Stability of Time Dependent and Spatially Varying Flows

Book Description

This volume is the collection of papers presented at the workshop on 'The Stability of Spatially Varying and Time Dependent Flows" sponsored by the Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (lCASE) and NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) during August 19- 23, 1985. The purpose of this workshop was to bring together some of the experts in the field for an exchange of ideas to update the current status of knowledge and to help identify trends for future research. Among the invited speakers were D.M. Bushnell, M. Goldstein, P. Hall, Th. Herbert, R.E. Kelly, L. Mack, A.H. Nayfeh, F.T. Smith, and C. von Kerczek. The contributed papers were by A. Bayliss, R. Bodonyi, S. Cowley, C. Grosch, S. Lekoudis, P. Monkewitz, A. Patera, and C. Streett. In the first article, Bushnell provides a historical background on laminar flow control (LFC) research and summarizes the crucial role played by stability theory in LFC system design. He also identifies problem areas in stability theory requiring further research from the view-point of ap plications to LFC design. It is an excellent article for theoreticians looking for some down-to-earth applications of stability theory.

The Origin of Turbulence in Near-Wall Flows

Book Description

The Origin of Species Charles Darwin The origin of turbulence in fluids is a long-standing problem and has been the focus of research for decades due to its great importance in a variety of engineering applications. Furthermore, the study of the origin of turbulence is part of the fundamental physical problem of turbulence description and the philosophical problem of determinism and chaos. At the end of the nineteenth century, Reynolds and Rayleigh conjectured that the reason of the transition of laminar flow to the 'sinuous' state is in stability which results in amplification of wavy disturbances and breakdown of the laminar regime. Heisenberg (1924) was the founder of linear hydrody namic stability theory. The first calculations of boundary layer stability were fulfilled in pioneer works of Tollmien (1929) and Schlichting (1932, 1933). Later Taylor (1936) hypothesized that the transition to turbulence is initi ated by free-stream oscillations inducing local separations near wall. Up to the 1940s, skepticism of the stability theory predominated, in particular due to the experimental results of Dryden (1934, 1936). Only the experiments of Schubauer and Skramstad (1948) revealed the determining role of insta bility waves in the transition. Now it is well established that the transition to turbulence in shear flows at small and moderate levels of environmental disturbances occurs through development of instability waves in the initial laminar flow. In Chapter 1 we start with the fundamentals of stability theory, employing results of the early studies and recent advances.

Ordered and Turbulent Patterns in Taylor-Couette Flow

Book Description

Seldom does a physical system, particularly one as apparently simple as the flow of a Newtonian fluid between concentric rotating cylinders, retain the interest of scientists, applied mathematicians and engineers for very long. Yet, as this volume goes to press it has been nearly 70 years since G. I. Taylor's outstanding experimental and theoretical study of the linear stability of this flow was published, and a century since the first experiments were performed on rotating cylinder viscometers. Since then, the study of this system has progressed enormously, but new features of the flow patterns are still being uncovered. Interesting variations on the basic system abound. Connections with open flows are being made. More complex fluids are used in some experiments. The vigor of the research going on in this particular example of nonequilibrium systems was very apparent at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Ordered and Turbulent Patterns in Taylor Couette Flow," held in Columbus, Ohio, USA May 22-24, 1991. A primary goal of this ARW was to bring together those interested in pattern formation in the classic Taylor Couette problem with those looking at variations on the basic system and with those interested in related systems, in order to better define the interesting areas for the future, the open questions, and the features common (and not common) to closed and open systems. This volume contains many of the contributions presented during the workshop.

Direct and Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulence

Book Description

This volume contains papers presented to a EUROMECH-Colloquium held in Munich, September 30 to October 2, 1985. The Colloquium is number 199 in a series of colloquia inaugurated by the European Mechanics Committee. The meeting was jointly organized by the 'Lehrstuhl fur Stromungsmechanik' at the 'Technische Universitat Munchen' and the 'Institut fur Physik der Atmosphare' of the 'Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt fur Luft- und Raumfahrt' (DFVLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen. 'Direct' and 'large eddy simulation' are terms which denote two closely con nected methods of turbulence research. In a 'direct simulation' (DS), turbu lent motion is simulated by numerically integrating the Navier-Stokes equations in three-dimensional space and as a function of time. Besides ini tial and boundary conditions no physical simplifications are involved. Com puter resources limit the resolution in time and space, though simulations with an order of one million discrete points in space are feasible. The simu lated flow fields can be considered as true realizations of turbulent flow fields and analysed to answer questions on the basic behaviour of turbulence. Direct simulations are valid as long as all the excited scales remain within the band of resolved scales. This means that viscosity must be strong enough to damp out the not resolved scales or the simulation is restricted to a lim ited integration-time interval only. In summary, DS provides a tool to investigate turbulent motions from first principles at least for a finite band of scales.

IUTAM Symposium on Mechanics of Passive and Active Flow Control

Book Description

The call for papers for the rUTAM-Symposium on Mechanics of Passive and Active Flow Control brought an overwhelming response of applications for contributions. Fi nally 12 invited lectures, 48 papers and 23 posters were selected by thc Scientific Com mittee to be presented in the conference. 58 papers are published in this volume. Due to the limited number of pages available, poster presentations could not be considered for publication. The editors would like to thank all the members of the Scientific Committee for their very valuable assistance. The papers presented at the rUT AM Symposium were classified under three groups de voted to • Passive Control Methods, • Active Control Methods and • Control Concepts. This was done to contrast at first between the passive techniques where the control power is mainly supplied by the flow itself and the active techniques where the power is pro vided by external sources; the third group was devoted to control concepts for presenting methods of control theory and new techniques of flow control.

Laminar-Turbulent Transition

Book Description

The origins of turbulent flow and the transition from laminar to turbulent flow are among the most important unsolved problems of fluid mechanics and aerodynamics. Besides being a fundamental question of fluid mechanics, there are any number of applications for information regarding transition location and the details of the subsequent turbulent flow. The JUT AM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, co-hosted by Arizona State University and the University of Arizona, was held in Sedona, Arizona. Although four previous JUT AM Symposia bear the same appellation (Stuttgart 1979, Novosibirsk 1984, Toulouse 1989, and Sendai 1994) the topics that were emphasized at each were different and reflect the evolving nature of our understanding of the transition process. The major contributions of Stuttgart 1979 centered on nonlinear behavior and later stages of transition in two-dimensional boundary layers. Stability of closed systems was also included with Taylor vortices in different geometries. The topics of Novosibirsk 1984 shifted to resonant wave interactions and secondary instabilities in boundary layers. Pipe- and channel-flow transition were discussed as model problems for the boundary layer. Investigations of free shear layers were presented and a heavy dose of supersonic papers appeared for the first time. The character of Toulouse 1989 was also different in that 3-D boundary layers, numerical simulations, streamwise vortices, and foundation papers on receptivity were presented. Sendai 1994 saw a number of papers on swept wings and 3-D boundary layers. Numerical simulations attacked a broader range of problems.

Physics of Transitional Shear Flows

Book Description

Starting from fundamentals of classical stability theory, an overview is given of the transition phenomena in subsonic, wall-bounded shear flows. At first, the consideration focuses on elementary small-amplitude velocity perturbations of laminar shear layers, i.e. instability waves, in the simplest canonical configurations of a plane channel flow and a flat-plate boundary layer. Then the linear stability problem is expanded to include the effects of pressure gradients, flow curvature, boundary-layer separation, wall compliance, etc. related to applications. Beyond the amplification of instability waves is the non-modal growth of local stationary and non-stationary shear flow perturbations which are discussed as well. The volume continues with the key aspect of the transition process, that is, receptivity of convectively unstable shear layers to external perturbations, summarizing main paths of the excitation of laminar flow disturbances. The remainder of the book addresses the instability phenomena found at late stages of transition. These include secondary instabilities and nonlinear features of boundary-layer perturbations that lead to the final breakdown to turbulence. Thus, the reader is provided with a step-by-step approach that covers the milestones and recent advances in the laminar-turbulent transition. Special aspects of instability and transition are discussed through the book and are intended for research scientists, while the main target of the book is the student in the fundamentals of fluid mechanics. Computational guides, recommended exercises, and PowerPoint multimedia notes based on results of real scientific experiments supplement the monograph. These are especially helpful for the neophyte to obtain a solid foundation in hydrodynamic stability. To access the supplementary material go to and type in the ISBN for this volume.