidents’ Report “Completing Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union” published in 2015, which proposed to introduce in the longer term a fiscal stabilisation function for EMU. Such automatic stabilisation at the euro area level should improve the cushioning of large macroeconomic shocks and thereby make EMU overall more resilient, provided a significant degree of economic and financial integration is achieved, together with further pooling of decision-making on national budgets and democratic accountability. The exact design of such euro area stabilisers requires more in-depth work on the legal, economic and political preconditions. A European unemployment benefits scheme (EUBS) has long been discussed as one possible response to stabilisation needs, among other potential stabilisation mechanisms. In 2014, the European Commission, following a request from the European Parliament, commissioned an investigation into the feasibility and added value of a European Unemployment Benefit Scheme as a fiscal stabilisation mechanism for the Eurozone (for more details on the project, see Annex 1). This study was conducted by a consortium led by the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) and examined 18 EUBS variants (on which more details are provided in Annex 2). It does not represent the Commission’s position. A comparative assessment of the EUBS with other stabilisers, however, was beyond the scope of this study.

The Pursuit of Stability of the Euro Area as a Whole

Book Description

This book analyses the ongoing reform of the European economic union in the light of the new objective of ‘stability of the euro area as a whole’ in Article 136(3) TFEU. On the basis of the relevant legal sources, it qualifies this objective as the obligation to preserve the existence of the monetary union, the establishment of which was an EU goal laid down in Article 3(4) TEU. While to date the objective has been achieved through fiscal and macroeconomic consolidation in the member states and the activation of stabilisation mechanisms in cases of emergency, the book argues that full stability requires a better system of economic governance, either through a process of partial fiscal centralisation or the return to a more efficient and sustainable market discipline of public finances. It also analyses the concrete legal challenges these raise, including compliance with the conferral principle, the longstanding democratic deficit of the governance and the balance between financial solidarity and fiscal responsibility.

Aspects of European Monetary Integration

Book Description

This book provides a thorough knowledge of the nature of the convergence criteria which states must meet in order to qualify for accession to the future Economic and Monetary Union of Europe and comprehensive coverage of both the economic and political rationale of the criteria within the framework of an international political economy approach. Thus, throughout the course of the analysis, three questions in particular are addressed: first, what is the relationship between the economics and politics of the convergence criteria; second, how do domestic and international factors impact upon their future realisation; and third what, overall, is the role of the state. This book gives valuable insights into the Economic and Monetary Union debate.

Will Fiscal Policy Be Effective Under EMU?

Book Description

European Economic and Monetary Union does not envisage creating a central fiscal authority. Monetary and exchange rate policies will be centralized, but fiscal policy will remain a national responsibility, in line with the subsidiarity principle. This paper argues that monetary union will generate pressures for closer economic integration than currently envisaged. Although not a necessity, a more active central role could then be justified on the grounds of allocative efficiency, redistribution, and stabilization. While in the short term enhanced policy coordination may address those pressures satisfactorily, as economic integration proceeds, the case for a central fiscal authority may become stronger.

A Stabilisation Function

Book Description

The European Commission's Communication sets out a vision of how certain budgetary functions that are essential for the euro area and the EU as a whole can be developed within the framework of the EU's public finances of today and tomorrow. In this Communication, the Commission presents some key features for the roll-out of a stabilisation function as a way of preserving investment levels in the event of large asymmetric shocks. A stabilisation function at European level would provide the possibility to activate resources rapidly to deal with large asymmetric shocks that cannot be managed at the national level alone. The stabilisation function is intended for the euro area Member States and open to all who would wish to participate.

Fiscal Policy in Economic and Monetary Union

Book Description

The book has many merits, and represents an important contribution to the controversial topic of European fiscal policy. I appreciated in particular the high quality and rigor of the analysis and the fact that the pros and cons of the contending opinions are presented in a fair way. It is a rewarding reading. EAEPE Newsletter Buti and Franco present a series of interesting analytical information which should be read by as broad an audience as possible. . . the book is a good buy. László Csaba, Acta Oeconomica This book explores the origins, rationale, problems and prospects of the European fiscal policy framework. It provides the reader with a roadmap to EMU s budgetary framework by exploring its theoretical and empirical foundations, uncovering its historical roots and emphasising its supranational nature. The authors, who have been at the forefront of the academic and policy debate on economic policy in Europe, argue that fiscal policy has always been at the core of the EMU debate. The Maastricht criteria and the Stability and Growth Pact are the most contentious building blocks of EMU s institutional architecture: they have aroused heated controversies between academics and policymakers ever since their adoption. As EMU s budgetary rules undergo their first severe shock, Europe is still searching for its fiscal soul. The book s basic premise is that one cannot fully understand EMU s fiscal framework and the recent debate on its reform without placing them in a historical and institutional perspective and abstracting from the uniqueness of EMU, where sovereign countries retain a large degree of fiscal independence, and monetary policy is entrusted to an independent central bank with the overriding mission of maintaining price stability. Analysing all aspects of EMU s fiscal rules and institutions, this book will strongly appeal to students, academics and researchers of macroeconomic policy and European integration. Policymakers and fiscal policy experts at both national and international levels will also find the book to be of great interest.

Changing Institutions in the European Union

Book Description

This book makes a valuable, analytical contribution to recent debates on the ongoing institutional changes occurring within the European Union. It provides a comprehensive and diverse insight into a variety of areas, including in-depth studies of fiscal, monetary and voting issues, to help elucidate the current period of transitional change. The authors argue that a fiscal constitution is essential to help solve the deficits and debts that member countries face due to welfare state financing. Moreover, they believe that the successful implementation of a fiscal constitution is the key to a more coherent institutional setting for Europe as a whole. Although monetary institutions within the EU have already secured a degree of constitutional solution in the form of the euro, they warn that its stabilising power should not be overestimated: the European Central Bank has yet to experience financial crises like those faced by the Federal Reserve Bank. The authors move on to propose a new parliamentary design for Europe and assess the advantages for the elite of a small country to join the EU, compared to the population at large. This volume comprehensively explores the rapidly changing institutional configuration of the EU, employing both qualitative and quantitative approaches. It will be required reading for scholars of public choice, and those with an interest in political economy and EU integration. It is also an excellent sourcebook on European institutions and would provide useful complementary reading in a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

EU Law in Populist Times

Book Description

A state-of-the-art analysis of the contentious areas of EU law that have been put in the spotlight by populism.